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Change of Mind

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Hi everyone!

I have decided against the lapband surgery. I have requested my deposit back!

The entire time since I chose the lapband I had this nagging doubt in the back of my head. Now that I have canceled, it is the same- Can I do this on my own etc...

Guess I need some feedback from some neutral people that have dealt with weight issues.

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Well Teyann, that's definitely a loaded question...we have all dealt with weight issues.

I am making a big assumption here, but I think most of us including myself have tried everything else. Weight Loss Clinic in my 20's, Weight Watchers in my 30's and 40's. I lost weight, sure....did very well, but it didn't stay off. Maybe I wasn't ready for a lifestyle change, maybe I needed something else.

What I can tell you, is that there is no way in hell I would have lost 53 lbs in 4 months on any other diet plan.

I have said the same thing you have " I can do this on my own" over and over again...and yet I still weighed 285 lbs...drop 20, gain 30...you lose the drive and fall back into the old ways.

My suggestion would be to try your way, on your own, for 6 months and see how you do...if you are successful...great!! If you are not, consider the band again.

My old regret is not doing it sooner!!

Good Luck!!!

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OK, I'm busily getting the last things done for my trip - I leave in 45 minutes, running around like a crazy person and jumped on to see if anyone emailed me a hotel… (No,,, WAAA)…. Someone help me here – don’t leave me hanging!

Back to the real issue that is going to make me late for my 13 hour flight which I hate!!

Are you just having buyer’s remorse? How overweight are you? If you are considered obese and it’s a health risk for you, if so I'd ask you to really think this over. If you are not a health risk and have made the decision that you can and will do this on your own, I'm proud of you - go kick some ass and loose the weight. I couldn’t do it on my own, but many can – however if its just one of those nagging thoughts that happens when we put money down, think it over very carefully – I know if I didn’t do this based on my rate of gain I’d be about 330 pounds right now and most likely very unhealthy, making less money and not enjoying life like I am now. I’m sad to say that thin people are treated better – make more money and get things for free (I’m telling you its not fare – I get more free stuff and better service – its crazy). I'm liken it though.....

Don’t rush to this decision – look at yourself in the mirror – naked if you have to and ask yourself if you need and want to make a change. I did that, and it set me on my path to get the band. Hated that view then – love it now – I can’t even explain – but more importantly I’m healthy and will be around longer for my kids, and grandkids.

I’m outa here – gotta go!

Good luck on your decision!


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  teyann said:
Hi everyone!

I have decided against the lapband surgery. I have requested my deposit back!

The entire time since I chose the lapband I had this nagging doubt in the back of my head. Now that I have canceled, it is the same- Can I do this on my own etc...

Guess I need some feedback from some neutral people that have dealt with weight issues.

I cancelled my surgery several times before going through with it..... I kept telling myself the same things - that I could do it on my own and technically I could do it... I just can't keep the weight OFF after loosing it. Better to reprocess your feelings and really think it through before hoping on the plane to OCC. I personally would do it again in a minute so I am probably not what you would consider neutral. However, I really struggled. The band "forces" me to tow the line and I really like that about it. There are pros and cons either way. I read lots of lapband books... I do understand how you feel - :-? Cari

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I know exactly what you are going through! I am scheduled to have surgery on 11/5 and it is all I can think about.....should I, shouldn't I, what if this or that and maybe I too can do it on my own......I'm driving myself crazy! Are they going to give your deposit back? Looking through the gallery and reading everyones success stories help me throughout the day are reassures me I'm making the right decision..........for that moment anyway! :rolleyes:

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Guest CaraMBA09
  lisal said:
OK, I'm busily getting the last things done for my trip - I leave in 45 minutes, running around like a crazy person and jumped on to see if anyone emailed me a hotel… (No,,, WAAA)…. Someone help me here – don’t leave me hanging!

Back to the real issue that is going to make me late for my 13 hour flight which I hate!!

Are you just having buyer’s remorse? How overweight are you? If you are considered obese and it’s a health risk for you, if so I'd ask you to really think this over. If you are not a health risk and have made the decision that you can and will do this on your own, I'm proud of you - go kick some ass and loose the weight. I couldn’t do it on my own, but many can – however if its just one of those nagging thoughts that happens when we put money down, think it over very carefully – I know if I didn’t do this based on my rate of gain I’d be about 330 pounds right now and most likely very unhealthy, making less money and not enjoying life like I am now. I’m sad to say that thin people are treated better – make more money and get things for free (I’m telling you its not fare – I get more free stuff and better service – its crazy). I'm liken it though.....

