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Starting to freak out here...

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If you guys remember, my first fill was a bad, bad experience ( http://www.lapbandforum.com/index.php?showtopic=7786 ) and I have another one scheduled for tomorrow adn I'm starting to freak.

This time, I'm going to a Fill Centers USA in Austin, and I'm going to have it done under fluoro, so I'm hopeful that this will be a better experience, but I can feel myself getting really nervous!

Does anyone have any advice for me? Has anyone had fills in Austin before that can tell me about the docs there?

Thanks ahead of time guys!

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The best way to calm down is to have a positive fill experience with a competent doctor. Unfortunately, that won't help you short term. A trick I learned when I had braces was while they were doing all the unpleasant, hurty, spiky stuff in my mouth to wiggle my toes. Really really concentrate on wiggling my toes and then my mind wasn't dwelling on what was happening to me further north. Good luck. Hopefully this time you'll get someone who knows what they're doing and you'll be in and out in the blink of an eye.

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clyyn probably doesn't realize it, but what she is talking about is similar to one of the basic features of Lamaze training. It is all about redirecting your attention away from what is causing you discomfort. I use it every time I go to the dentist. First, take a deep breath, and then let it ALL out, forcing the air out of your lungs. Second, find something you can keep in your field of vision to concentrate on--the holes in the ceiling tiles, the doctor's/dentist's hair, anything with a bit of detail. Count the holes in the tiles or the hairs on his head, or whatever will absorb your attention while you are going through your treatment. Keep reminding yourself to relax your arms and legs, let them fall limp, then go back to paying attention to your focus object. This can really work. We usually clench our fists and tighten up all our muscles when we are going through something unpleasant, then concentrate on what hurts. That only makes it all much worse.

Also, a good, competent fill is not that unpleasant. I have a lot of scar tissue over my port, but my doctor is still able to poke me just once. Chances are good your second experience will be much better than your first, especially with fluoro to help them find the port.

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good question Mom12!!

To me it looks like I got a little mark or a bit of scar tissue where I had my first fill, which didn't make sense because it was just 1 poke that didn't even hurt. Not sure why it looks like a keloid!

I think what snowbird may have been referring to is that some docs (especially the americans) put the port right under the incision which is unlike where Dr. O and many of the other Mexican surgeons put the port. My fill doc told me this and she said it was especially prevalent in the Colorado surgeons, but this is pure speculation on my part. Won't it be surprising if it is accurate? I am going to look at snowbirds profile right now and see where she had her surgery!

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  Kimmy in MD said:
good question Mom12!!

To me it looks like I got a little mark or a bit of scar tissue where I had my first fill, which didn't make sense because it was just 1 poke that didn't even hurt. Not sure why it looks like a keloid!

I think what snowbird may have been referring to is that some docs (especially the americans) put the port right under the incision which is unlike where Dr. O and many of the other Mexican surgeons put the port. My fill doc told me this and she said it was especially prevalent in the Colorado surgeons, but this is pure speculation on my part. Won't it be surprising if it is accurate? I am going to look at snowbirds profile right now and see where she had her surgery!

Nope, I'm talking about the internal scar tissue. While I had my surgery at OCC and the scar tissue wasn't originally over the port, when you lose weight, everything shifts around. So for me, I ended up with thick scar tissue that blocks the port somewhat. Dr Romero had to go get a thicker needle to punch through it for my second fill. It wasn't that horrible, because he stuck me once with the thinner needle and prodded around a bit under the skin, then decided he needed the bigger one and got through on the second poke, but had to apply a bit more pressure than usual. I had just had a root canal at the OCC dentist right before my fill, so I told him he couldn't do anything worse to me than I had just experienced!

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  snowbird said:
Nope, I'm talking about the internal scar tissue. While I had my surgery at OCC and the scar tissue wasn't originally over the port, when you lose weight, everything shifts around. So for me, I ended up with thick scar tissue that blocks the port somewhat. Dr Romero had to go get a thicker needle to punch through it for my second fill. It wasn't that horrible, because he stuck me once with the thinner needle and prodded around a bit under the skin, then decided he needed the bigger one and got through on the second poke, but had to apply a bit more pressure than usual. I had just had a root canal at the OCC dentist right before my fill, so I told him he couldn't do anything worse to me than I had just experienced!

I had the same problem. Dr. So actually thought that my port had flipped because he could not get through the internal scar tissue because it was so thick. He said it was good for me but not for him. He had to have Dr. Acosta come in and get the needle through it was that thick. It was a lot of pressure but no pain.

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Try and make sure you can see the monitor, it's really interesting to watch and that alone will take your mind off of the fill procedure.

You'll do fine and start thinking like the rest of us that "it's no big deal"!

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Hey Amber... One thing that might help you through this one, is to know that these people that are going to be doing your fill tomorrow have alot of experience. I didn't worry at all about mine. I had heard so many good things about Robin and Kitty from Northwest Fills that I was looking forward to meeting them, and knew that everything was going to be okay. They have a note on their website, that says you only need floro once a year to make sure everything still looks good. The doctor here in BC doesn't use floro either. Some people say you should have it with every fill but I don't see why. My port was flipped. Robin tilted, Kitty got the needle in.. and it was done, just like that. Be positive... you will be just fine Amber. Make sure you let us all know how you did. Good Luck! Anita

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