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Guest CaraMBA09

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Guest CaraMBA09

Well, the time has now come.

I have gotten up this morning and am hitting the treadmill, then off to Wal-Mart for those last minute much needed items...gas-x strips, benefiber (THX JulieBurns), etc. I am lightly packing as so many of you have adamantly recommended and then away I go tomorrow AM.

I am just so dang excited, but it feels a bit surreal, does that make sense?

I can only hope I am as successful as Michelle, LisaL, Queenie, Kim, Kat (to name a few!)

Thanks for being the bestest (no it is not a word) online friends a gal can have! ><'

Me deseo suerte!

Tiene un gran fin de semana!


(wish me luck!

Have a great weekend!)

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Your day is finally here!!! Have a great trip. Think of it as a "spa vacation" just for you. And yes the benefiber is so critical for the liquid stage.

I am so excited and happy for you Cara. There is a computer at the OCC as well as at the Hotel Lucerna so keep us posted if you feel like it sweetie.

Hugs to you on this very special day...

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Guest CaraMBA09
Best of luck sweetie, enjoy the trip!!

A few months from now you'll look back on your surgery day and think of how easy it all was and of course that it is the 1st day of the rest of your life!!

Keep us updated once you arrive at the OCC!

I just love you gals! I will give a post when I am there! :wub:

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Have a great time. I went to walmart too and got my benefiber and pill crusher and gas x. I think that is what I needed. I leave on Thursday. Let me know how you do.

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Ohhhhh exciting! =D> I am very jealous in a fantastic way for you!!! I hope it all goes smoothly and make sure and tell us about your experience first chance you get!!!


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