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What if I fail???

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I just sent in the big payment for my surgery next week and I am FREAKING OUT!!!

I am so terrified of failing at the band....much like I have failed at every other diet attempt....only this one cost 8 grand!!!!

My pre-op diet has made me nauseated and I have only lost like 3 pounds, despite continuing to exercise. What if my body won't let me lose any more weight ever???

I know I am sounding crazy....

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Hello Sylvia,

Don't worry, you won't fail. I worried about that too. I had my surgery on May 16 and am amazed at how much better I am about eating less. I'm not saying I don't have tough times but the band is a wonderful tool and helps so much to keep me under control. I named my band "The Enforcer".

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind. The pre-op was the hardest part for me, then the post-op liquids were hard but not quite as bad and now it is getting easier all the time. Dr. Ortiz is one of the best surgeons doing this procedure and to begin with he will place the band in the correct place which apparently makes a big difference. I have heard that some doctors if they are inexperienced may make the pouch too big and that makes it possible to overeat. Some things are common sense, if you eat alot of sweets you will have to quit that habit as it is very dense calorically. I was a sugar addict. They say that people who eat alot of sweets don't do as well but I am very happy with my progress at this point even though I haven't lost alot (I will get my first fill on the 25th). Once you are on solids don't drink your calories, for example juice, sweet drinks, milkshakes etc. Follow Dr. Miranda's instructions and you will be fine.

Congratulations on making this very important decision for your health.


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  Mizzoupoodle said:
I just sent in the big payment for my surgery next week and I am FREAKING OUT!!!

I am so terrified of failing at the band....much like I have failed at every other diet attempt....only this one cost 8 grand!!!!

My pre-op diet has made me nauseated and I have only lost like 3 pounds, despite continuing to exercise. What if my body won't let me lose any more weight ever???

I know I am sounding crazy....

Holy Moly!! Why are you freaking out.....am I not reading right or does your ticker say you have lost 67lbs. Why would the band not work for you. All you have to do is work with it. It is not a miracle but it comes close. I had some of the same fears as you at first....OMG what if I eat around the band? What if I stretch my pouch? What if - what if - what if? But what if it does work?!?!? What if I am healthy?!?!? What if I work hard, do my part, let the band do its part, and I lose my excess weight?!?!? Think positive!!! You CAN and you WILL do it!!! Your will power will be stronger than you think. I used to never count calories! I ordered whatever I wanted when I ate out! But now I have a book in my car with ALL of our local restaurants and the nutritional information to the foods they serve. I now have the motivation to make healthy food choices and you will too!!

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Hi Sylvia!

You won't fail! The band and your determination will make sure of it. The money I forked out for this surgery also keeps me going when I think about cheating.

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Thanks everyone!! I do appreciate all the encouragement. I have in fact lost 67 pounds over about 2 years but LORDY it has been UGLY!! LOL. One of my main motivations for wanting the band is my INTENSE fear of regaining all the weight. I am a yo-yoer who could write a book about how to gain and relose the same 50 pounds. I have managed to get myself much bigger with all this yo-yoing so that now even after a 67 pound loss I am bigger than when I started dieting the first time, lol. These last few months, I have lost and regained the same 8 pounds even with exercising 5 days a week. I am encouraged to hear that others have new motivation and the ability to hang in there.

I am also glad to hear that perhaps the pre op diet will be the worst of it. I'd not like to put my 3 kids and husband thru much more of Ms. Cranky, lol.

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You have done fantastic on your own. You should be so proud. You will not regret getting the band. It is a very useful tool. Since you are a Mizzou fan, I am assuming you are from Missouri. I am from Kansas -- Go KSU Wildcats (forget the Jayhawks)! As you know, you can find a ton of support on this forum. I just got back from having a fill at the OCC and it was just as great as the first time being there. Good Luck to you.

GigiRn (Gina) :-h

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Hi Kim,

Your asking "what if you succeed"....it brought tears to my eyes. The weight has always been my BIG failure and I guess I didn't think till this moment that at some point I might have success at losing....


