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Does 10CC band cost more???

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Okay, I know the surgery is the same cost, but what I mean is does it cost more because you require more fills. From what I can tell, it seems like the people who are heavier when they have surgery, require the 10 cc band. This will most likely then be the case with me. I am hoping to be between 270 and 280 by the time I have surgery at the end of August. So, I am worried that fill docs will fill the way they do with a 4 cc band. It seems that most people have the 4 cc band and that docs are probably more familiar with it. I am worried that I will have to go back in several times to get the fill amount up where it should be. From what I have read of people on this forum with 10cc band they need to get up to around 6-7 cc before there is good restriction? Shouldn't they put more in from the start if you are a 10cc band? Okay, can you tell I am WAY nervous about the cost of fills. Maybe I am just not understanding the band size difference either???


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It depends on the size of your stomach organ. They explained to me that they wouldn't know which one I would get (at 272 pounds) until they actually had a look inside. I ended up with the 4cc band. But, people have success with both!!! And a lot of places offer reduced rate slight adjustments within 2 weeks of a fill, so you could get some more added if needed after you try it out. :)

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I have a VG band (holds 10cc's) and the amount used for the fill is greater than for the 4cc band.

Mine actually had 1cc in it when I was banded. 3.6cc's were added for my first fill giving a total of 4.6cc's.

Here's the thing, no one can guess how many fills/unfills a person is going to need. Paying for the band is only the start of your expenses. You absolutely have to line up aftercare and be prepared to pay for the fills. If you cannot comfortably pay for the fills, I would recommend putting off the surgery until you can. In order to work the band must be filled to your "sweet spot". If it's not you won't be losing weight.


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I saw no cost differentiation for the bands. As far as I know, the cost is the same at OCC no matter which band you use.

I wanted Fleetwood Mac or Evanescence, but ended up with 10cc. (I know... Paula is about to throw something at me for that one, but it was THERE... I couldn't resist.....)

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I saw no cost differentiation for the bands. As far as I know, the cost is the same at OCC no matter which band you use.

I wanted Fleetwood Mac or Evanescence, but ended up with 10cc. (I know... Paula is about to throw something at me for that one, but it was THERE... I couldn't resist.....)


Hey bud, can you go look at a post I left for you in off topic?

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