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A Great Reaction

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So I had to share some good news! I'm not telling a bunch of folks about my procedure, but at work I am going to need to tell some folks because we do a lot of lifting, moving, etc... so they will find out. So yesterday the conversation went to a place where I was comfortable telling one of my employees and she almost teared up she was so happy for me! I expected she would be supportive, but that one surprised me. She just couldn't stop telling me how happy she was for me!

I'm always so ancy when I tell people - even my best friends. So it is really nice to get such a positive response.

Had to share - it felt really good!


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That's great new Shelby. Sometimes it's difficult to judge how people will react. The people closest to you may not be the ones who should know.

I have told quite a few people, those I knew would be my biggest supporters. My own sister is one of the people I have not told. To make a really long story short, she would be judgemental and competitive and I don't need that.

I am glad it all worked out for you!!

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Glad that things went so well, I waited to tell my parents until about 2 weeks ago because I was so afraid they would judge me or think I took the easy way out (lol like the lap band is easy) and when I finally got the nerve to to tell them while they were helping us move into our new house and I was shocked that they were totally ok with it... I had lost 70lbs in 7 months since the last time they saw me at Christmas so they kind of figured something was up. I had also taped the Oprah show so I let them watch that to help them understand the band, the OCC and going to TJ further!

Sadly like Cathy and others have said there are going to be those people who will never understand and will become jealous of your success... Just ignore them and focus on getting the results you want, that's the best revenge!!

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You never know how people are going to react. I found most supportive even if it was just in front of me. 30 pounds later I get people asking questions like,"What's that doctors name. And How much was it." I am only to eagar to answer.

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You look fantastic!!! I too ahve lost 70 pounds, but I don't look like you!!! You look so skinny. I am 5'2" and have lost close to 70 pounds but could never fit into a size 10. What is your secret?

  MamaMichelle said:
Glad that things went so well, I waited to tell my parents until about 2 weeks ago because I was so afraid they would judge me or think I took the easy way out (lol like the lap band is easy) and when I finally got the nerve to to tell them while they were helping us move into our new house and I was shocked that they were totally ok with it... I had lost 70lbs in 7 months since the last time they saw me at Christmas so they kind of figured something was up. I had also taped the Oprah show so I let them watch that to help them understand the band, the OCC and going to TJ further!

Sadly like Cathy and others have said there are going to be those people who will never understand and will become jealous of your success... Just ignore them and focus on getting the results you want, that's the best revenge!!

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  Kim2BSlim said:
That is great, Shelby! She sounds like a genuine person!

She is really a great person! It's kind of sad though that she had a MUCH better reaction than I think some of my friends will. But with them, I think it is more out of concern. If they get to see the place online and I really talk them through it I think they will eventually be OK. With a few of my friends I am treated for some reason like the little sister that needs to be taken care of. So I have to remind myself that they mean well. My dad met someone where he gets his hair cut that had it done and she raved so he is getting more on board daily. But it always feels so good to have someone supportive unconditionally.

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  Rhonda Gabriel said:
You look fantastic!!! I too ahve lost 70 pounds, but I don't look like you!!! You look so skinny. I am 5'2" and have lost close to 70 pounds but could never fit into a size 10. What is your secret?

Thanks Rhonda,

Congrats on losing 70lbs!! Feels great doesn't it??

I am far from skinny!! Though I am heavier on the bottom, my weight is pretty evenly distributed so my sizes have dropped pretty well! I guess it depends on what your start weight was (I started at 247lbs), how tall you are (I am 5'4) and how your body carries weight.

You have done great, keep up the good work!

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  MamaMichelle said:
Many people don't tell their friends or extended family till AFTER getting banded, that way they don't have to concern their friends (not that there is anything for them to worry about with the OCC) once you are banded and then you tell them they might be more understanding!!

I've been pondering that or telling them right before I go so I don't have to hear about it much! :) My closest friends live in other towns so I could get away with that, but there are a few that live in town and that I see a lot, so I don't think I could get away without telling them - especially when I go on pre-op. But i'm only telling very few people. Once I start losing I won't lie about it, but I also didn't want to tell a lot of people and make a big deal about it. And family is definitely not finding out until after. My family is prone to get into each others business and be gossipy, so they will not find out until absolutely necessary! :)

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You would be surprised what you CAN get away with. I went on pre-op and work with an office full of women, only the people I told really noticed that I was only drinking shakes, no one else. And..the kicker is, the people who still don't know, haven't even commented on my weight loss at all. Is 46 lbs not even noticable? Hello?! Anyway, if you chose not to share your secret with certain people, you can figure a way to cover it up.

I am back on Weight Watchers, I am doing Atkins, I am on a high protein veggie diet....you can do it, if you need to!!

Good Luck!

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ive also decided to not tell anyone until after. when i mentioned i was thinking about the lapband 6 months or so ago, i was met w/so much "easy way" "gimmick" "just exercise" talk, i abandoned the idea in all conversation and even in my own thoughts, thinking that they were right. Bump'em. im doing it. im saving money, i think i'll be able to do it in february instead of march at my rate. go me, i rock!

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  shadiggty said:
ive also decided to not tell anyone until after. when i mentioned i was thinking about the lapband 6 months or so ago, i was met w/so much "easy way" "gimmick" "just exercise" talk, i abandoned the idea in all conversation and even in my own thoughts, thinking that they were right. Bump'em. im doing it. im saving money, i think i'll be able to do it in february instead of march at my rate. go me, i rock!

