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Thank you all for your responses and good wishes.

It was important for me to get the message out about what happens

when your fill is too tight. I am doing fine, feeling great, showing

more restraint and still losing weight!

Any doctor that tells you to come back monthly for fills is just

trying to boost his/her income. I have compalined to Fill Centers USA.

Regards to all my fellow bandsters!


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hi, what kind of problems are you having w/fill centers, iam using weight loss centers and iam on 3rd fill and he only wants to add .3 or .4 to my band at a time and at $250. a pop and a 2 hour drive i would like a little more. iam at 1.7cc. what do all you bandster think. iam i pushing it or should i go slow. thank karen

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I think it really depends on the doctor. It's not fair to sterotype them all. Some docs give small fills and think that it is safer to just put a small amount in at a time. Others are more agressive but you might only need 2 fills. I personally believe you are safest if you use floro. They can see what is or what is not going thru. I know it can be more expensive and right now with economics sometimes that can be tuff. In the end it is really important to listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. If you thnk something is not right than check it out. You should be able to drink water and shakes and even eat food. It might be that certain things do not work and you need to drop those foods off your list because if you do not you can hurt your band. This is a good oportunity to touch on stretched pouches and and flipped bands. Please do not over eat. Listen to your body!!!!!!If your to tight get an unfill. If you thnk that next bite is going to hurt...do not take it. I did not spend all this money and take this risk to blow it. Arlene listened to her body and saved her band because she was in tune with her body. We are all here to suport one another and laugh and have fun. But, sometimes you need a reminder that this is serious. SORRY TO SOUND LIKE A GRUMP!!! I just so badly want us all to be successful. Have a great day.

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I totally agree with you Arlene.

My surgeon sees me monthly, but grills me with questions and if I am losing weight and feeling full after eating the standard 3/4 of a cup per sitting, he won't fill me.

Five weeks post op, I still had some restriction and thought I might be ready for a fill, he said no. I have had two fills now 5cc in my 9cc and restriction is great. I see him on Sept 27th for a check up and if I still feel this way, I don't want a fill.

I am so blessed to be so close to my clinic and have the option of calling when I need to. If I lose restriction and feel that I need a fill, I call, they book me in right away.

Take control back, don't let the fill doctors dictate when you should have a fill, you need to judge for yourself. My surgeon told me, if you are using more willpower than bandpower it's time for a fill.

Good Luck everyone!!!

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I think it really depends on the doctor. It's not fair to sterotype them all. Some docs give small fills and think that it is safer to just put a small amount in at a time. Others are more agressive but you might only need 2 fills. I personally believe you are safest if you use floro. They can see what is or what is not going thru. I know it can be more expensive and right now with economics sometimes that can be tuff. In the end it is really important to listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. If you thnk something is not right than check it out. You should be able to drink water and shakes and even eat food. It might be that certain things do not work and you need to drop those foods off your list because if you do not you can hurt your band. This is a good oportunity to touch on stretched pouches and and flipped bands. Please do not over eat. Listen to your body!!!!!!If your to tight get an unfill. If you thnk that next bite is going to hurt...do not take it. I did not spend all this money and take this risk to blow it. Arlene listened to her body and saved her band because she was in tune with her body. We are all here to suport one another and laugh and have fun. But, sometimes you need a reminder that this is serious. SORRY TO SOUND LIKE A GRUMP!!! I just so badly want us all to be successful. Have a great day.

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