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I can't do this..........

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As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room crying, I don't think ia can do this. I am 10 days post op and can't take it anymore. We went to applebees for dinner I got spaghetti ( I know I am not supposed to eat) I had about 3 noodles and a shrimp. i feel like sh*t I have pain in my chest 9under the left side of my rib cage) and feel like I want to throw up. I guess i feel this way because I get no support here all my husband does is b*tch he never has anythign nice to say. Honestly I cna't stand the sound of his voice right now but then I am pissy becasue he spends no time with us. I really don't know what to do, I know I will ruin my band and have been trying to behave but something keeps telling me that I will fail at this too so why not just give up.

BTW how do you know if your band slips?

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It sounds like the liquid stage is really hitting you hard. We've all been there! Just take some deep breaths. Is there a counselor or therapist you could talk to?

I believe when your band slips you throw up a lot and can't keep anything down. If the pain persists, call the drs. I had one scare at about 19 days out, ate part of a hotdog and it hurt. Dr. Ramirez called me immediately and added some extra days of liquid and I was fine.

I hope your day improves! Try to stay out of restaurants. You are halfway there! You can do this!


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Ok you are having one bad day. I am truly sorry. You are halfway to solids. Yes you can do this, don't give up now. Many days are a struggle for me as well and I do make some wrong choices but please don't let it defeat you completely. I think many of us, myself included are so used to sabotaging our diet throughout the years for deep reasons we just don't understand. We have failed so many times we don't know what success feels like and when we do maybe get the tiniest piece of it subconsciously we panic. And then our old self just wants to give up for the reasons you say.


You can and will do this. Try and turn just this next hour around with some positive self talk. Go for a walk or do something positive for yourself. Even if it is only drinking 1 glass of water that is a positive step towards getting back on track.

Don't let the Devil get you girl!!!!!

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You can do this...you are having a bad day and you want to run to food. I understand how tough the post op diet is, mine lasted 5 weeks (banded in Canada).

I wanted to eat the food I cooked for my family, but I didn't. They ate steak and roast potatoes, while I ate cream of potato and cheddar soup. But I did it, and you can too.

I had my first episode of PBing today, I ate three bites of a burger too fast and OMG the pain in my chest was wicked scarey and slimed all over the place. I will never do that again.

You have embarked on a lifetime committment and if you need help getting you through the tough times without depending on food, I would contact a counsellor to talk to. Do you have anyone else you can depend on or talk to, besides family members?

I have a wonderful support system at home and at work. You are not alone, we have all been there and some of us are about to be.

You can do this..think of the rewards!!! Take care and feel better!!

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I agree. Stay away from the resturants. Go to the grocery store and get lots of organic, creamy soups. Amy's Organic is a great brand. Black bean puree, split pea puree, etc. They are very filling. Mix it up. Drink the yogurt. We are on solid food August 17th. We are almost there. I get frustrated too. I have a family of skinny people and I eat my soups for dinner while they eat regular dinners of steak and fish and prok. It sucks and it gets hard. But I foge ahead becuase I , like you, chose to do this. I agree wth Julie. Go out for a walk. Take some deep breaths. This too shall pass. We are almost there. Don't let anyone or anything get in the way of your focus. Husbands and boyfriends can be tough sometimes. They can't relate or undertand. Try to reduce your stress. Hang in there! :rolleyes:

  emtstacey76 said:
The pain went away but my stress is at an all time high
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  emtstacey76 said:
The pain went away but my stress is at an all time high

stacey...how do u get your profile picture to appear underneath your screen name on here? when u click on my profile it shows up but when i leave post message replies it doesn't show up....let me know...thanks.

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You really need to focus, you're not just blowing a diet - you are putting your health at risk. And if you really can't do it and keep cheating - please do get the band removed. I'm not trying to be mean but the truth is you don't want anything bad to happen to your band because you can't keep away from solids for the time it takes to heal. (Its only 3 weeks of your life).

I'm going to give you a little bit of tough love here, knock it off and get on the program - you really can do this, so please stop this nonsense. I'll be honest - when I heard you were drinking the milkshakes and thicker soup I had a clue that you were going to have a hard time. You need to buy into the fact that you made a decision to get the band to loose weight, with that you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. The benefits outweigh the losses - and if those few pieces of spaghetti mean more to you than your health….

I know you can do – kick yourself in the behind and get on the program. You’re a beautiful woman and I’m dying to see what you are going to look like when you loose the weight. So don’t disappoint me!!



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Suck it up buttercup, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! ;) :cheerleader: :cheerleader:

This is a lifestyle change. Get back on the horse. You are doing this for you. Look at how far you have come? I haven't started pre-op yet so you are so far ahead of me. ;)

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I'm really sorry...I'm a fellow newbie and the 21 days of liquids were so very hard. I was looking for help on another board that was simply loaded with negative energy. I wish I'd found this one weeks earlier

Going out was too hard. Being hungry was hard. The gas sucked.

