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60 day progress pic

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Busy with dragonboat festivals and just life in general, but I've missed you all! Today is 60 days from banding date, and I've posted my new photo. I'm down a total of 24 lbs from surgery date, and a total of 30 lbs from the day of starting pre-op. Had my first fill July 1st. I still have restriction. Feel it definitely in the morning. Tried to eat a protein bar this morning, and I could get 1/2 of it down, before I started to feel sick to my stomach. When I start feeling like this, I know that I'm definitely done eating. Trying to get more water into me though, as it's finally good and hot here, and I know that on Sunday (after drinking a little too much wine at the paddler's party the night before.. :party: ) I realized that I had only pee'd once all day/night. I woke up after 8 hours sleep, and the room was still definitely on a slant, or I just couldn't walk a straight line... I have to say, it was pretty funny! Anyways.. back to reality, lots and lots of water, and I'm feeling so much better! I'm going to catch up on all the posts now... hope you're all doing great! Anita

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You look FABULOUS, Anita!! WOW! :D Keep up the great work girlfriend! You're one sexy mama! ;) hehehe

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Busy with dragonboat festivals and just life in general, but I've missed you all! Today is 60 days from banding date, and I've posted my new photo. I'm down a total of 24 lbs from surgery date, and a total of 30 lbs from the day of starting pre-op. Had my first fill July 1st. I still have restriction. Feel it definitely in the morning. Tried to eat a protein bar this morning, and I could get 1/2 of it down, before I started to feel sick to my stomach. When I start feeling like this, I know that I'm definitely done eating. Trying to get more water into me though, as it's finally good and hot here, and I know that on Sunday (after drinking a little too much wine at the paddler's party the night before.. :party: ) I realized that I had only pee'd once all day/night. I woke up after 8 hours sleep, and the room was still definitely on a slant, or I just couldn't walk a straight line... I have to say, it was pretty funny! Anyways.. back to reality, lots and lots of water, and I'm feeling so much better! I'm going to catch up on all the posts now... hope you're all doing great! Anita

OMG Anita, what a difference! GOOD FOR YOU!

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Thanks for all your compliments. I am very happy as it shows, and most people that see me tell me I have this glow! (And no it's not from getting laid!!!) haha I don't remember the last time I've lost 30 lbs. I used to get to about 15 lbs on any diet I tried, started to feel and look pretty good, and would just stop. Yah..no! This time I can't stop. I'm forced to keep going, and I love it!

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Busy with dragonboat festivals and just life in general, but I've missed you all! Today is 60 days from banding date, and I've posted my new photo. I'm down a total of 24 lbs from surgery date, and a total of 30 lbs from the day of starting pre-op. Had my first fill July 1st. I still have restriction. Feel it definitely in the morning. Tried to eat a protein bar this morning, and I could get 1/2 of it down, before I started to feel sick to my stomach. When I start feeling like this, I know that I'm definitely done eating. Trying to get more water into me though, as it's finally good and hot here, and I know that on Sunday (after drinking a little too much wine at the paddler's party the night before.. :party: ) I realized that I had only pee'd once all day/night. I woke up after 8 hours sleep, and the room was still definitely on a slant, or I just couldn't walk a straight line... I have to say, it was pretty funny! Anyways.. back to reality, lots and lots of water, and I'm feeling so much better! I'm going to catch up on all the posts now... hope you're all doing great! Anita

WOO WOO, Anita! You are looking fabulous!!

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OMG!! You are stunning! I can see a huge difference!

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