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leaving tomorrow for banding!

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hi all! newbie here :) i leave bright and early from canada tomorrow and fly into san diego around noon tomorrow. my banding is the next day. they've said they'll do testing as soon as i arrive if i'd like. i'm hoping this means my surgery can be first thing on friday so that i'll have a good chance of not having to overnight in the clinic. i know i have to fast before my testing, but what diet requirement is there for in between the tests and the banding? just wondering if i need to pack any shakes. also, any good tips on shopping out there for juices, etc. do i need to buy bottled water or is the hotel water purified? questions, questions.... so much excitement and nerves!!

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Hello and welcome to our group!

Dr. Miranda will tell you what you can eat after your tests and before your banding. She told us to go out and have a nice meal, but not to gain any weight.

I brought some bouillon cubes with me to mix with hot water for broth. It saved my life. The hotel has bottled water that is safe for drinking.

You are gonna be just fine! You will be amazed at the level of care at the OCC. Good luck and keep us posted! =D>

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holy smokes kim! you've already hit your halfway mark? way to go!

thanks much for the encouragement - i'm travelling alone and that doesn't help the nerves, but i definitely am excited and i've stocked up on bouillon, jello mix and crystal light.

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I'm from Canada too. I went down and our flight got in so late that they couldn't do any tests until the next day Needless to say I was famished. I called the clinic and they told me to go ahead and eat but nothing after midnight. I ate lightly just because I didn't want to have any problems. The next day I did my testing and had my surgery and the rest is history.

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