Good for you sweetie, I put myself on the pre-op diet WAAAAAY earlier than I had to and I found that doing the shakes and lean cuisines instead of eating out or drive thru food not only helped me lose more than was required before surgery but also saved me a TON of money!! If you are really determined then maybe try doing the pre-op plan for 2 or 3 days a week starting now and you might get to your savings goal (and pre-op weightloss goal) even sooner!!

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I still haven't told any family or co-workers about my band. As of today, I am down 69 pounds and at 5'1" it shows. Yes people at work have commented and congratulated me...some people say absolutely nothing!

Before even thinking about the lapband I had started doing a liquid diet with some co-workers. They couldn't hack it, stopped and gain back even more weight than before. These are the ones who say nothing to me. Others want to do what I'm doing...which they think is protein shakes. I advised them about portion control and higher intake of protein, leaving carbs to last. I even directed them to the sparkspeople.com website to track their food. I drag them along on my lunch time walks. I feel a little guilty...like I'm giving them false hope. I know I couldn't do it before without the band! But at the very least, if they change their eating habits and have more discipline than I did, they will see a change.


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  MamaMichelle said:
Good for you sweetie, I put myself on the pre-op diet WAAAAAY earlier than I had to and I found that doing the shakes and lean cuisines instead of eating out or drive thru food not only helped me lose more than was required before surgery but also saved me a TON of money!! If you are really determined then maybe try doing the pre-op plan for 2 or 3 days a week starting now and you might get to your savings goal (and pre-op weightloss goal) even sooner!!

Shadiggty - great job on saving money! Your time will be here before you know it. Great job! :)

And MamaMichelle isn't it so crazy how much money you save! I went through and looked through my debit card transactions and I was spending over $200 a month on just eating out...and that doesn't include any times I paid in cash! At first when I thought about the cost it worried me, but when I saw how much i'll be saving in eating at home and just how much less i'll be eating period i'm probably gonna break even. Even just being on my modified pre-op right now i'm saving all kinds of money. Can't imagine what it will be like when I am really on pre-op and afterwards. Yea!!!

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  Kittycat said:
You would be surprised what you CAN get away with. I went on pre-op and work with an office full of women, only the people I told really noticed that I was only drinking shakes, no one else. And..the kicker is, the people who still don't know, haven't even commented on my weight loss at all. Is 46 lbs not even noticable? Hello?! Anyway, if you chose not to share your secret with certain people, you can figure a way to cover it up.

I am back on Weight Watchers, I am doing Atkins, I am on a high protein veggie diet....you can do it, if you need to!!

Good Luck!

BTW...can you all tell I really don't feel like working today! I have posted in like every topic! :D

In the office it has worked out really well so far. I was worried about how I was going to get away with the protein shakes and then like the week before a coworker and I were talking about weight loss and he said he was going to start bringing shakes for lunch and dinner. So I jumped in and said "that is a GREAT idea...i'll do it with you"!! Perfect timing huh! So that part was easy but with my friends i'm gonna see how long I can get away with it. It reminds me of anytime we go out and one friend says she doesn't want a drink we all assume she's pregnant!! Terrible huh, like someone can't just not drink one night. But the last time it was true! :) So we will see how long I can get away with it, but I think I probably could. Good idea!

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  Kittycat said:
You would be surprised what you CAN get away with. I went on pre-op and work with an office full of women, only the people I told really noticed that I was only drinking shakes, no one else. And..the kicker is, the people who still don't know, haven't even commented on my weight loss at all. Is 46 lbs not even noticable? Hello?! Anyway, if you chose not to share your secret with certain people, you can figure a way to cover it up.

I am back on Weight Watchers, I am doing Atkins, I am on a high protein veggie diet....you can do it, if you need to!!

Good Luck!

I thought that with the lap band you didn't have to worry about these diets anymore and had to stick with just eating alot less.

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HopefulFuture, i konw that i dont want to tell people b/c unless they are overweight too, they wont understand, and their negativity makes me mad/brings me down. no need to tell anybody if you dont want to, it's your business. i plan on doing as most others do: im not telling anyone, but if they ask after i have the band, i'll be an open book.

thanks for the encouragement on my savings, everyone! i live in south korea, we dont have lean cuisines here, but i'll work something out. well, maybe they have something at costco, i'll check it out.

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  dawns said:

Good for you! I had a hard time figuring out who to tell at work also but in the end it all worked out. I will think of you when the Purple Wildcats are marching down I-70 to stomp the Hawks!


Awwww.....bring it! :)

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Hi all,

I don't know how many of you read Dr. Ortiz's book, but one of his success stories talks about this very topic. She talks about losing friends because of losing the weight. How sad! I too have told very few people because I wasn't sure how they would react. There was NO WAY I was going to tell my Mother!!! I have told a select few of my friends because I knew they would be supportive. My boys know, they are not entirely pleased with the idea, but they support me and my boyfriend is very supportive. The only person I have told in my family is one of my brothers. He too is battling a weight problem. He has been very supportive of my decision to have the surgery. I am looking forward to May 2009 when my son graduates high school and if my parents come down for it, they will have a shock. I have been very heavy most of my life and my Mother has always made me very aware of it. So it will be a nice little shock when they see me after being banded since Ocotber!! WOO HOO, I am so excited! I can not wait until Oct. 20!


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