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I am a huge BB fan. I was wondering if I had anyone else on here to chat about it with?

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OMG Kimmie.... I LOVE BB!! :heart:

I started watching the 2nd season and got hooked! I love how they're back dooring whats-his-name.... he's so smug, thought he had everyone under his thumb! I hope they don't back down and end up voting out Renny [not that I care for her either,] but she's no threat. It's comming on here in about 40 min. and I'll be glued to the TV!

Hubby's pissed cause he's on second shift this week and missed last night and will miss tonight's show.

GO BB!!! :cheerleader:

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OH man I wish I wouldn't have read this far. I am on the west coast and have yet to watch tonights episode so now I know the end. I'll still watch it though because my husband and I have watched it faithfully for years. May I ask the east coasters to PLEASE not post the show's ending until after midnight on show night. :secret: Thank you so much if you can do this I don't want to be rude or out of line is asking this or anything else. but just so it doesn't get ruined for us west coasters. Or I can just not read the threads to BB until the next day. I can easily do that so either way. Just asking.

Love this post!! I'm taping the BB after hours on Showtime to just have on when I'm at home doing nothing.

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Oh goody! BB Fans! Sorry Julie..we will remember not to post spoilers..ooops! LOL

I am so glad that dude went home. Yay!

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Thanks for you willingness to not blow it for me. After thinking about it though I don't want to stifle anyone's fun time posting about it after it's over no matter where you live. I'll just be sure not to read the thread until after I've watched the show. Just be sure to post it under the BB thread and it will be no problem what time you post. Thanks again and this way we're all happy!!

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I too love BB! My husband and I have watched it since the first season. For those of you that missed an episode, they are airing them on CBS.com under the BB heading. I missed Sunday's show myself and watched it on my computer. So handy!

An interesting tidbit....Libra from this season is from Spring, TX (where I'm from), and lives in my neighborhood! She's the lady who has the 4-yr old and 5-month old twins! I do not know her personally, but thought that was cool that she actually lives nearby.


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Yeah I just started watching it with my fiance this season. I saw the end of the season last season and I liked it so I got hooked on it. I'm so glad they got Brian out already. I couldn't believe they back doored him like that though but I'm glad. He started too strong, too early. So he deserved it. At first I wanted Renny gone but she calmed down and was more tolerable. lol But yeah, I'm now hooked. lol

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Yes, he won HOH. I don't like him either!! Ack!

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Here is a great website: http://www.hamsterwatch.com they do daily updates on what's going on in the house beyond what they actually show on CBS, it is AMAZING how much stuff they leave out... Of course real life BB is 2-3 days ahead of the TV show so if you go to that site now it describes the most reecent food comp and who is on slop (that will air on Sunday) and by tomorrow it will say who is nominated (again something that usually isn't revealed till Sunday)

I like to know everything about the houseguests and what's going on and that's the easiest way to keep up plus the person that runs the site does daily ratings and comments about each person which is usually very funny stuff!

Cathy if you missed episode one (or any episodes from now) they have full episodes you can watch on http://www.cbs.com/primetime/big_brother/

Let's everyone name who you think is going to win (you can pick 2 players)

My choices are:

Ollie and Memphis

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I hope it is okay to post spoilers now.

I was sad that Jesse put up Steve. I really like him!

I wish they would go back to making them eat pb&j. I think the slop stuff sucks! It looks like really poorly made oatmeal. LOL

I could live off of pb&j before I was banded!

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My husband is now watching BB after hours like it's a soap opera he can't live without!! I'm at work most evenings so I miss some of it. It really shows alot of REAL stuff that goes on. We're both diehards!

HHHHuuuummmmm who's going to win?

I can't speculate this early in the morning for me. Will post later on this one.

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  Kim2BSlim said:
I hope it is okay to post spoilers now.

I wish they would go back to making them eat pb&j. I think the slop stuff sucks! It looks like really poorly made oatmeal. LOL

I could live off of pb&j before I was banded!

On Big Brother All-Stars, they actually peeled the Big Brother label off and revealed that it is Bill Pearl's High Protein Oatmeal. You can buy it at the link below.


You know you want some Kimmie... lol

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I am really sad that Steven went home. I do not like that Michelle girl. She needs to go! LOL

I am glad Keesha got HOH..maybe she will get some of the weirdos out.

Does Jerry's voice drive anyone else crazy? I guess it is from screaming in the military all those years. Oh and I am starting to like Renny..imagine that!

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I to want Michelle out, have you noticed how she is ALWAYS primping and looking at herself in the miror?

Yes I wonder about Jerry's voice. He did make a comment about it like "when I get my voice back".. I wonder if it's just temporary? And yes I do like Renny. From the start I thought she was over the top but I think she's cool now.

On After dark last night they are talking about putting up Angela and Memphis, wanting Angie to be out for sure. I want Libra out!! I think she is a typical biyatch, except without the neck movements and fingers pointing in a circle when she is yelling!!

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My husband and I are predicting that Libra will be back in the neighborhood pretty quickly! HA! She lives around the corner from me! He doesn't believe she graduated from Rice, which is a pretty prestigious school, here in Houston.

Anyway, I do like Jerry and I also like Keesha. Those are my 2 votes.


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  denisem said:
My husband and I are predicting that Libra will be back in the neighborhood pretty quickly! HA! She lives around the corner from me! He doesn't believe she graduated from Rice, which is a pretty prestigious school, here in Houston.

Anyway, I do like Jerry and I also like Keesha. Those are my 2 votes.


I can't stand Libra!!

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