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There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation about the VG Band, so I hope the following information will help to straighten that out.

The VG Band is a larger than the standard Lap-Band. The VG Band holds up to 10cc's of fluid and is 14cm long, as opposed to the standard band which is 10cm long and holds up to 4cc's of fluid. The VG band is used for higher BMI patients or for those that carry more weight around their abdomen. While the appropriate band size can usually be determined prior to surgery, if a higher concentration of fat is found around the stomach during surgery, the decision to use the VG Band may be made during surgery. You will be informed of your band size after surgery and the ID card you are given at the clinic will list the band size on it as well.

Using the VG Band on higher BMI patients and those with a higher concentration of abdominal fat generally gives the patient a higher success rate for long term weight loss, but also causes fewer complications after surgery. As you lose weight around you abdomen, you may require additional fills. Remember, as you slim down on the outside you are also slimming down on the inside. As with the standard band, our goal is to get you to that "sweet spot" where you can eat about 1/3 of your pre-surgery intake, without struggling with Pbing (remember to

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  • 3 weeks later...


I got the VG band on September 6th. On the liquid stage of the post op diet I did not notice any restriction, but thought on the solid stage I would notice restriction. I have been on the solid stage for a couple of weeks now and I am suprised that I do not notice any restriction. I did not expect much untill I got my first fill, but thought I would notice something.

I am finding that I am getting really hungry. Even more so then before the surgery. This sems strange to me, but given the pre op diet and the post op diet I am sure that as I move back to solid foods my body is going through some changes that have nothing to do with the band.

I can't wait to get my first fill so that I can start to realize the advantages of the band. I am very glad I got the larger band. I would rather have no restriction during this stage then to have complications or be over restricted. At first I was concerned that my band might have slipped or even come apart, but I have had absolutelty no problems such as feeling sick or anything, so I assume everything is fine and this is just the way it is.

I really want to go back to the clinic for my first fill, just so they can take a look and make sure everything is alright. Hopefully I will find a way to fit this in my schedule in the next couple of weeks.

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I must have past ya in the hallway. I had my surgery on September 7th. I ditto everything you said. Little if any restriction the first 3-4 days of liquid, then nothing as I progressed to solids. I can eat everything. I have not drank carbonated soda, but I bet I could, no problem.

Thr only time a feel any different, is when I finish eating a so-so meal, the bottom of my stomach feels tender. So I am probably full (bottom of stomach) since the top pouch has taken off some of the volume. Easy way to put it is I can eat a full plate, but I can't eat a second or third plate as before. I have gained most of my post-op weight back, but I am sure most of that weight was water weight anyway. I'' m still down over 20 pounds with a fill scheduled next Saturday


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I was banded on Sept 8 and I also received a VG band. I was worried about this as I have read some negative things about it but I have to say I am very pleased so far. I have not had a fill yet and it's true that I could eat anything. I am however trying to follow a traditional diet, watch my portions and of course this is tough but I am not about to toss away all of this money without the good, ole college try. I have managed to hang on to my liquid diet weight loss and lose another 2 pounds. I must say that I am looking forward to my first fill on the 28th even though I don't expect much from a first fill. I have made up my mind not to be discouraged(if possible)and to hang in there til I get the correct fill. I've been fat all of my life so a few more weeks(months)til the fill is correct won't kill me. Good Luck to all. Nita

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Hi All,

I'm in the same situation with the VG band. I also had surgery on the 8th (hi Tom and Nita) and now have no restriction and waiting for my first fill. I did pretty well and felt satisfied on the liquid/soups post-op. But now I've gained a few pounds back and I think I can eat as much as I did before surgery. I'm just trying to drink lots of water and watch it some, but its difficult. I'm looking forward to getting a fill on the 27th.

Hang in there everyone,


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Thanks to each of you for posting your similar experience. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had this feeling. Is anybody else going back to TJ for a fill, or have you gone back to TJ for a fill? I really want to get my first fill at the clinic, but due to the travel etc.. I will have to wait a few additional weeks. I could get it done locally with x-ray for about the same cost as the travel and fill in TJ, however I would prefer to have it done in TJ.

Thanks again for your posts.


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  Phil McDonald said:


Thanks to each of you for posting your similar experience. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has had this feeling. Is anybody else going back to TJ for a fill, or have you gone back to TJ for a fill? I really want to get my first fill at the clinic, but due to the travel etc.. I will have to wait a few additional weeks. I could get it done locally with x-ray for about the same cost as the travel and fill in TJ, however I would prefer to have it done in TJ.

