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allergic reaction?

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Hi! I was banded on 9-1-06, everything went well but now I have this huge red rash on my chest and upper abdomen. It is awful!! I think it could be an allergic reaction from the betadine used to scrub my surgery site. Has anyone had this happen to you?



banded 9-1-06

highest - 222




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  okiegirl said:

Hi! I was banded on 9-1-06, everything went well but now I have this huge red rash on my chest and upper abdomen. It is awful!! I think it could be an allergic reaction from the betadine used to scrub my surgery site. Has anyone had this happen to you?



banded 9-1-06

highest - 222





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  okiegirl said:

Hi! I was banded on 9-1-06, everything went well but now I have this huge red rash on my chest and upper abdomen. It is awful!! I think it could be an allergic reaction from the betadine used to scrub my surgery site. Has anyone had this happen to you?



banded 9-1-06

highest - 222




Hi Okiegirl,

Yes, I had the same rash only where they applied the betadine stuff. It showed up 2 days after surgery and lasted for about a week to a week in a half. It never spread to my arms or legs. Just keep an eye on your incisions and make sure they are not read. The doc told me to use Benedryl if I need to, but I just held out. I was worried that I was rejecting the band, but that was not the case. Take care and call Dr. Oritz if you are still concerned, they called me back a couple of hours after I called them.


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  bethy said:

Hi Okiegirl,

Yes, I had the same rash only where they applied the betadine stuff. It showed up 2 days after surgery and lasted for about a week to a week in a half. It never spread to my arms or legs. Just keep an eye on your incisions and make sure they are not read. The doc told me to use Benedryl if I need to, but I just held out. I was worried that I was rejecting the band, but that was not the case. Take care and call Dr. Oritz if you are still concerned, they called me back a couple of hours after I called them.


Thanks so much Beth! That is exactly what happened to me. The rash has not spread but it is driving me crazy!!! I am looking forward to next week and maybe it wiill be gone !

Thanks again


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  Skinny Jenny said:

Hi Okie-

Keep me posted on your rash. I'm getting banded the 22nd and if there is anything I can do to prevent that I want to.. I'm sure it's out of my control but nevertheless, it sounds painful and itchy!

You could probably get some betadine and do a test patch on your wrist or something and see if you react. If you do, I bet Dr. Ortiz could find something else to use instead :)

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  LoriBecky said:

Hi Okie,

Just wanted to check and see how you are feeling??

Hi Lori,

Thanks for asking, I feel alot better today but the rash is still very much there.although it dosn't itch as much.I think it should be going away soon.Other than that I'm feeling fine.


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