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16 and getting a second chance at the lap band- questions and encouragement needed!

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My name is Kelsey, and i am 16 years old. i have been very heavy nearly all of my life, or at least, all of my life that i can remember. About a year ago, one of my doctors told me and my mom about an availability for teenagers to get the Lap-Band as an experimental trial. If insurance could not pay, then it would be payed for by the company performing the trial. There were only 25 spots available, and it was only open to teenagers, and teenagers in my area. naturally, at first, i was an emotional wreck. i didnt know if this was right for me, i was scared, depressed, and all over the place. 'Normal for a teenager' i kept telling myself. It took a lot for me to push past the point of shock and fear. In order to have the surgery, i was required to go to an informational meeting. Here, we were told that there were around 10 spots left. Near the end of the meeting, i gave them my forms with all the information needed. after the meeting, the people in charge told my mom and i that they would get back to us within two weeks. two weeks later, nothing had happened. no call, no email, nothing. weeks continued to pass by, when my mom started calling them. they continued to say that someone was going to call any day now. each time that she persisted to call, they told us this. One night, the phone rang, and my heart sunk before anyone even picked up the phone. after my mom took the call, all she had to do was look at me for me to know, and i couldnt think of anything to do but run to my room and cry. I had gone through a huge emotional toll just to build myself up to this point. Now, almost a year later, i have an appointment of August 8th for my surgery with Doctor Ortiz. I am so excited that i have this amazing chance. I am looking for other teenagers like me that have gone through this or are going to go through this. I admit, i am scared. But i want the advice and help from anyone i can get it from. I want to know about the pain involved (i am a wussy), and i also want to know about what i should be eating now, before the surgery. what would help me lose more? If there are teens out there that can help me out, PLEASE DO!! and for those that are not teens, i want your help as well!! i am sure that i will post more questions later, but this is about as much as i can put at a time. more and i am afraid that i will scare people off. :D Thank you all! i have been reading, and i am amazed at how much you all help each other out!

Thanks again, ~Kelsey B)

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Welcome Kelsey!

I know you have alot of questions, we were all a little nervous and afraid before surgery. Have you read Dr. O's book "Lap band for Life"? It's a good book and can answer alot of questions. [i got mine from Amazon.com] Cassy is one of Dr.O's teenage patients and her story is in the book. Did you see her on the Oprah show? They're supposed to rerun the episode some time in August, look for it. She a very smart beautiful girl who's about 19 now and had wonderful success with the band. Her and her Mom post on here, very nice people. :D

I'm in my 40's, so I can't give you the teen angle of the surgery, but I will say that I wish I could have been banded at your age! It would have saved me from alot of crap.... I'm sure you know what I mean! :(

You'll be in the BEST hands with your surgery, I promise. If you have any questions, just post them, there are alot of wonderful people on this forum!!

Best wishes, Darlene

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Kelsey.... :lb9:

So brave of you to post but I am so glad you did. I can't imagine how sad you must have been when you didn't qualify for this free placement. Well it sound like you've done your research and now are on track to a new you. Great job. I love you honesty. I have long since been your age (I'm 46) but do remember how painful it was to be overweight at your age. I always was aware of it even though I wasn't too overweight in those years it still hurt me plenty of times. What a great choice to get this done now! What awesome parents you have to be supporting you to do this. Anyway the Oprah shoe when Cassie is on is August 11th!! If you are not home by then from your surgery try and record it.

Keep us posted on the days ahead and my advice is to start your pre-op diet a little sooner so you won't stress about losing the weight. Also look in the questions section and type in pre-op and there's good info to be found if you havn't already. I also love the testimonials section.

Take care!!

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  julieburns said:
Kelsey.... :lb9:

So brave of you to post but I am so glad you did. I can't imagine how sad you must have been when you didn't qualify for this free placement. Well it sound like you've done your research and now are on track to a new you. Great job. I love you honesty. I have long since been your age (I'm 46) but do remember how painful it was to be overweight at your age. I always was aware of it even though I wasn't too overweight in those years it still hurt me plenty of times. What a great choice to get this done now! What awesome parents you have to be supporting you to do this. Anyway the Oprah shoe when Cassie is on is August 11th!! If you are not home by then from your surgery try and record it.

