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I don't start my pre-op for a while, but i'm trying to start little things now like no pop and I want to get in the habit of taking vitamins every day too. I understand that pills are really hard to swallow - are there any liquid or really small vitamins you all take or recommend? Really just looking for a good multi-vitamin but would like to look at calcium and fiber too if I can find it.

I also need to work on not drinking while I eat - that is going to be the hardest for me!!!!!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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I just by the liquids vitamins at Costco. I brought the bottle in for one of my nutritionist to look at and he gave the AOK. (I sell high end custom vitamins in one of the businesses I manage).

I thought pop was going to be an issue for me, but its funny - I can drink it now since I'm past 6 months, but I'm so done with it. And many studies are showing that diet pop is horrible for you so I'm glad I kicked the habit!

The trick of not drinking while eating - don't let any liquid be near you when you eat! The hardest part is having the waiter stop putting the water on the table for me - it seems to really bother them. So I've learned to just let them do it - then I move it away from me as far as possible. I'm sure even today, coming up on 2 years out in Oct I'd still drink if it was in arms reach!

Congrats on your decision!

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It is also recommended to not drink for up to 1 hour after you eat. This is to keep the food in the small stomach longer. If you are absolutely dying to drink one of the Docs said you could drink in 20-30 minutes for emergencies only though. This will keep you full longer. I thought I would NEVER get used to not drinking while I eat because I come from the school that if you drink lots of water while you eat you will get full faster thus eating less. Anyway I am 10 weeks out now and it really doesn't bother me and was an easy habit to change when I focused on it.

I never did get any good liquid vitamins. I take Juice Plus which is a capsule and so I just opened the capsules and mixed it with small amounts liquid in the liquid stage, took it like a shot and was done with it. It got better in the full liquid stage because then I could mix it with yogurt or pudding, Yummy! I've heard also that some people have crushed the pills to as much of a powder as you can and do the same thing. Some prescription meds must be taken this way also.

Good choice on preparing early and making small changes now because once you are banded it is sort of a culture shock!! It really does take some time to really process in you mind how you have physically altered the way you eat, you for the most part cannot stuff yourself anymore or you'll be sick. Nothing really prepared me for mentally feeling like I was being deprived of food and it really showed me how addicted to food I was. Not something you can work through in a day or 2 or even pre-op. I am saying this not to scare you or anything just to try and help in your preparation, some things you can't prepare for though no matter how prepared you think you are. It's all so worth it though.

And also.... :lb9:

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No thank you that is really great to hear! This is going to be the hardest thing i've ever done, but I know I need it desperately. I too am one that drinks probably 5 glasses of water or whatever as I eat. That is gonna be a tough one.

Thanks everyone for your help! I'm sure i'll have about a million other questions especially as I get closer to my date.

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- are there any liquid or really small vitamins you all take or recommend? Really just looking for a good multi-vitamin but would like to look at calcium and fiber too if I can find it.

I finally found the BEST liquid vitamins I have tried yet. I bought them at a sports nutrition store called Max Muscle. If you don't have one in your area the website is www.maxmuscle.com. The liquid vitamins are called "Max Ultra 100", advanced mega-multi liquid nutrition. They have a few flavors but the one they gave me to sample is the one that sells the best and it is cherry berry flavor. You only take 1 oz 1 time a day. They provide over 100 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids with extra high vitamin potency for those who need it. I had no trouble just swallowing the ounce and didn't need any water after or anything. I highly recommend checking these out. I paid $30.00 for a 32 ounce bottle so that's 1 months worth. Look it up I think you will be very satisfied with these, I am already.

And just another FYI I found out alot of great tips on so many things from the owner of the store. He was great and really was into talking about my band and how this product line can really be one that is top quality and gives you alot of bang for the buck. I am going to post about all the stuff I found out tomorrow so watch for it.

Edit: I just reread this. I don't want to sound like a salesman at all. Just excited about what I found to help me and want to share it with others too, that's all. No hard sale here!

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I finally found the BEST liquid vitamins I have tried yet. I bought them at a sports nutrition store called Max Muscle. If you don't have one in your area the website is www.maxmuscle.com. The liquid vitamins are called "Max Ultra 100", advanced mega-multi liquid nutrition. They have a few flavors but the one they gave me to sample is the one that sells the best and it is cherry berry flavor. You only take 1 oz 1 time a day. They provide over 100 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and amino acids with extra high vitamin potency for those who need it. I had no trouble just swallowing the ounce and didn't need any water after or anything. I highly recommend checking these out. I paid $30.00 for a 32 ounce bottle so that's 1 months worth. Look it up I think you will be very satisfied with these, I am already.

And just another FYI I found out alot of great tips on so many things from the owner of the store. He was great and really was into talking about my band and how this product line can really be one that is top quality and gives you alot of bang for the buck. I am going to post about all the stuff I found out tomorrow so watch for it.

Edit: I just reread this. I don't want to sound like a salesman at all. Just excited about what I found to help me and want to share it with others too, that's all. No hard sale here!

Hey maybe they will give you a cut! :)

Those all sound great I will definitely check those out this weekend. I used to be really good about taking vitamins and i've faltered a bit there. I might start writing it down when I journal my calories to make sure I remember.

Thanks everyone these are great!!

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