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Can someone tell me when this burping thing goes away? Does it? I was banded on 10/24. Everything went ok. I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia; they kept waking me up. Anyway, I can't stop burping!!! I go back to work tomorrow and I can't be burping every 5 minutes! Please tell me this goes away. Oh, and I'm right with the person who said they are starving on liquids. I didn't eat for two days in Mexico because the chicken broth at the hotel made me sick. I'm allergic to soy. I think I may be one of the only people who can not eat, have Montezuma's revenge for two days, and still gain two pounds.... What the heck? :o)

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Hi Divine ~ Welcome to Bandland!

It will go away soon enough. It's because of the C20 (gas) during your surgery. Are you taking your Gas X strips? If you do al ot of walking, it will also help get rid of it. Yes, it is normal for burping and tooting for a couple of weeks. Hang in there! Keep us posted on your progress and congrats!

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  DivineMs said:
Thank you my friends.... I was worried this was a permanent thing. Can you imagine what a show stopper that would be on a date. LOL!

HAHAHA...wouldn't it be a conversation piece to start with? Too funny! Good luck with your weight loss and kekep us posted on your progress! We are all here for us!

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Hi there! I was supposed to be banded the same day as you, but they snuck me in a day early. I did OK with the hotel soup, but now if I even smell broth it makes me gag - thank god this is my last day on clear liquids!!! Woo Hooo!!! Never thought i'd be so excited to have tomato soup! :D

Not sure about the burping...mine has all been coming out the other end! :o But my gassy feeling has gotten better every day. And for the weight, i've been told not to trust the scale for a while. I know when I first got home it said I had gained, now it is saying i've lost like 10lbs! So I wouldn't even stress about that for a week or two. Being on liquids you are putting your body into shock kinda so im sure your weight will be all over the charts.

Good luck!!

  DivineMs said:
Can someone tell me when this burping thing goes away? Does it? I was banded on 10/24. Everything went ok. I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia; they kept waking me up. Anyway, I can't stop burping!!! I go back to work tomorrow and I can't be burping every 5 minutes! Please tell me this goes away. Oh, and I'm right with the person who said they are starving on liquids. I didn't eat for two days in Mexico because the chicken broth at the hotel made me sick. I'm allergic to soy. I think I may be one of the only people who can not eat, have Montezuma's revenge for two days, and still gain two pounds.... What the heck? :o)
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Yes. Things seem to have balanced themselves out a little. I feel the same way about broth. I wonder if I saw you in passing at the clinic... My first day back to work was today. Having a lot of pain around my incision area. Especially when my staff keep cracking jokes and making me laugh. At least I did not burp in front of anyone!!! Ah, it's these little pleasures that get us through the day, haha.....

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I bet we probably did! On Friday when I left there were several folks in the lobby, but I think I was still doped up b/c that is all a blur to me. :rolleyes:

I started back to work today too. I tried to go in late so not to overdo it, but I was at work until 11:30 tonight so so much for that. I"m really sore by my port too but every day it's getting better. I"m just always so freaked out every time I sneeze or cough that i've messed something up. I'm sure it will be fine but it freaks me out. Most of my staff and students don't know I had the surgery, so when I would cough or sneeze I always grabbed my incision and I got a couple of funny looks. But they know i'm wierd so they probably didn't think much of it! :P

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You know I looked back at the date I put for my banding and I made a mistake. I was actually banded on the 23rd. I was supposed to be banded on the 24th, but they bumped my surgery up a day. So I'm sure I saw you. Were you the one who came with your sister from a different state? My staff and students were all the same way. They were all asking me how San Diego was. They were asking if I was going anywhere on my time off. I told them San Diego... :) I work with such a funny bunch of people. My incisions were sore when I got home from laughing. There are only a couple of people at work that I told about the surgery. Yesterday when people asked about the liquids, I just said I had minor surgery and had to be on liquids for a bit. I work in a hospital so everyone is trained to shut up with all of the privacy laws. I was having lunch with two of my co-workers and one of them knew about the surgery and the other didn't. She asked why I was on liquids and I felt comfortable telling her, so I whispered, "I had the lap-band surgery." She said, "What?!? You had the lap-dance surgery?!?!" and the other one said, "Yes. They made her take the pole out of her office." They make me laugh all the time. They are great people... :)

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OK that is freakin hilarious pole dancing! Too funny! I ended up having to tell a couple of people today, but I just said I had surgery on my stomach and they didn't prod which was good. I had to b/c it took them 3 times to get my IV in and now both my hands have huge bruises on the top so I didn't need them thinking I got in a fight or something! I'll tell them all once the weight stats coming off - hard to judge when you see the results!