Keep us posted on the days ahead and my advice is to start your pre-op diet a little sooner so you won't stress about losing the weight. Also look in the questions section and type in pre-op and there's good info to be found if you havn't already. I also love the testimonials section.

Take care!!

Julie Burns is 46...OMG!! I would have thought you were only in your 20's...wow, you look very young!!!

Cathy ;)

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Hi there!

I was banded on the 16th of June. There was a 17 year old banded the same day, you're definitely not alone. It's a big decision, but deciding to take control over your body and to be healthy is a gimmee. Welcome!

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  julieburns said:
Kelsey.... :lb9:

So brave of you to post but I am so glad you did. I can't imagine how sad you must have been when you didn't qualify for this free placement. Well it sound like you've done your research and now are on track to a new you. Great job. I love you honesty. I have long since been your age (I'm 46) but do remember how painful it was to be overweight at your age. I always was aware of it even though I wasn't too overweight in those years it still hurt me plenty of times. What a great choice to get this done now! What awesome parents you have to be supporting you to do this. Anyway the Oprah shoe when Cassie is on is August 11th!! If you are not home by then from your surgery try and record it.

Keep us posted on the days ahead and my advice is to start your pre-op diet a little sooner so you won't stress about losing the weight. Also look in the questions section and type in pre-op and there's good info to be found if you havn't already. I also love the testimonials section.

Take care!!

Thanks for all the support to all of you! about the before surgery, it wasnt even that i did not qualify. I did qualify. their explanation was that there were no more spots available, even though i was told that there were more spots available at the time of the meeting, which made things even worse. -_- but, the past is the past, and i have learned from experience, that time spent worrying and dwelling on the past, is time lost in the present. So, here are a few of my questions:

What kinds of foods will i not be able to have after the surgery?

how much do you feel the fills? is it worth it to get the area numbed first?

I am still in school, and my lunches mainly consist of sandwiches, will bread be a problem?

what are they looking for in the pre-op exam?

I am sure that i have more questions in my head, but it is summer break, and my brains is on default! ha ha :lol:

Thanks again for all of the support! it is amazing knowing that there is always going to be people out there that i can turn to for this particular subject!

Kelsey B)

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  fat2nrml said:
Welcome Kelsey!

I know you have alot of questions, we were all a little nervous and afraid before surgery. Have you read Dr. O's book "Lap band for Life"? It's a good book and can answer alot of questions. [i got mine from Amazon.com] Cassy is one of Dr.O's teenage patients and her story is in the book. Did you see her on the Oprah show? They're supposed to rerun the episode some time in August, look for it. She a very smart beautiful girl who's about 19 now and had wonderful success with the band. Her and her Mom post on here, very nice people. :D

I'm in my 40's, so I can't give you the teen angle of the surgery, but I will say that I wish I could have been banded at your age! It would have saved me from alot of crap.... I'm sure you know what I mean! :(

You'll be in the BEST hands with your surgery, I promise. If you have any questions, just post them, there are alot of wonderful people on this forum!!

Best wishes, Darlene

I have not gotten the chance to read through Dr. Ortiz's book yet. But i got the chance to glance through while i was staying with my aunt who not long ago had the same surgery. I read about Cassie on one of the pages from the homepage. I am hoping to order the book offline as soon as i can! Thanks so much for your help! it feels good to hear other people say such positive things!

Kelsey B)

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Hi Kelsey,

Here are some answers to your questions:

What kinds of foods will i not be able to have after the surgery?

***The surgeon will recommend a diet plan, protein, veggies, grains/starches and fruit and you eat in that order. You will need alot of protein to promote good health and weight loss.

how much do you feel the fills? is it worth it to get the area numbed first?

**The fill is a small needle inserted into the largest incision, I haven't had a fill yet, it's on Wednesday. But from what I have read here, it does not hurt at all.

