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I am up way too early this AM because I am excited for tomorrow. As you all probably remember I am getting my first fill tomorrow at 1:30 at the OCC. To get there I get to take a nice plane ride down the coast, hopefully a beautiful sunny day. I am going to eat VERY light today because my digestive system is slow so that I won't have a bunch of food in my gut. Also I MUST try to hydrate up. I've tried for the last 2 days this also but it's been so dang busy at work I have no time to drink any water, let alone go pee if I did. A few sip here and there for maybe 40 ounces or so but I know that's not enough. I'd better chug now before I go to work. I timed this fill wrong as Aunt Flo will be visiting any day, moment which sucks. Oh well I wanted my fill at 6 weeks as was to anxious to map it out. Next time I'l do better planning, if I can. I've read and printed out the threads about fills. I like the one Dolittle posted that titled "Increase Your Chances of a Good Fill". My plane leaves at 7:30am so I'll be up bright and early tomorrow at about 4:30.................a tough one for me but I'll do it. My mom always told me "you must suffer to be beautiful" in her sweet voice so I'll oblige her and suffer a little as I get up :((

I'm sure I'll post a little more today but just wanted to start my day with this fun one. Any tips I am forgetting?

Hey I know Yorkiemommy is going today with her sister-in-law for their fills. Hope to hear from you guys soon for an update.

Sorry to miss you this time, maybe next we can plan the same days and get caught up.

For Now, :sun_bespectacled:

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Yay, Julie!

I am so glad the time is here for your first fill. I know you are so excited! It is like trying to sleep the night before Santa comes.

The fill is easy, peezy.... no sweat, honestly, and was really facinating for me to watch on the screen. Watching the fluid go through the band at each swallow..... oohhh.. you're getting sleepy, very sleepy... okay.. maybe not that hypnotic.. lol..

Don't chug today.. don't run the risk of stretching anything before tomorrow. Sip, sip, sip, sip, (or as the Vicar of Nibbleswick says, "pis, pis, pis!) .... I know it is tough to get all your water in that way; I have trouble with it, too.

Hugs and safe flight!

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Yay Julie! Have a safe trip..you will be fine. I have never even felt the needle stick when I get a fill. It is painless. Hurry back..we will miss you!

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I live in so cal so I was thinking of driving down to TJ tomorrow for a fill as well, but have already planned a big overnight hike this weekend and scared that if I do, I won't be able to eat anything. I guess I will have to wait until next week sometime. I wish I could have met you there.

Anyway, I wish you gooooood luck on your fill!!! It's a piece of cake..

Have a safe trip back, we will be thinking about you.

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Hey I know Yorkiemommy is going today with her sister-in-law for their fills. Hope to hear from you guys soon for an update.

I was thinking about you today!!! :D So... how did go??

Kim and I went back together, she went first. She was fine and said it was easy. I was being a big baby and they had to keep reminding me to breathe, haha. It is pretty cool to watch it up on that screen. Did you get some shopping in? We got MORE purses. :lol:

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I just a few minutes or less to type. I am at the hotel Lucerna, post-fill and waiting for Francisco to pick me up to go to the airport. I am doing gret. I actually went back this morning after being filled yesterdayto have it checked. No problems just thought I had not enough put in. Anyway I''ll type more later, probably late tonight or tomorrow about all of this. I slept awful. My bed last time was a king and soo comfortable. This time I had 2 beds in the room, doubles or queens and both you hard as ROCKS!! So painful with my fibromyalgia today from this. I was up almost every hour and just couldn't get comfortable. They did have some sort of foam mattress on top of the main mattress but it was very broken down and did no good at all. My advice to all if possible ask for the king size beds, not the 2 in 1 room. I remember when I was here for surgery sopmeone was complaining about her bed and I thought she was just too picky. Well she had the 2 beds in 1 room also and so I think it's just the smaller beds, maybe.

I had great shrimp bisque for dinner and this AM had just clear liquids, applejuice, jello and broth. I also have a crashing headache and must sit at the airport until 5:30 for my plane to leave :((

OK I am done whining. No ride yet so I'll read a few more posts

Thanks to all for the well wishes. I do love this forum for the people!!

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