Yes I am a BIG MISSOURI FAN!!!! Go TIGERS!! I have a nephew who just graduated from KState. We are so glad he isn't a Jayhawk, lol!!!!! I am in Kansas City...thanks for the encouragement!!!

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So glad you took my post as it was meant. After I posted, I was worried it might seem trite to some. But go ahead, dream about what if you succeed instead of worrying about what if you fail. Much better way to spend your time. Just do as your supposed to, eat right and move. The rest will happen and soon you won't be dreaming about weight loss you will be LIVING IT!!

Best wishes


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  Mizzoupoodle said:
I just sent in the big payment for my surgery next week and I am FREAKING OUT!!!

I am so terrified of failing at the band....much like I have failed at every other diet attempt....only this one cost 8 grand!!!!

My pre-op diet has made me nauseated and I have only lost like 3 pounds, despite continuing to exercise. What if my body won't let me lose any more weight ever???

I know I am sounding crazy....

Sylvia darling...you WILL succeed!!!! I am also freeking out, but trying to stay positive. I sent an email to Dr. Miranda about my weight loss as it is slow for me too. She said to be sure to take your chromium picolinate. Also Rene suggested having the lean cuisine at lunch instead of dinner and to be sure to take the metramucil for fibre.

Try this and I am sure we will both loose what we need to loose.



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  Mizzoupoodle said:
Thanks everyone!! I do appreciate all the encouragement. I have in fact lost 67 pounds over about 2 years but LORDY it has been UGLY!! LOL. One of my main motivations for wanting the band is my INTENSE fear of regaining all the weight. I am a yo-yoer who could write a book about how to gain and relose the same 50 pounds. I have managed to get myself much bigger with all this yo-yoing so that now even after a 67 pound loss I am bigger than when I started dieting the first time, lol. These last few months, I have lost and regained the same 8 pounds even with exercising 5 days a week. I am encouraged to hear that others have new motivation and the ability to hang in there.

I am also glad to hear that perhaps the pre op diet will be the worst of it. I'd not like to put my 3 kids and husband thru much more of Ms. Cranky, lol.

I just paid all my money for surgery in August as well. And I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in what you are feeling. I basically have said all the same things. I even have moments in the day when I think maybe I should back out. But I keep telling myself that I am going to succeed with lap band and I will do what ever it takes to make the success a reality. It's hard when you see or read stories of people who have failed with the lapband. But again, make up your mind now to follow all the guidelines and even learn and understand them in advance so you are already to go after surgery. Also, like someone else said. Dr. Ortiz is one of the best at this. That is a huge part of the success.

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  Blazn said:
Holy Moly!! Why are you freaking out.....am I not reading right or does your ticker say you have lost 67lbs. Why would the band not work for you. All you have to do is work with it. It is not a miracle but it comes close. I had some of the same fears as you at first....OMG what if I eat around the band? What if I stretch my pouch? What if - what if - what if? But what if it does work?!?!? What if I am healthy?!?!? What if I work hard, do my part, let the band do its part, and I lose my excess weight?!?!? Think positive!!! You CAN and you WILL do it!!! Your will power will be stronger than you think. I used to never count calories! I ordered whatever I wanted when I ate out! But now I have a book in my car with ALL of our local restaurants and the nutritional information to the foods they serve. I now have the motivation to make healthy food choices and you will too!!

could you share what book you got with the resturants in it? from your weight loss it sounds like it helps, your pics. look great !

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I feel infinitely better now after the encouragement!!! Thanks everyone. I SO appreciate this forum!!!! My friends here in KC have been less than enthusiastic about the banding. My H is skeptical to say the least. It really helps to have people believe in you...and to know you can take charge of something that has been running your life!!!

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You aren't doing it for your friends,you are doing it for you.

What i love about the band is it doesn't take long for results.I'm down 40 lbs in 8 weeks.I no longer snore.Slep at least 6 hours without waking up during the night.

This isn't your ordinary try & fail diet.I love it.

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