I am still in school, and my lunches mainly consist of sandwiches, will bread be a problem?

***Bread can propose a problem, buns and doughy bread can get stuck. Some people can have bread, others can't. I have multi-grain bread or toasted english muffins and they go down fine.

what are they looking for in the pre-op exam?

***OCC is different than other clinics. I had my surgery a month ago in Canada. I had a psych assessment, nutritional assessment and surgical consult, which explained how everything works.

The key is make the committment to change your lifestyle. You must be mentally ready to do this. Ready to follow strict instructions and do has the surgeon recommends. It's not easy, but it's worth it. Alot of it is mind over matter and willpower. The band is tool to assist in healthy weight loss. Although you can eat your favourites in moderation, to promote weight loss, it's best to follow the protein, veggies, grains and fruit rule. So far I haven't hit the grain or fruit stage. I am full after protein and veggies.

I wish you much luck in your decision and again if you have any questions, just ask!

Take care, Cathy

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The fills are a breeze, I've had one so far. I go for my second on the 29th. The doc's at the OCC don't numb the port area, no need, it really does not hurt! The actual port [the area where they inject the saline] is about 3 inches below your port scar. [That probably varies a little on everyone.] They are so good at the OCC that it took the doc the time to say "1,2,3 it's in".. and that was it!! It's done under fluro [at the OCC, not all doc's use fluro] and you can watch it all on the TV screen. It's really cool! He gives you barium to drink and you watch it pass through your band.

As far as food goes, everyone's different. Some can't eat bread products at all. I can right now, need that second fill! <_<

With any food, you have to chew really well and eat slow.

When you call the OCC and tell them your story, health issues and all, they can tell you if you're a candidate or not. [i can't see why you wouldn't be.] They'll send you forms to fill out and fax back to them and it just progresses from there. That's the nice thing about the OCC, no hoops to jump through! :D You pick your date with the center and before you know it, you're on the Band wagon!

Best wishes Kelsey, you'll do fine. Darlene

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Hello Kelsey

My name is Steve Nelson and I am also having surgery on Aug 8th. :D I am no longer 16, but I know how you feel because I have also always been heavy. I have tried all kinds of diets and "magic" pills and drinks, but there is no magic cure. As for your diet you should talk to Dr Miranda at OCC and she will give you a pre-op diet plan. She also e-mailed you some pre-op diet information. If you can get Dr Ortiz book before then that will give you a lot of info. I am buying it today, and I will take it with me to have him sign it. ;) Well, I hope that this turns out OK because I am a computer illiterate and this is my first time to post anything, but I have been reading the forum off and on for a couple of months now. See you in TJ.

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  BigSteveN said:
Hello Kelsey

My name is Steve Nelson and I am also having surgery on Aug 8th. :D I am no longer 16, but I know how you feel because I have also always been heavy. I have tried all kinds of diets and "magic" pills and drinks, but there is no magic cure. As for your diet you should talk to Dr Miranda at OCC and she will give you a pre-op diet plan. She also e-mailed you some pre-op diet information. If you can get Dr Ortiz book before then that will give you a lot of info. I am buying it today, and I will take it with me to have him sign it. ;) Well, I hope that this turns out OK because I am a computer illiterate and this is my first time to post anything, but I have been reading the forum off and on for a couple of months now. See you in TJ.

Congrats Steve and Welcome!!

Good luck with your surgery and if you have any questions, just ask!


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  BigSteveN said:
Hello Kelsey

My name is Steve Nelson and I am also having surgery on Aug 8th. :D I am no longer 16, but I know how you feel because I have also always been heavy. I have tried all kinds of diets and "magic" pills and drinks, but there is no magic cure. As for your diet you should talk to Dr Miranda at OCC and she will give you a pre-op diet plan. She also e-mailed you some pre-op diet information. If you can get Dr Ortiz book before then that will give you a lot of info. I am buying it today, and I will take it with me to have him sign it. ;) Well, I hope that this turns out OK because I am a computer illiterate and this is my first time to post anything, but I have been reading the forum off and on for a couple of months now. See you in TJ.