Thanks again for your posts.


Hi Phil,

I made the decision to have all of my fills done in TJ. I know it is pricey to travel but the only places here that do fills dont use flouro and I'm just not willing to let someone poke a hole in my port. This is a huge investment for all of us and we owe it to ourselves to get the best aftercare that we can. If it is a matter of finances then I hope you will look around for someone who has a flouro. I have waited a bit longer for my first fill too because of the travel and time away from work. I just will keep trying to eat as healthy as I can and if I don't gain any weight back I will be satisfied. It is difficult though. ...I sometimes feel like I could eat a horse!! Good luck to you!!

Hey Roger, is your wife getting her surgery on the 27th? We're flying in the 27th, maybe I'll run into you at the clinic Sat morning. Take care Nita

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Hi all,

I was scheduled to go down at the end of this week and now it looks like I will have to postpone (wife is too anemic for her surgery right now). So I'm going to check out somewhere locally here for a fill this week.

So have either of you (Tom, Phil) had your fill? I'm wondering how much fill you got the first time with the VG band (or frm any others out there). I was hoping to go down to TJ as I think they are a little more agressive. I know it is individual, but I don't want to waste a bunch of $$$ here either. I've read that 3 to 5 is normal for the first, but it may take 6 or 7 cc's for good restriction.

Anyone's experience with this would be appreciated.


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Just got back last night. I received 4.6, on liquids for now. So I'll let you know in a few days if I have any restriction.

I do have to burp ( regular) when I drink liquid too fast... same as after the surgery


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  tombourn said:

Just got back last night. I received 4.6, on liquids for now. So I'll let you know in a few days if I have any restriction.

I do have to burp ( regular) when I drink liquid too fast... same as after the surgery


Tom and Roger thanks for the postings! I received the VG on 10.16.06. I have experienced what you have but have decided to stay on shakes until my first fill. Of course I will be testing the band with food right before fill to see how much restriction there is. The burping sounds familiar. Tom please keep us updated. I scheduled my first fill for December 20 but may up it a couple weeks to the 6 week mark from surgery if I know restriction is an issue. Appreciate the posts. A fellow VG'er. Kevin
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  CalKev said:

Tom and Roger thanks for the postings! I received the VG on 10.16.06. I have experienced what you have but have decided to stay on shakes until my first fill. Of course I will be testing the band with food right before fill to see how much restriction there is. The burping sounds familiar. Tom please keep us updated. I scheduled my first fill for December 20 but may up it a couple weeks to the 6 week mark from surgery if I know restriction is an issue. Appreciate the posts. A fellow VG'er. Kevin

Hey Kevin- it'snice to see you are doing well

I have not posted yet - just been reading alot on what I am supposed to be doing and taking easy---I am off work t till 11/13 - well today is one week- I actually drove my son to school but am having my husband chauffer me every where LOL - I am doing actually really good my pre op diet weight was 267 and pre surgery 10/16 was 255 and the scale this morning indicated 248 - I am only on juice, water and broth - I have tried a clear tortilla soup minus all the junk and it was delicious - I am not getting in all my liquids - I am just not that hungry--water is hard cause I want to drink it --sooo I have been really working on getting the sipping thing down but my mouth is really dry----popsicles are too sweet I have tried the ones they gave us at the clinic and a regular SF orange popsicle - I have grape and cherry also - gatorade is too sweet - I don't know if that is a good or bad thing LOL - my husband is so excited about me losing weight - my son keeps trying to lay on me - and then all of a sudden he is oh mommy I forgot are you okay---I just laugh---I was up at 6:30 on saturday and we went to walmart for groceries -walked walked walked then we brought that home I loved it I didn't have to unload the truck LOL then more errands then the SAM's club trip again walk walk walk my daughter was with us so she got to push teh second cart my husband was so funny he kept putting the heavy stuff in her cart - we got home about 1:30 -2:00 and then unloaded again no lifting for me.... then next he asked me if I wanted a pedicure - I jumped up so quick and was in the truck - yeah for me.... then i went out to eat with him and that is when I tried the tortilla soup strained and they know us so well that they didn't charge me for the soup- hey if I keep going there to eat out I won't need the little card that gets me smaller meals ---LOL as if I would use it --sorry I really don't want to draw attetion to myself - We leave for laughlin on friday and then to vegas on saturday - monday picking up realatives to bring back for a week- I love tehm dearly so we will have a nice relaxing weekend - we are driving but we have a Suburban so expect the ride to be comfortable -----talk more later


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  cyndiwilson said:

- I am not getting in all my liquids - I am just not that hungry--water is hard cause I want to drink it --sooo I have been really working on getting the sipping thing down but my mouth is really dry----

I just want to emphasis how important it is to get enough liquids. I didn't worry about it too much. It was really hard to drink so little at a time, but I ended up with large kidney stones from not drinking enough. It is not common, but it can happen. It has been a month since I was diagnosed with kidney stones, and they are still hurting me. I wish I could go back and work a little harder on drinking more. I would drink all day.