I'm sure I saw you. Once they decided I was getting banded everyone else was already back in their rooms getting prepped. Most of the folks in the lobby with me were getting fills. But I'm sure I saw you when we were all up walking and what not the next morning. Were you in the back or did you have your own room? When you first walked in from the lobby, I was in that room right in front of you. It stunk b/c since I was brought in at the last minute, I don't feel like I really got to connect with any of my "bandmates" but we all have each other in here so that is great!!!!

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At least you GOT a room. I got a curtain. They just took me back to pre-op. That's where I spent the night. Listening to two sisters talk all night who had gotten banded together. Good thing I was loopy! :) Did you stay at the hotel? They blew one of my veins also. I had a huge purple lump. It went away by the time I went home though. So today I'll bet you were saying the same thing as me. "This is the most wonderful soup I've ever tasted!"

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OK I know right where you were then. I came back there once to check my email but i'm thinking you might have been asleep. We stayed at the Lucerna - one night I hobbled over to the convenience store to get something besides broth and I thought I had gotten a popsicle I could eat and I was estatic - then I opened it up and the damn thing was a cream popsicle! I was so upset! I told some folks that I can't believe how excited I was for tomato soup! :) Not sure if you have O'Charley's restaraunt near you, but they have this cheesy soup that is to DIE FOR! So i'm going to get some to go tomorrow. It has potato chunks in it so I figure i'll just sift those out. This weekend might be tough - always hard when i'm not busy at work but i'll get through it.

Ick about your vein!! Hope it is clearing up nicely!!

  DivineMs said:
At least you GOT a room. I got a curtain. They just took me back to pre-op. That's where I spent the night. Listening to two sisters talk all night who had gotten banded together. Good thing I was loopy! :) Did you stay at the hotel? They blew one of my veins also. I had a huge purple lump. It went away by the time I went home though. So today I'll bet you were saying the same thing as me. "This is the most wonderful soup I've ever tasted!"
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OMG!!! You guys have me so scared about the burping. I am a radio announcer and if I start burping uncontrolably, that will be the end of my career! I know it probably sounds funny but I can't be burping in the middle of my news and traffic reports. I'm supposed to be banded Dec 2nd. Should I reconsider??? Also, I didn't take any time off work and plan to be back on the air four days after my surgery. Bad idea?


  jhawkchick75 said:
OK I know right where you were then. I came back there once to check my email but i'm thinking you might have been asleep. We stayed at the Lucerna - one night I hobbled over to the convenience store to get something besides broth and I thought I had gotten a popsicle I could eat and I was estatic - then I opened it up and the damn thing was a cream popsicle! I was so upset! I told some folks that I can't believe how excited I was for tomato soup! :) Not sure if you have O'Charley's restaraunt near you, but they have this cheesy soup that is to DIE FOR! So i'm going to get some to go tomorrow. It has potato chunks in it so I figure i'll just sift those out. This weekend might be tough - always hard when i'm not busy at work but i'll get through it.

Ick about your vein!! Hope it is clearing up nicely!!

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  ValleyGirl said:
OMG!!! You guys have me so scared about the burping. I am a radio announcer and if I start burping uncontrolably, that will be the end of my career! I know it probably sounds funny but I can't be burping in the middle of my news and traffic reports. I'm supposed to be banded Dec 2nd. Should I reconsider??? Also, I didn't take any time off work and plan to be back on the air four days after my surgery. Bad idea?


Only you will be able to answer if you should reconsider.

But consider this... You can control the burping with the right anti-gas meds. And even if you can't, it is an extremely short term problem.

Your health ISN'T. If you are ready to be banded... then DO IT. I am KICKING myself for not doing it a year ago when I was original ready to do it. Why? Because I was fretting about the thought of PBing. I am a CEO of a software company. I am always talking in public, on podcasts and on video. I worried about what OTHERS thought rather than what I thought... of ME.

Really worried about your career in the middle of this life changing experience? Then TAKE A WEEK for yourself. Plan your banding around a holiday. Your health is more important than your job. Even as a public figure on the radio. You only have one body. One spirit. Don't take it lightly because of your job. Don't put off the banding if you are ready to commit to it. It's the right tool for most of us, and rarely have I heard of ANYONE thinking it was the wrong decision.

What do YOU want from your life? If you want to escape the heavy you, then you need to commit to this. All the way. Take those vacation days, and protect both you and your career. Or... talk to your doctor and make sure you can control the burping. Again... its a short term problem.

Good luck with your decision. I hope you won't reconsider the banding, but instead how you will plan your new life around it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  jhawkchick75 said:
OK that is freakin hilarious pole dancing! Too funny! I ended up having to tell a couple of people today, but I just said I had surgery on my stomach and they didn't prod which was good. I had to b/c it took them 3 times to get my IV in and now both my hands have huge bruises on the top so I didn't need them thinking I got in a fight or something! I'll tell them all once the weight stats coming off - hard to judge when you see the results!

