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Just wondering if anyone is having really dry skin? Since I was banded the 9/7 my skin is getting drier and drier.

I sometimes get num on my hips and hands when I sleep and I am not sleeping on them they just fall sleep on me.

Am I doing something wrong?


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  Teeners said:

Just wondering if anyone is having really dry skin? Since I was banded the 9/7 my skin is getting drier and drier.

I sometimes get num on my hips and hands when I sleep and I am not sleeping on them they just fall sleep on me.

Am I doing something wrong?


Hi Tina,

It's Nita from Boise. We met in the lobby at occ. As for dry skin, well I've had that since I moved to Idaho so maybe it is just the climate now, the fires drying out the air more than usual. As for the other, I can only tell you that I truely believe if you have a concern about something medical you should call Dr. Miranda or even Lori. When I met with Dr. Miranda in Mexico the first thing she told me was that I shouldn't follow advice on the web. If you are worried, please call them.

How are you doing with your weight loss? Hope everything else is good. Nita

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The dry skin MAY be from not getting enough fluids, but you really should talk to either Dr. Ortiz or your primary care doctor. It's possible you have something going on that's not even related to the surgery, but you want to make sure you're healthy and it's not a bigger issue.

  Teeners said:

Just wondering if anyone is having really dry skin? Since I was banded the 9/7 my skin is getting drier and drier.

I sometimes get num on my hips and hands when I sleep and I am not sleeping on them they just fall sleep on me.

Am I doing something wrong?


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I too noticed that I have been getting dry skin on my back and shoulders mostly. I also believe that its from taking in less fluids. I'm going to try some dove moisturizing body wash and try that as I use just plain old soap now. I also live in colorado and its very dry here too with winter approaching so that may contribute. If that fails, i'll give a call to a dermatologist.

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it is also from taking in less fat! I find I have to condition my hair more often because of my reduced consumption of fat.

Make sure you are well hydrated! I use a shea butter body balm at night that really makes my skin feel great and lasts into the next day.

You can always call or email Dr. Miranda for advice. Remember, your body needs some fat, even while you are dieting.

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