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I had my initial surgery in July (I've written extensively on other posts about my experience, if you're interested), had no restriction, went back to TJ at 6 weeks, was filled 3.5cc, still no restriction, went again 6 weeks after that to TJ and was filled to 4.2, ate dinner that night and breakfast the next morning, still didn't have much restriction, so they put in another .5cc, totalling 4.7cc now.

I have restriction some of the time, but oddly enough not most of the time or even regularly. I may have NO restriction the very next meal after PBing!! I can't seem to make rhymn nor reason of things. I'm still struggling with the habit of drinking while eating--and when I DO, I almost always wind up PBing (I think the liquid displaces the solids up into the esophagus), so I'm really on a learning curve--BUT...

I'm hoping to go next week to that fill doctor in OH...I didn't get to make an appt. today before their office closed. But, I can still eat about 1/2 of what I did before. I need to have more fill...I'm starting to feel like this might have been a mistake for me...perhaps, I'M the exection to the successful results of the lapband procedure--Goodness I hope not.

I've lost about 25lbs total since pre-op diet...only about 5 lbs since my last fill mid-Sept.

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Hi all,

I recieved the VG band during my procedure on April 28th. Six weeks later I got my first fill of 3.8 cc. Initially I felt some restriction but not much. After 3 months of little to no success in lossing weight I scheduled another fill. There was only .6 cc in the band. I guess this is fairly common. I had the second fill in the morning and received an additional 2.2 cc. Now a few weeks after that fill I feel like I could get another fill in the fairly near future. My weight loss is slow to non-existent. I know I need to make the tool work better by changing some eating habbits. 1. No fluids just before, during, or after a meal. 2. Don't "eat" anything that becomes a liquid with calories.

I'm working on those but have a long way to go. I also need to work on working out on a more consistent basis.

The bottom line: Don't be afraid to get all the fills you need, especially with the VG band. Remember it's a tool and not a silver bullet.


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  cyndiwilson said:

Hey Kevin- - we are driving but we have a Suburban so expect the ride to be comfortable -----talk more later


Hi Cyndi - So glad to hear you are doing so well. Sorry to have left TJ so quick. We got a call that we needed to be ready in 10 minutes and we had just got up from a nap and had not packed. Missed having some Lucerna broth with you!

We were at Costco a few days ago and my poor spouse is lifting water and diet coke (for her, sigh) into the cart while I stood by and watched. I got some funny looks. It won't last long but its nice to have the help for our recovery. I have gotten a little of the coddling but not so much and no free meals for me.

Congratulations on the weight loss! I'm with you not hungry but dry mouth and I get fatigued pretty quick and have to sip some watered down juice to get my energy cells charged. You are right...to much sweet. In reference to the card for kids meals just remember:

If the band breaks,

The stomach will fall.

And up go the calories,

Fat cells and all.

he-he I know what your saying about the kids card and it will form cob webs on it in my wallet too.

The only real issue I had so far was my plumbing shut down to put it nicely. I believe it was because I was on all liquids for 5 weeks prior to surgery and the I gave my body clear liquid. It, my body, was not so happy. About 48 hours ago I said forget this as I felt like a balloon and I had emailed Dr. Miranda but had not received a reply. So I consulted my Doctor and Milk of Magnesia was recommended. I took a single dose and my life changed. The plumbing was back on line and I was up all night as it thanked me for the assistance.

I scheduled my first fill for almost 6 weeks to the day of our surgery. It is the 27th of November. Have you thought about a fill appointment or are you feeling snug enough. I have the VG and need some more squeeze on my new band. I have heard from all 3 of our other bandmates and they are doing well too.

Enjoy your trip and your family. Remember no strenuous exercise for three weeks. I think that includes yanking the arm on a slot machine to much. Your Band-day Buddy, Kev

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  NWMarc said:
Hi all,

I recieved the VG band during my procedure on April 28th. Six weeks later I got my first fill of 3.8 cc. Initially I felt some restriction but not much. After 3 months of little to no success in lossing weight I scheduled another fill. There was only .6 cc in the band. I guess this is fairly common.

