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I just wrote this huge thing about bowel habits, and it was all erased. :huh:

Can't go for 6 days, lots of gas. :wacko: Eat salads, drink water, put benefiber in everything. No abdominal cramps. OR go 4 times/day small amounts, smaller diameters (I know it is weird but none of us really talk about this stuff and not only do i not think it normal to not go for 6 days, i also don't lose any weight that way either. :angry: ) Sometimes I use 2 squares of chocolate ex lax but I don't want to be using laxatives either. Are others having this difficulty and what are you doing about it. I eat three times/day. Protein, veg, fruit, carb. Chew. etc.

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This is a common problem for dieters and those of us who are past our youth. This is what works for me.

I drink a large glass of Crystal Light orange drink every morning before I eat. I think getting fluids in is essential to avoid constipation. Then I have a bowl of oatmeal--1/4 c dry, with some walnuts and a few raisins for flavor and texture. If I miss a single day, I am stuck for a week.

For snacks, I usually have a Fiber One bar or a couple Curves granola bars.

Exercise is also important. Your muscles help move things along, so a brisk walk every day can do wonders sometimes.

My husband (also banded) eats a cup of Fiber One cereal every morning. Again, if he misses a day, he has problems for days afterwards.

I had these problems every time I dieted in the past, not just after being banded. With the band, I have difficulty eating fibrous vegetables so I have to work at getting in enough fiber every day.

Congratulations on your band success--you are doing great! You are not far from me in age and my highest weight was 255, although I had lost some on an Atkins diet before deciding I needed the band to continue losing instead of regaining my weight. Us fifty-somethings can make this thing work for us!

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:mellow: i have the same problem, i have always dealt with constipation,...i drink miralax every night before i go tot bed and it is the only thing that keeps me regular, give it a try and see if it helps!

  cfuture88 said:
I just wrote this huge thing about bowel habits, and it was all erased. :huh:

Can't go for 6 days, lots of gas. :wacko: Eat salads, drink water, put benefiber in everything. No abdominal cramps. OR go 4 times/day small amounts, smaller diameters (I know it is weird but none of us really talk about this stuff and not only do i not think it normal to not go for 6 days, i also don't lose any weight that way either. :angry: ) Sometimes I use 2 squares of chocolate ex lax but I don't want to be using laxatives either. Are others having this difficulty and what are you doing about it. I eat three times/day. Protein, veg, fruit, carb. Chew. etc.

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we have this thing that we use with our post open heart patients and it is called a "slider" :blink: - we take prune juice and warm it up and put a pat of melted butter in it. Gross, huh? Seems to work.......

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  cfuture88 said:
I just wrote this huge thing about bowel habits, and it was all erased. :huh:

Can't go for 6 days, lots of gas. :wacko: Eat salads, drink water, put benefiber in everything. No abdominal cramps. OR go 4 times/day small amounts, smaller diameters (I know it is weird but none of us really talk about this stuff and not only do i not think it normal to not go for 6 days, i also don't lose any weight that way either. :angry: ) Sometimes I use 2 squares of chocolate ex lax but I don't want to be using laxatives either. Are others having this difficulty and what are you doing about it. I eat three times/day. Protein, veg, fruit, carb. Chew. etc.

Rene at the OCC told me this just happens with some people and to use milk of magnesia. I had to use it twice during the post op diet. Just whatever you do, only take 1.5 tablespoons, not 3!

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I'm telling you people . . . .SMOOTH MOVE TEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the best!!!!!!! One glass a day keeps me CLEANED OUT! Please! Try it and tell me you don't love it. I dare you!

PS - I just saw it at Vitamin World, which tells me that health food stores carry it. I also find it in my tea and coffee section at Save Mart, but that's the only grocery store I've been able to find it at.

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Just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. I posted the topic and had to go out of town so never got back to it. Was not trying to be rude. Sorry. Anyway, thanks for everything. Have been trying to stay away from MOM, senekot, miralax as all of them are laxatives (as are ex lax) and you can become adicted to them. You can use Colace as it is a softener but no laxative. (I was a program director for an eating d/o unit and many people were dependent on laxatives.

The exercise is probably key, as is trying to get in more fiber. WIll try all and thanks again. Ellen

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