I'm sure I saw you. Once they decided I was getting banded everyone else was already back in their rooms getting prepped. Most of the folks in the lobby with me were getting fills. But I'm sure I saw you when we were all up walking and what not the next morning. Were you in the back or did you have your own room? When you first walked in from the lobby, I was in that room right in front of you. It stunk b/c since I was brought in at the last minute, I don't feel like I really got to connect with any of my "bandmates" but we all have each other in here so that is great!!!!

Hey Girl! How are you doing? I've been meaning to log in and ask you but I've been busy with school and work. So how is it back on solids? I thought I would feel more restricted. I've had only a couple problems with things getting stuck, but I just walk around like they suggested and it goes away. What about you? How are you doing?

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  MyNewLife said:
ok..This might sound crazy but I cant burp and it is driving me crazy....Does anyone know wny I cant burp. I am eating Gas X strips like candy. Any suggestions.



Hi Ms. Carrie!

The strips don't work for me. I have to do the chewable. Just chew it really well. The don't taste horrible either so that's good. Try tapping the bottom of your sternum (breastbone) lightly with a closed fist. For some reason if I'm trying to burp and cannot, it helps me.

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You know what is funny....all my life I was never able to burb and I hated it! Even the first couple of weeks on post op I couldn't either and i'd be miserable. Gas X strips helped sometimes, but not always. But now, for some reason now that i'm on solids I can let them rip just like my brother. Kinda cool! :o And it sure makes me feel better!

Hopefully it will kick in for you. If not, i'd say try different types of GasX type stuff b/c from what I understand we will be a gassy mess the rest of our lives!! :huh:

  MyNewLife said:
ok..This might sound crazy but I cant burp and it is driving me crazy....Does anyone know wny I cant burp. I am eating Gas X strips like candy. Any suggestions.



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Hey there! I'm doing pretty well how are you?! I have absolutely NO restriction which stinks, but my appetite has gone down a TON! I just have to listen to my body and know when to stop when i'm content. I keep ordering and making wayyyy too much food and I can never eat it all which is good. But of course the scale has stopped now that i'm on solids. So i'm being as good as possible until that 1st fill and hoping for the best. I know i'm eating too many carbs though so I need to lay off that. I've been getting that real tightness in my chest everyone talks about, but it doesn't kick in until like an hour after I eat and then it just hurts like hell, so the thought of that is really helping me not eat too much. I can now sleep on my side (yea!) but not on my tummy that hurts. Otherwise I have no pain except gas and I think that is just a part of our lives from now on huh! <_<

How are you holding up? Good I hope! I'm so glad not to be eating soup but it's funny, food doesn't taste nearly as good as it used to which i'm fine with. Keeps me from eating as much.

Take care - talk to you soon!!!

  DivineMs said:
Hey Girl! How are you doing? I've been meaning to log in and ask you but I've been busy with school and work. So how is it back on solids? I thought I would feel more restricted. I've had only a couple problems with things getting stuck, but I just walk around like they suggested and it goes away. What about you? How are you doing?
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  jhawkchick75 said:
Hey there! I'm doing pretty well how are you?! I have absolutely NO restriction which stinks, but my appetite has gone down a TON! I just have to listen to my body and know when to stop when i'm content. I keep ordering and making wayyyy too much food and I can never eat it all which is good. But of course the scale has stopped now that i'm on solids. So i'm being as good as possible until that 1st fill and hoping for the best. I know i'm eating too many carbs though so I need to lay off that. I've been getting that real tightness in my chest everyone talks about, but it doesn't kick in until like an hour after I eat and then it just hurts like hell, so the thought of that is really helping me not eat too much. I can now sleep on my side (yea!) but not on my tummy that hurts. Otherwise I have no pain except gas and I think that is just a part of our lives from now on huh! <_<

How are you holding up? Good I hope! I'm so glad not to be eating soup but it's funny, food doesn't taste nearly as good as it used to which i'm fine with. Keeps me from eating as much.

Take care - talk to you soon!!!

I'm so glad you're doing good! It sounds like we are having the exact same experience. I don't feel restricted either. I thought maybe I had stretched the band or something. I feel better knowing someone else is experiencing that. I get that tightness too. It helps to walk. I'm the same with sleeping. I notice if I eat too close to bedtime, I can feel my band because I'm more bloated with gas. It's uncomfortable! But as long as I remember to eat early, I'm ok. I'm trying not to be hard on myself since I stopped losing weight after going on solids. I know they told us not to expect to lose too much during this time. I don't want to lose it too quick. But I did want to be in smaller jeans by Thanksgiving..... I can get them on, but they are a bit, ummmm, SNUG! Well I'm so glad you are doing well. We'll have to touch base around our fill time. Are you getting yours at 6wks or 8wks?


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