You didn't order soup...you ordered spaghetti. What's up there? Sure, it's soft, but while you're alone in your room, while it's quiet and calm, take some time to figure out why you're sabotaging yourself...

Why, when you're angry with your husband, do you take it out on you? Ask yourself what that achieves and what, specifically, you want instead.

You're in the medical field. You know that you have to let the sutures in your stomach form scar tissue in the right areas to reinforce the band for solids. Knowing that, you're going to have to look past your body and into your emotions. Something else needs attention.

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  emtstacey76 said:
As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room crying, I don't think ia can do this. I am 10 days post op and can't take it anymore. We went to applebees for dinner I got spaghetti ( I know I am not supposed to eat) I had about 3 noodles and a shrimp. i feel like sh*t I have pain in my chest 9under the left side of my rib cage) and feel like I want to throw up. I guess i feel this way because I get no support here all my husband does is b*tch he never has anythign nice to say. Honestly I cna't stand the sound of his voice right now but then I am pissy becasue he spends no time with us. I really don't know what to do, I know I will ruin my band and have been trying to behave but something keeps telling me that I will fail at this too so why not just give up.

BTW how do you know if your band slips?

Hun, I was there where you are too. We have all been there. I sat crying one day about 7 or 8 days out and felt so depressed and hungry so bad. I wrote a note here and got sooooooo much support. Then I remembered I was allowed to start having protein shakes and I was giddy with joy because it helped so much. Sure, I was still hungry at times, but I was bound and determined to make it and make my band keep me in line and going. I put alot of money into this band and the whole wonderful experience and I was darn sure we were going to work together and get through the hard times.

I know it was in no way a good thing for you to eat this soon. The temptation is always there, but one thing that nobody should get used to is something I learned that got me through alot of grief and desperation for wanting to eat, was when you get super hungry, then take a bite of whatever and chew it up, but be close to a garbage can becaue you can chew whatever it is up really good, then SPIT IT OUT! That should give you some relief and satisfy your hunger for a bit. But remember to not get used to it. Walk as much as you can and keep busy. Also, the more protein you take in should curb your hunger too. ;)

Hope at least some of this helps. Remember you have alot of support here and you will make it. :)

Peace and hugs,


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COME ON STACY! You can totally do this! Wasn't it you who was in the waiting room with me telling me how awesome this is and how it has totally worked for people you know? You don't want to be the one that everyone wonders why it didn't work for you! BUCK UP GIRL!

OK, I'll be honest now . . .I came on this board ready to throw a pity party here too because I'm on the same day as you, but now that I've seen these replies . .. . NO WAY JOSE! YOU are going to do this. WE are going to be skinny minnies soon! COME ON LADY! DO IT! Don't foil! Persevere!

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HI Stacy,

I was banded 3 days after you. It is a struggle. I have worried so much about much liquids I consumed. I was SO hungry the first week. Today, I am struggling to eat. I love that and hope it stays. My blood pressure medication filled me up this morning...... But I am one those that sabotage myself with food. I use food for everything except nourishment. I get mad at my husband, I eat. then I feel worse. I decided that I have to control this. And I have to find the power inside to do what is right for me. I want to live and I want to be happy. Sabotage only depresses me.

We can do this for ourselves. There is something inside that is an addiction. We took a huge step to control this. Lets support each other to make it through this. I will think about you and your struggle before I sabotage myself. And I think this will help me pause long enough to save myself. Can you think of some trick to help you stop just for a moment to get control?

I hope you can find strength inside to work through this in your head. Just pause....save yourself. We will feel so good afterwards if we can make this the new habit.

This is minute by minute change we have to make in our heads.

It is terrible that your husband would not stop you from eating the wrong things. But you can do this. Just pause.... and make a happy choice.

I told my husband before my surgery that for 3 weeks I am not cooking & I am not going to a restaurant. I warned him to not even bring it up or face my wrath.

I went to store and bought him 21 frozen meals. And came up with 21 days worth of meals for my 2 year old. Plus he goes to daycare.... The 3 weeks before surgery, I cooked for them both so I would not feel guilty during my recovery. Usually, my husband and I take turns figuring out dinner.

My husband could stand to lose about 50 pounds. So he may benefit too.

It may sound crazy, but I just keep repeating to myself... pause & think. A little bit of self brain washing.

14 days to go........ I am scared to death. Yet, SO excited......

Take care of yourself. This is your time.


