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Personal Milestone

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I know most are saying you are an inspiration and its true, take these words to heart. After looking at your results and reading your positive posts, I decided to get banded and am now on my second week of liquids after being banded on the 9th. You keep me motivated, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your hard work is really showing, you're already hot, 33 more pounds and you'll be a supermodel!!!! :lb21:


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I weighed myself this afternoon, and I FINALLY got down to 180lbs!! This is huge to me because I haven't weighed this much since I can remember...

It's not just about the number on the scale what I am most excited about is that I am 2/3rds of the way to my goal, only 33 more lbs to go!! I really can't express how pleased I am with my lapband and I am so thankful for Dr. Ortiz and all of the OCC and of course all of you wonderful bandsters that are so full of support and inspire me everyday!

I am finally in most of my size 10 pants from college and I can actually say I don't hate the way I look in pictures lately! Oh and my son got a new toy digital camera yesterday from one of those mail-in cereal offers and took my pic (it's only like 2megapixels so the quailty is not so great) But here I am in a size 10...


I am so proud for you Michelle! You have worked that band, girl!!!!

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That is fantastic news, Michelle! You have really done an excellent job with your band and have inspired us all. I've told you before, you are one of the reasons I was banded. It's so wonderful to see good things happen to such a sweet and helpful person. Keep it up! Pretty soon, you can write your own lapband book!


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