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Port site pain

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I'm 2 weeks into my band today and I'm still having some port site pain. It feels like it's ripping open sometimes but it's really not ripping open. If I lean to my right in the car or something it hurts. Has anyone else experienced this within their first few weeks? My fiance is a nurse and she says everything looks fine on the incision itself but she's not sure where the pain is coming from. I'm going to call the doctor's office today but I didn't know if anyone else experienced this before.

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I'm 2 weeks into my band today and I'm still having some port site pain. It feels like it's ripping open sometimes but it's really not ripping open. If I lean to my right in the car or something it hurts. Has anyone else experienced this within their first few weeks? My fiance is a nurse and she says everything looks fine on the incision itself but she's not sure where the pain is coming from. I'm going to call the doctor's office today but I didn't know if anyone else experienced this before.

Cincy, I felt this pain too. But I think everything is okay. About two weeks out if I bent over or moved a certain way I could feel the port pulling. But keep in mind that your port is attached to the abdominal muscle and the swelling should be going down now. So the port is probably settling. But keep us posted.

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My port hurt for several weeks after surgery. Hopefully it is just still healing.

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Had the soreness for weeks. Also had a pulling or tugging feeling from the inside. I emailed Dr. O and he said it was normal, just part of the healing process. Do you have the catching or lump feeling under your left rib? Normal too, I had it for weeks! <_<

Just watch for redness, swelling or discharge from the port site. Best wishes, Darlene

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Yup this is normal. Everyone heals differently as I am sure your girlfriend the :girl_hospital: told you. Good thing you have her to check things out for you!!! Take care Randy!!

I'm a nurse too and us nurses must stick together...Telll your girlfriend this and thank her for her being a nurse!!

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my swelling is still up around the port site and i'm 3 weeks post-surgery. anyone else have swelling this long after surgery?

Frankly, if you're three weeks post-op, and it's still painful to the point where it actually stops you in your tracks, I'd go get it checked out. I'm one week post-op, and the swelling & pain has pretty much gone down daily, it's finally not tender when I touch the area there (not too bad, anyway, still feels... weird... tho)...

But not painful. Three weeks post-op shouldn't be seeing significant pain, in my opinion. Never hurts to get it checked out by the professionals.

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It's not painful to the touch or anything. I have the typical "stretching" feeling that hurts when I move a certain way. From what I hear it's pretty common to have that for a month after surgery. Yeah the swelling still looks like it hasn't gone down very much so that concerns me but the pain is common from what I hear.

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