Welcome Steve I am glad you made it to the posting stage, now it only gets easier. I see you got your pic up and your are one cute fella!! Anyway welcome and what a great day ahead for you to have your surgery. My only advice to anyone, except the guys maybe because you'll lose weight easier than us gals, is to start the pre-op diet a little sooner so you don't stress about losing weight.

Now to Kelsey you sound so mature and I bet you'll do great. I second what Cathy posted on the questions. Keep them coming!!

:lb9: Steve!!

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First I want to say congratulations on making such a huge and influencial decision. I, like you was heavy for as long as I can remember. I was an avid basketball player and all around athlete, but still I was over weight. And not just over weight, it came to a point that I was considered obese. Even though I was at this point, I still always had a high self-esteem about myself, I had a bunch of wonderful friends, I thought I was like a lot of normal kids my age. The only point that really bothered me about my weight was my inability to excel at the passion of my life. I was, and still am, in love with the sport of basketball and I knew that carrying around that extra weight not only would damper my playing abilities but also hurt my body. Hauling a 5'9, 273 lb pound body up and down the basketball court was surely taking its toll on my heart and lungs. I knew that the loss would make me better, faster, stronger. I made the decision at 14, which is almost three years ago. I am now an even more confident, more outgoing, 145(ish) lb, Varsity basketball player and I haven't regretted my decision once. I am glad that I was able to get the chance to get this surgery. I am thankful every day for the second chance it has given me. Insurance wouldn't pay for it and there were no trials available to me. I was also so young that most doctors in the United States wouldn't touch me. But my parents were able to find a way to pay for this for me. I wanted to share my experience with you and wanted to let you know that I am here for anything you need. I see that a lot of other people want to help you as well but I know that when I was considering this surgery it was most helpful to talk with teenagers and people my own age. It is a lot easier to relate to each other. So please let me know if you have any questions or you just want to talk. I am here! Good luck and again congratulations!


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  BigSteveN said:
Hello Kelsey

My name is Steve Nelson and I am also having surgery on Aug 8th. :D I am no longer 16, but I know how you feel because I have also always been heavy. I have tried all kinds of diets and "magic" pills and drinks, but there is no magic cure. As for your diet you should talk to Dr Miranda at OCC and she will give you a pre-op diet plan. She also e-mailed you some pre-op diet information. If you can get Dr Ortiz book before then that will give you a lot of info. I am buying it today, and I will take it with me to have him sign it. ;) Well, I hope that this turns out OK because I am a computer illiterate and this is my first time to post anything, but I have been reading the forum off and on for a couple of months now. See you in TJ.

Thanks for the support Steve! my mom is also getting banded on the 8th with me, perhaps we will see you there!! CANT WAIT TILL TJ!!! :yahoo:

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  kyjo said:

First I want to say congratulations on making such a huge and influencial decision. I, like you was heavy for as long as I can remember. I was an avid basketball player and all around athlete, but still I was over weight. And not just over weight, it came to a point that I was considered obese. Even though I was at this point, I still always had a high self-esteem about myself, I had a bunch of wonderful friends, I thought I was like a lot of normal kids my age. The only point that really bothered me about my weight was my inability to excel at the passion of my life. I was, and still am, in love with the sport of basketball and I knew that carrying around that extra weight not only would damper my playing abilities but also hurt my body. Hauling a 5'9, 273 lb pound body up and down the basketball court was surely taking its toll on my heart and lungs. I knew that the loss would make me better, faster, stronger. I made the decision at 14, which is almost three years ago. I am now an even more confident, more outgoing, 145(ish) lb, Varsity basketball player and I haven't regretted my decision once. I am glad that I was able to get the chance to get this surgery. I am thankful every day for the second chance it has given me. Insurance wouldn't pay for it and there were no trials available to me. I was also so young that most doctors in the United States wouldn't touch me. But my parents were able to find a way to pay for this for me. I wanted to share my experience with you and wanted to let you know that I am here for anything you need. I see that a lot of other people want to help you as well but I know that when I was considering this surgery it was most helpful to talk with teenagers and people my own age. It is a lot easier to relate to each other. So please let me know if you have any questions or you just want to talk. I am here! Good luck and again congratulations!