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  emtstacey76 said:
As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room crying, I don't think ia can do this. I am 10 days post op and can't take it anymore. We went to applebees for dinner I got spaghetti ( I know I am not supposed to eat) I had about 3 noodles and a shrimp. i feel like sh*t I have pain in my chest 9under the left side of my rib cage) and feel like I want to throw up. I guess i feel this way because I get no support here all my husband does is b*tch he never has anythign nice to say. Honestly I cna't stand the sound of his voice right now but then I am pissy becasue he spends no time with us. I really don't know what to do, I know I will ruin my band and have been trying to behave but something keeps telling me that I will fail at this too so why not just give up.

BTW how do you know if your band slips?

If ever you think you can't make it or you want to give up, tell yourself that you will at least sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. Don't just give up. Tomorrow you may wake up and feel your load is a little lighter or your strength is a little stronger. You can do this. Don't give up. You are worth too much to just give up. Do this for you. You are in my prayers.


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Here are some great ideas to keep the liquid stage interesting.

Egg drop soup

vanilla shake mix blended with cantelope and ice

split pea soup

lobster bisque

go to mcdonalds or burger king and get a milk shake!!

muslcle milk light diluted with a little water or milk and blended with ice in blender.

Your husband may be a shit but you have to take care of yourself.


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:o im so sorry things arent going the way youd planned..keep in mind that when we are stressed our bands are tighter, you also need to be very careful this soon out of surgery pbing is the worst thing that can happen right now so be careful!! best of luck and i hope things get better for you at home!!

  emtstacey76 said:
As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room crying, I don't think ia can do this. I am 10 days post op and can't take it anymore. We went to applebees for dinner I got spaghetti ( I know I am not supposed to eat) I had about 3 noodles and a shrimp. i feel like sh*t I have pain in my chest 9under the left side of my rib cage) and feel like I want to throw up. I guess i feel this way because I get no support here all my husband does is b*tch he never has anythign nice to say. Honestly I cna't stand the sound of his voice right now but then I am pissy becasue he spends no time with us. I really don't know what to do, I know I will ruin my band and have been trying to behave but something keeps telling me that I will fail at this too so why not just give up.

BTW how do you know if your band slips?

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  DMG said:
Here are some great ideas to keep the liquid stage interesting.

Egg drop soup

vanilla shake mix blended with cantelope and ice

split pea soup

lobster bisque

go to mcdonalds or burger king and get a milk shake!!

muslcle milk light diluted with a little water or milk and blended with ice in blender.

Your husband may be a shit but you have to take care of yourself.


Everyone said I shouldn't do the milkshake thing??

You know when I got married I thought my husband and I were in this together. It seems like everytime I get pissy he leaves and then ignores me, he can't just let me rant and rave and deal with it. So tonight I sleep on the couch because me and the boys went to the drive-in and he went to his friends because watching the Eagles game is more important than spending time with us. I'll admit life has not been easy around here lately (my 16 yo brother moved in with us) but leaving me to deal with everything by myself to me is selfish.

The worst part is I was doing very well today I starting keeping track of calories and protein to get back on track and even ordered those cookbooks. I made 2 homemade cakes without tasting them and even took one to his work. I didn't even get a thank you, sorry I'm venting my best friend is working night shift so I have no one to talk to.

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Hi Stacy,

I was banded shortly before you and am on full liquids. No solid food you eat before your 21 days is up is going to make your stress load lighter. No bite of this or that is going to make any issues with your husband less tough. Staying on your liquids will build your confidence, help you feel good about yourself and set the stage for your success!!!!

I've found having lots of variety in liquids really helps my mental state. You aren't depriving yourself by doing liquids...you are taking care of yourself.


You can DO IT!!!

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I guess everyone can have a bad day and the support here is wonderful. I did start some of the thicker liquids earlier than I should only when I was really hungry and clear wasn't helping. I did call to make sure it was ok and it was because I had constant diarrhea since the day after I was banded and anytime I put any liquid in my mouth, health wise I had to I was really making myself sick. Getting the band really puts you on an emotional roller coaster and can make you really feel alone!

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Confessing and writing what I have done makes me face it and get back on track. Yes I screwed up today (yesterday now) but I need to move past it and remind myself that I have already lost 11lbs. I owe this to myself the 80lbs I gained in the last 5 years need to disappear so the next 5 years will be alot better. The past is the past and today is a new day, life is to short to be unhappy

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Yes today is a new day I ranted and cryed and everything I needed to do to get over my shame. Here is a question since I am on full liquids should I be doing 1200 calories a day? If so how in the world do I do it? Its 3pm and I have had 370 calories and 18g protein, to do this I feel like I constantly have to have something in my mouth. How many shakes in a day can I have? I had a slimfast shake at 9:30am and then a drinkable yogurt about a 1/2 hour ago and I am starting to get hungry, is another shake ok or should I do soup? I am sooooooo confused!!

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