Don’t rush to this decision – look at yourself in the mirror – naked if you have to and ask yourself if you need and want to make a change. I did that, and it set me on my path to get the band. Hated that view then – love it now – I can’t even explain – but more importantly I’m healthy and will be around longer for my kids, and grandkids.

I’m outa here – gotta go!

Good luck on your decision!


I am completely with Lisa and Cat on this one! I lost a very important promotion over a year ago and I know it was because of my weight and my attitude that went along with it.

I will not allow being fat to win. this is a no-win situation for me (at least) and after trying EVERYTHING...feel that I have been given hope...and healing.

Just an FYI - being fat which is considered a BMI of 31 and higher (moderately obese) can be a precurser to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver. This not only can cause cirrhosis over a period of 10 years or more, but can also be a precurser to cancer (10-15% chance). I have had fatty liver for two years now, only because I insisted I get an ultrasound of my abdomen...I have a very good chance of turning this around.

If your waistline is 36 inches or more, I would begin focusing on your diet and health, whether you choose the band or not.

Good luck


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  teyann said:
Hi everyone!

I have decided against the lapband surgery. I have requested my deposit back!

The entire time since I chose the lapband I had this nagging doubt in the back of my head. Now that I have canceled, it is the same- Can I do this on my own etc...

Guess I need some feedback from some neutral people that have dealt with weight issues.

I agree with Cathy, there is no way I could have lost 52 pounds since April without my band. Every day I seriously am thankful that I was able to afford to do this and I know that for the rest of my life, I have a tool to help me first to lose the rest (only 28 more lbs) and then keep it off. Could the nagging doubt be because you are afraid to give up food as a comfort? Trust me, I went through that and still sometimes do! But, I am in size 14s, almost 12s now, and I am SO much happier than I have been in years. I can run around with my kids and my husband has to ask me to slow down on walks now. Do you have the means to see a counselor/therapist to maybe help your indecision? It might help to get to the bottom of how you are feeling. Good luck! I hope you figure things out for yourself!!


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Diets don't work, you are fooling yourself and living in denial if you think you can do it on your own...look into the stats. Most people who diet gain it back plus more. I know in my truth that this was the best decision I have made in my whole life regarding the care and feeding of ME!

I don't mean to offend but life if short, when I discovered the OCC online and figured out that it was do-able from a financial perspective it was like someone up there threw me a flotation device and stopped me from drowning. Yeah, I know I can get a little dramatic, sorry.


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  Bowierocksme said:
Diets don't work, you are fooling yourself and living in denial if you think you can do it on your own...look into the stats. Most people who diet gain it back plus more. I know in my truth that this was the best decision I have made in my whole life regarding the care and feeding of ME!

I don't mean to offend but life if short, when I discovered the OCC online and figured out that it was do-able from a financial perspective it was like someone up there threw me a flotation device and stopped me from drowning. Yeah, I know I can get a little dramatic, sorry.


Diets don't work, that's a scientific fact. They are a temporary measure as long as you are doing them. They can't be sustained for the most part. Lifestyle change is the only thing that works. Eat healthy and exercise. I don't think you are at all dramatic, Kim. I felt the same way about the band and OCC when I found out that it was economically doable. I've spent literally YEARS up and down and agonizing about my weight. I finally just made the decision I was "NOT GONNA BE THE FAT GIRL IN THE ROOM" anymore! (I actually did use those words with my hubby when I talked to him about it) I don't regret not one single moment of my banding experience. Having said that it's a very personal decision to go forward or not and only you, Teyann, knows if you made the right one.

Good luck whatever you do and know you are always welcome here.


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This one I had to reply to.

Teyann, serioulsly what are you afraid of?

The longer you try and "diet" the longer you will lose and then gain more weight. FACT. the percentage of folks that lose weight and keep it off is tiny compared to those with the band. The band is for life. Do some soul searching as to why the change of heart. Is it the money? Is it fear of surgery? Is it fear of failure? Please don't sell yourself short if you have the ability to do this for yourself.

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  teyann said:
Hi everyone!

I have decided against the lapband surgery. I have requested my deposit back!

The entire time since I chose the lapband I had this nagging doubt in the back of my head. Now that I have canceled, it is the same- Can I do this on my own etc...

Guess I need some feedback from some neutral people that have dealt with weight issues.