end of post

Kylie I am so happy for you. The younger you are when you get a chance to take control over your weight the better. I wish you continued success in whatever you pursue!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Reporter said:
My name is Kelsey, and i am 16 years old. i have been very heavy nearly all of my life, or at least, all of my life that i can remember. About a year ago, one of my doctors told me and my mom about an availability for teenagers to get the Lap-Band as an experimental trial. If insurance could not pay, then it would be payed for by the company performing the trial. There were only 25 spots available, and it was only open to teenagers, and teenagers in my area. naturally, at first, i was an emotional wreck. i didnt know if this was right for me, i was scared, depressed, and all over the place. 'Normal for a teenager' i kept telling myself. It took a lot for me to push past the point of shock and fear. In order to have the surgery, i was required to go to an informational meeting. Here, we were told that there were around 10 spots left. Near the end of the meeting, i gave them my forms with all the information needed. after the meeting, the people in charge told my mom and i that they would get back to us within two weeks. two weeks later, nothing had happened. no call, no email, nothing. weeks continued to pass by, when my mom started calling them. they continued to say that someone was going to call any day now. each time that she persisted to call, they told us this. One night, the phone rang, and my heart sunk before anyone even picked up the phone. after my mom took the call, all she had to do was look at me for me to know, and i couldnt think of anything to do but run to my room and cry. I had gone through a huge emotional toll just to build myself up to this point. Now, almost a year later, i have an appointment of August 8th for my surgery with Doctor Ortiz. I am so excited that i have this amazing chance. I am looking for other teenagers like me that have gone through this or are going to go through this. I admit, i am scared. But i want the advice and help from anyone i can get it from. I want to know about the pain involved (i am a wussy), and i also want to know about what i should be eating now, before the surgery. what would help me lose more? If there are teens out there that can help me out, PLEASE DO!! and for those that are not teens, i want your help as well!! i am sure that i will post more questions later, but this is about as much as i can put at a time. more and i am afraid that i will scare people off. :D Thank you all! i have been reading, and i am amazed at how much you all help each other out!

Thanks again, ~Kelsey B)

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Hi Kelsey:

Havn't heard from you in a while. How is your pre-op diet going? Only 6 days until your surgery. I am so excited for you. It's cool how your mom is having it done also. That will be the best support for each of you by doing this together.

I noticed you live here in the PDX area. I have lived in the Portland area for a long time and do consider it home.

Hope to hear from you before your big day. If not you can post from "the other side"!!

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Hi Kelsey,

This is Cassie's mom. We also took my neice in a few months ago and my sister in-law. The one thing I want to explain to you is it will not be easy. If your an emotional eater it will be a bit tougher. It gets easy and easy. It is a change of life and with the change is great responsibilites that come with the band. You will completely change the way you look at eating. So in it self this will be a challenge. I am not going to sugar coat it. There are many people around you that will eat large meals and you may feel the need to eat like them, but it is all mental. Take your time and the rewards are a life time. Look for the forum to give you strength. There are great people on here. I am always in San Diego and Cassie tries to be but with a Teen schedule she gets swamped. But email me if you need any support. Dr. Ortiz is the best and so is Fabulous Dr. Martinez. Again, the lap band will help you and make you follow your diet, no cheating , so remember the life time award at the end and also remember like any diet or lapband it takes time to work.

I am so glad your mom is getting banded with you, I can not tell you how much it helped my sister inlaw and my neice when they had it done together.

Please email me if you need anything,


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Dear Kelsey,

Congratulations on your decision to go ahead with the surgery! It certainly takes a lot of courage to do something drastic in order to keep you healthy.

I am a 14 year old who had the Lap Band surgery 6 1/2 months ago (January 16th). As of today, I have lost 88 pounds, and it feels AMAZING! To just be so much lighter, and happier, I don't think there are even words to describe how I feel.

