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I don't understand this whold BMI thing

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I am 5'7" and weighed 363 before pre-op diet. My bmi was 57. I am down to 347 and bmi to 55. To get to a healthy bmi, the calculator says I have to get down to 160 lbs. Even my dr. told me 225 to 250 would be great for me. I'm not really fat on the legs or chest, just the gut, but I gotta have 160 lbs just in the legs alone. I think my bones would weigh 175. I just wonder if trying to hit the bmi calculations is realistic for anybody, and how did anyone come up with a goal weight. I think I am going to shoot for that 225 range.

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I do agree that the BMI calculators don't take into consideration our build. I am a big boned girl and if I was to get down to 125 where they want me I would look like Skeletor! LOL

My goal is 140. I made it for myself, although my fill Dr. wants me at 135.

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Honestly now that I am on the road to a thinner me...I don't even pay much attention to BMI at all.

My goal is 140, my surgeon says don't push it and shoot for 150. For every lb you lose your BMI goes down, that's all I care about.

Best of luck!


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Here in Canada the insurance companies and doctors are leaning towards the measurement of the waist instead of BMI. The theory is if you are heavy around the gut you are at a greater risk of heart disease and diabetes. i believe women should aim for no more than 32 inches and men I think its 38". So if people are really bottom heavy they are at a lower risk of heart disease than someone with a large waist.

Of course I'm an apple, lots of gut but small hips and legs, just my luck.

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Its really hard to say until you start loosing the weight and see for yourself. When I was at the OCC Dr. Ortiz said loose 125 pounds - that would put me to 140 pounds for my weight. My Doctor said I should weigh 175 pounds (I'm big boned) By the time I started loosing the weight - had some surgery to remove skin - Dr. Ortiz ended up being right - I can tell that 140 is a good weight for me - its comfortable and feels like me - I look at pictures at 175 and look back at how I felt and it wasn't right.

I'm 5'6 I wear size 10 shoes, and I have big bones - but I carry the weight well and much is turning into muscle. I'm more on how you feel, how healthy you are once you loose the weight and how you look to yourself. The mental part is a big one for me. Once I lost more of the weight and went back to my Doctor he agreed that 140 was good for me – I’m am very healthy and have greatly improved all of my stats.

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I agree, it's more about your health and how you feel. I don't think any bmi calculator can accuratley tell each individual what their weight should be. I'm 5' 5.5" tall and have only been as low as 140 in my adult life. I feel pretty good at that weight and if I got a tummy tuck and a boob lift [when I weigh 140] I think I'll be right where I want to be. My bmi will be in the low 20's, so that will be good too. Hopefully the blood pressure issues will be gone then too! :D

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