I know exactly how you feel. In April, 4 of my family members went to the OCC to be banded and asked me if I wanted to go (which I declined). Now 6 months later they are all down 40lbs or more and here I am the same weight I was when they went in. I am schedule for my band Oct 23 and wish I had gone in 6 months ago. I thought I could do it on my own. I really don’t have a hard time getting the weight off its keeping it off that is the problem. I hope this helps with your decision. I wish I would have gone in 6 months ago and I would be that much farther ahead.

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Thanks everyone for replying.

Ok, what am I scared of....Each story I read on here where someone is having problems.

Where I live there is basically limited to know healthcare. So I would have to go to Calgary for fills. Someone on here posted that the Dr.'s there are turning away Mexico patients for fills. So where does that leave me? Each time I have to go to the OCC? What if I get overfilled there (this seems to be a common occurence from what I have read on here)- than I have to fly back to have it adjusted? That I can not afford and I have a husband that has had a stroke and unable to care for my 3yr and 18mth old. So than childcare each time is an issue.

I am terrified of encountering problems- (I am the only one to care for these kids and him.) Not even being able to swallow my medication.......

I do want feedback to make sure I am making a well informed decision. So PLEASE give it.....

10 years ago I did the WW thing and lost 70lbs, I ate properly and jogged. I felt very empowered and in control of my life. Besides the differences in how people treated me- was amazing.

No I obviously did not keep it off- But I did not make the lifestyle change. I feel this is my last chance to get healthy as I am approaching 40...YIKES!

I think I can do it!

Yes, just like it says in the contract- They do give your deposit back. As long as you give proper notice etc...

If I can not do it, I for sure will get the surgery in the spring.

Thanks so much everyone for being there and responding. I am still open to feedback!

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Thanks everyone for replying.

Ok, what am I scared of....Each story I read on here where someone is having problems.

Where I live there is basically limited to know healthcare. So I would have to go to Calgary for fills. Someone on here posted that the Dr.'s there are turning away Mexico patients for fills. So where does that leave me? Each time I have to go to the OCC? What if I get overfilled there (this seems to be a common occurence from what I have read on here)- than I have to fly back to have it adjusted? That I can not afford and I have a husband that has had a stroke and unable to care for my 3yr and 18mth old. So than childcare each time is an issue.

I am terrified of encountering problems- (I am the only one to care for these kids and him.) Not even being able to swallow my medication.......

I do want feedback to make sure I am making a well informed decision. So PLEASE give it.....

10 years ago I did the WW thing and lost 70lbs, I ate properly and jogged. I felt very empowered and in control of my life. Besides the differences in how people treated me- was amazing.

No I obviously did not keep it off- But I did not make the lifestyle change. I feel this is my last chance to get healthy as I am approaching 40...YIKES!

I think I can do it!

Yes, just like it says in the contract- They do give your deposit back. As long as you give proper notice etc...

If I can not do it, I for sure will get the surgery in the spring.

Thanks so much everyone for being there and responding. I am still open to feedback!

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If you think you can or you think you can't, you are right. I guess I am trying to say that we can all imagine the worst and talk ourselves around in circles. I did not have a fill provider arranged here in the Toronto area and the Lapband doctors in the area all want $5,000.00 to take on Mexican banded patients. I went with it anyway and found a fill centre through fill centres USA just over the border not far from Windsor in Michigan, about a 4 1/2 hour drive for me from Oshawa, $349 was all I paid and that included the first fill. Any further fills will be $165 US, very do-able for me and a lot less than the flight back to OCC. I know a lot of BC banded people make the trip to Washington state to get fills. You could network and share a ride with someone from this very forum if need be! Think outside the box and know that everything will work out and be alright. The people on this Forum are AMAZING and helpful and loving with each other. We have all been where you are.

Food for thought!


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If you are having this much uncertainty about it the wise decision was to withdraw. You wouldn't be in the proper headspace. Pretty much all of your arguments are resolveable with some effort. I don't think you are there yet. When the time is right, if ever, you will absolutely concretely know and go forward without hesitation.

Take good care!


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First of all Teyann, I would like to say, good job. You are thinking ahead. The price of the band is more than just the surgery. However, You need to think about YOU. If you are not around due to health problems caused from weight, then who is going to take care of your small children and husband.

I too have tried many diets. I did phenteramine several times and would lose the weight, but as soon as I got off of it, I started gaining the weight back and everytime it seemed to be higher and higher.

The band is not an easy way out. you still have to work at it. It does help with food amounts that you can eat, but still requires exercise and change in lifestyle.