The bottom line: Don't be afraid to get all the fills you need, especially with the VG band. Remember it's a tool and not a silver bullet.NWMarc

NWMarc, Do you know why it is common for the VG to lose saline? I have heard of this happening but not that it was "common". I also have a VG and am going for my first fill the end of November, 2006. Currently I am 9 days post-op and have some restriction but it feels more like a tightness. Is the loss of saline an ongoing event if "common" or does it relate to how you eat? Thanks your Info is appreciated! Kevin
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OK, I have a pouch!! I got my first fill of 4.6 cc's. So Tom, I hope that's a good number to start with. No problems with liquids, and I know it's individual, but I'm already expecting another fill will be necessary. I've also heard of some potential fluid loss, but the fill nurse didn't think it was that common but had heard of it. I have read that some of the air in the band prior to filling could dissipate as the band gets primed with the first fill.


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Roger et al..

I didn't know for sure the first few days whether I had restriction or not. Then on Thursday night (6 days after fill) I ate 1/2 peanut butter sandwich on a heal piece of white bread. OH BOY..hold on for the ride... I'm just glad I didn't have my service weapon on me....the PB ing wasn't bad, the pain, however, of that being stuck..made me sweat ... a drenching sweat that I'm sure rivaled child birth.

At that point, I did what is suggested and did liquids for a day and will not be testing it in the near future. I ate chicken alfredo the night before and the pasta wasn't a problem, but the peanut butter and white bread are now sworn enemies!!!

Back down at my lowest weight and ready to Rock and Roll


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  tombourn said:

Roger et al..

I didn't know for sure the first few days whether I had restriction or not. Then on Thursday night (6 days after fill) I ate 1/2 peanut butter sandwich on a heal piece of white bread. OH BOY..hold on for the ride... I'm just glad I didn't have my service weapon on me....the PB ing wasn't bad, the pain, however, of that being stuck..made me sweat ... a drenching sweat that I'm sure rivaled child birth.

At that point, I did what is suggested and did liquids for a day and will not be testing it in the near future. I ate chicken alfredo the night before and the pasta wasn't a problem, but the peanut butter and white bread are now sworn enemies!!!

Back down at my lowest weight and ready to Rock and Roll


Hi Tom, just read your reply, and wanted to say good job on getting back down to your lowest weight. Great Job :rolleyes: , and I know you will make it all the way to your goal.


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  CalKev said:

NWMarc, Do you know why it is common for the VG to lose saline? I have heard of this happening but not that it was "common". I also have a VG and am going for my first fill the end of November, 2006. Currently I am 9 days post-op and have some restriction but it feels more like a tightness. Is the loss of saline an ongoing event if "common" or does it relate to how you eat? Thanks your Info is appreciated! Kevin

Hi Kevin,

My understanding is that it may happen the first time or two. Chances are that by time you hit 4 weeks you will know you have no restriction. I made my apointment for exactly 6 weeks post op. My recommendation is don't wait 3 months like I did to get the second fill. I'm unemployed so I'm caught between wanting to get a fill but not wanting to spend $350 of my dwendeling savings. If money wasn't an object then I'ld be getting another fill this week.


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Hello everyone,

Just returned last night from my first fill in TJ. The fill went well (4.4cc)and I am feeling great).

I just want to post this to warn anyone going to TJ for a fill to call before you go and make sure they actually have an appt. for you. Especially if you are counting on them for transport.

I made my fill appt. the first workday after my surgery which is 7 weeks ago today. I requested to have a driver meet me at the San Diego airport. They told me to meet him at terminal 2, baggage claim at 8am on Sat. Well friends, I was there, he was not. I tried to call Rene but he wouldn't answer his phone. I called the clinic and NO ONE COULD SPEAK ENGLISH. Finally they put a patient on the phone who had no idea about any of this(poor girl)so I told her to try to let them know I would make my way there. If I would have gone on my own, it would have been over. I am terrified of strange places and things I don't know my way around. I would have just taken a plane home. Fortunately my husband was with me and figured out the whole trolley thing. We got there just at 10(time for my appt , right?)but I had the feeling they didn't even have me scheduled. Of course they did give me the fill and I am not angry, just with myself, for believing that when I speak on the phone with them they actually understand me. By the way I tried to call Rene over and over....He wouldn't answer the cell number the clinic gave me. Just want to let you all know that even though I love the people at the clinic, I will always check again before I board a plane.