I don't actually think that it hit me till' after my surgery that I had just decided to change my life forever. I'm not going to lie, it was a tough recovery for me. I was in a good amount of physical pain. The emotional pain, though, was just as hard to handle if not harder. Having been as heavy as I was (297 lbs!) I was addicted to food--I ate when I wasn't hungry, I couldn't stop thinking about food, etc. I had to relearn how to eat after surgery, and I won't deny it: I missed food. A lot. As I watched other people wolf down burgers and fries, I longed for my old days of carefree eating. Even now, sometimes, I miss eating the way I used to (which is totally understandable), but after a couple months, I got used to eating differently and even enjoy eating the way that I do and making healthy decisions.

Basically, after the surgery I just tried to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I knew that in just a few months, I would see changes and feel better. Losing weight actually gave me something in life to look forward to. And, there are so many people that either don't have the option that we have or don't do much about their weight, so I was truly thankful that I was being given a second chance at such a young age. For so long, I had been part of the stereotypical world of obesity (eating a ton, being lazy, etc.) and on that day in January, I broke free.

Am I happy that I decided to have the surgery? Absolutely and wholeheartedly: YES! If you had asked me that a week after surgery, my answer may have been different, so just give yourself some time to get used to your new lifestyle. As with any [big] change, having the Lap Band is most certainly going to take time getting used to. But let me tell you, once you have, you're not gonna want to go back to your "pre-Band" days.

After surgery, I relied on smoothies (low carb ice cream, milk, ice, and some kind of fruit), soup, and baby food. Now, I can eat just about whatever I want to, just in MUCH less quantities (though I do not eat steak or ribs, etc. anymore. But I do know people with bands who can--every case is different). I just make healthy choices now--more fruit, low carb pastas, etc. The Lap Band gives me the restriction that I need to not overeat, and that has been a blessing.

I exercise a good amount. Treadmills? BORING! So I play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and I get a great workout while playing. I just go to workout mode and start jumping! It's an exercise that's also enjoyable for me (now I sound like the ad on the back of the box!).

So, Kelsey, I wish you the best of luck with your surgery. I think what was hardest for me was not having any other teenagers to talk to at the time. So please, don't hesitate to ask me anything or if you just want to talk, I'm here.

You're about to begin a new life, one you're gonna enjoy!


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  julieburns said:
Hi Kelsey:

Havn't heard from you in a while. How is your pre-op diet going? Only 6 days until your surgery. I am so excited for you. It's cool how your mom is having it done also. That will be the best support for each of you by doing this together.

I noticed you live here in the PDX area. I have lived in the Portland area for a long time and do consider it home.

Hope to hear from you before your big day. If not you can post from "the other side"!!

hi i wjus wonderin have u had surgery done

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OK, so i am leaving very early in the morning tomorrow! ( around 4 am'ish) THIS IS IT!! my pre-op diet has gone very well! i have lost all the weight that i need to loose, (nearly 20 lbs, wearing light clothes!) but i am still worried that i will get bloated and such after the flight... we are going from the airport to the clinic for the pre-op exams. This is very nerve racking, but i know that time wasted worrying is time not spent on doing something useful.. If i can, i will post again from the clinic tomorrow, if not, i will post as soon as i can! thank you everybody for all of the support! it is amazing knowing that there are so many people that i can turn to with questions and concerns that have gone through this before! :thank_you2:

Kelsey B)

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  katsroom101 said:
hi i wjus wonderin have u had surgery done

So a arrived at the clinic yesterday for my pre-op exam. and since i was fasting and they had extra room, my mom and i both had it done a day before scheduled! very exciting, but at the same time scary becuase it came on fast quick at once, i was kind of overwhelmed. but, all is doing well, my stomach hurts here and there, and everyonce in a while if i breath real deep, my chest kinda hurts. probably air bubble that i need to walk off. it is really funny because my shirt keeps sticking to my yellow belly! :lol:


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