I am one of the people that had a problem with my band. When I went for my first fill, They found my port to be flipped. I found out that it only happens 1 in 500 people, and of course it was ME. I am a single parent of 3 kids and it was a financial burden to do the band, but I also have diabetes and knew I needed to do this for my kids. I did end of flying back to OCC and they did surgery again........FREE. I did not pay a penny for the surgery, just my flight and hotel. They are wonderful there and if I had to do it all over again, make the decision again. I would do it in a heart beat. My only regret is that I did not do this years ago so I could live a healthier and happier life. Even though I am still overweight (173), I feel like people are already treating me alittle different and I can only imagine how it will be when I get down to the 130's like Lisa (whom I really look up to, she is amazing).

What ever you decide I wish you the best of luck.

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  tlag said:
First of all Teyann, I would like to say, good job. You are thinking ahead. The price of the band is more than just the surgery. However, You need to think about YOU. If you are not around due to health problems caused from weight, then who is going to take care of your small children and husband.

I too have tried many diets. I did phenteramine several times and would lose the weight, but as soon as I got off of it, I started gaining the weight back and everytime it seemed to be higher and higher.

The band is not an easy way out. you still have to work at it. It does help with food amounts that you can eat, but still requires exercise and change in lifestyle.

I am one of the people that had a problem with my band. When I went for my first fill, They found my port to be flipped. I found out that it only happens 1 in 500 people, and of course it was ME. I am a single parent of 3 kids and it was a financial burden to do the band, but I also have diabetes and knew I needed to do this for my kids. I did end of flying back to OCC and they did surgery again........FREE. I did not pay a penny for the surgery, just my flight and hotel. They are wonderful there and if I had to do it all over again, make the decision again. I would do it in a heart beat. My only regret is that I did not do this years ago so I could live a healthier and happier life. Even though I am still overweight (173), I feel like people are already treating me alittle different and I can only imagine how it will be when I get down to the 130's like Lisa (whom I really look up to, she is amazing).

What ever you decide I wish you the best of luck.

Wow, I didn't know that about your port, Tanya. I'm sorry you went through that. Sheesh! I hope in two months to be in the low 170's. I'm 180 now but fussing with the up and down of two pounds. Good job, girly!!


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  teyann said:
Thanks everyone for replying.

Ok, what am I scared of....Each story I read on here where someone is having problems.

Where I live there is basically limited to know healthcare. So I would have to go to Calgary for fills. Someone on here posted that the Dr.'s there are turning away Mexico patients for fills. So where does that leave me? Each time I have to go to the OCC? What if I get overfilled there (this seems to be a common occurence from what I have read on here)- than I have to fly back to have it adjusted? That I can not afford and I have a husband that has had a stroke and unable to care for my 3yr and 18mth old. So than childcare each time is an issue.

I am terrified of encountering problems- (I am the only one to care for these kids and him.) Not even being able to swallow my medication.......

I do want feedback to make sure I am making a well informed decision. So PLEASE give it.....

10 years ago I did the WW thing and lost 70lbs, I ate properly and jogged. I felt very empowered and in control of my life. Besides the differences in how people treated me- was amazing.

No I obviously did not keep it off- But I did not make the lifestyle change. I feel this is my last chance to get healthy as I am approaching 40...YIKES!

I think I can do it!

Yes, just like it says in the contract- They do give your deposit back. As long as you give proper notice etc...

If I can not do it, I for sure will get the surgery in the spring.

Thanks so much everyone for being there and responding. I am still open to feedback!

If you are questioning yourself, you are not ready. But, you could be like Joy3 and get 6 months or a year down the road and be in the same place you are today. Have you read Dr. Ortiz's book? It really helped me and comforted my decision. For me, I knew that it was going to take THE BAND to stop this obesity from getting anyworse. I diet, gain, diet, gain! How good is that for you? Not at all! I knew gastric by pass was not an option (my aunt died 2 days after having it) That left lapband as my choice. Now, here I am 5 days after surgery and I KNOW that I made the right decision. I was a little freaked out at first, and definitely did not want to say good by to MY FOOD! But, I ignored my fears and stopped making excuses. I put the band off for over 2 years, please don't be like me. Think it through and ask yourself, can I REALLY lose weight and keep it off FOREVER or do I need a tool to help me? And whatever you do, don't fool yourself. Be honest with yourself.

I really hope the best for you!

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If you are not thinking of seriousness of surgery than your not doing your job. I thought and planned and worried. It is much easier to look at it from our shoes. We have been there and done it. I would do it again in a second. But, that is me...not you. You are being smart and taking your time. I studied Dr.Ortiz and the band for almost 2 years. It was a scary decision. Keep looking into it. I stayed worried until it was done. Your wise to take your time and think it thru.

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