As for my fill itself, it was great. Very easy, no pain. Roger and Tom, Dr. Martinez told me that when I come back for my next fill he is going to give me a good fill. Send me away for an hour to try and eat and if I don't feel like I have adequate restriction he will fill it again at that time to help me avoid continuing trips to find my sweet spot. Sounded good to me.

Much success to all of us!

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Hi VGB'ers!

I received my VGB on October 24th. I guess, for whatever reason, I did not realize that there was much difference between my band and a "normal" one. I assumed when I went in that I would get the regular band and when I got my ID card it says the VGB band. Is there anything else I need to know about my band?

I have already lost 22 pounds and now am scared about what happens after 4 weeks.... I do NOT want to live without any restriction!! I am going to schedule my fill in TJ for right at 6 weeks - the first week of December!


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  nita57 said:

Hello everyone,

Just returned last night from my first fill in TJ. The fill went well (4.4cc)and I am feeling great).

I just want to post this to warn anyone going to TJ for a fill to call before you go and make sure they actually have an appt. for you. Especially if you are counting on them for transport.

I made my fill appt. the first workday after my surgery which is 7 weeks ago today. I requested to have a driver meet me at the San Diego airport. They told me to meet him at terminal 2, baggage claim at 8am on Sat. Well friends, I was there, he was not. I tried to call Rene but he wouldn't answer his phone. I called the clinic and NO ONE COULD SPEAK ENGLISH. Finally they put a patient on the phone who had no idea about any of this(poor girl)so I told her to try to let them know I would make my way there. If I would have gone on my own, it would have been over. I am terrified of strange places and things I don't know my way around. I would have just taken a plane home. Fortunately my husband was with me and figured out the whole trolley thing. We got there just at 10(time for my appt , right?)but I had the feeling they didn't even have me scheduled. Of course they did give me the fill and I am not angry, just with myself, for believing that when I speak on the phone with them they actually understand me. By the way I tried to call Rene over and over....He wouldn't answer the cell number the clinic gave me. Just want to let you all know that even though I love the people at the clinic, I will always check again before I board a plane.

As for my fill itself, it was great. Very easy, no pain. Roger and Tom, Dr. Martinez told me that when I come back for my next fill he is going to give me a good fill. Send me away for an hour to try and eat and if I don't feel like I have adequate restriction he will fill it again at that time to help me avoid continuing trips to find my sweet spot. Sounded good to me.

Much success to all of us!


I've had numerous problems with Rene and have made my complaints known to Mrs. Ortiz. Our fill experience in TJ was full of bumbling mistakes. We too were told we would be met at Terminal 2 and waited nearly 1 hour before someone picked us up and we were sweating it because Rene did not answer his phone <_< Because Mom, Sister and I had surgery as a group and were returning back as a group we were to have free hotel accommodations and free fills on this first trip back as a group discount sort of thing as arranged by Carolyn upon scheduling of the surgery. I'd confirmed this on scheduling the fill. We finally arrived at the Lucerna and the girl at the desk asked for payment. Luckily I caught Mrs. Ortiz who was there! After serval confusing moments it was finally all worked out. Dr. Ortiz and his medical team are wonderful but his TJ staff that deals with the public are severely lacking in communication skills and efficency. I prefer to have my fills done at the radiology group near my home town anyway. The xray equipment is modern and I can exactly what is going on and I get a better fill experience without a 3 hour flight and being subjected to that nightmare of crossing the border via non-english speaking transport.


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  NinnyEd said:
Hi VGB'ers!

I received my VGB on October 24th. I guess, for whatever reason, I did not realize that there was much difference between my band and a "normal" one. I assumed when I went in that I would get the regular band and when I got my ID card it says the VGB band. Is there anything else I need to know about my band?

I have already lost 22 pounds and now am scared about what happens after 4 weeks.... I do NOT want to live without any restriction!! I am going to schedule my fill in TJ for right at 6 weeks - the first week of December!


NinnyEd, I have the VG and it was placed on Oct. 16. I originally scheduled my first fill for December but after reading other posts like you I have re-scheduled for 6 weeks to the day in November. Until I get restriction I am staying on a liquid diet other than trying out the band with solid food to determine if restriction is sufficient. From what I've read here it may take 2 to 4 fills to hit the so called "sweet spot" with VG. On the upside it has a lower complication rate. Best of luck on a successful fill! Kevin
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