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Question about Pre-Op diet

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How soon is it recommended to start the pre-op diet? And is almost better to start even earlier then suggested? Also, what does it consist of? I have been reading on here about needing our liver size to shrink to make room for the surgery, and I have myself all worked up about it. I am really worried mine will be too big and I will have complications. AHHH!! I haven't even scheduled my surgery yet, but I am almost wanting to start the diet now..lol.

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  ckiki said:
How soon is it recommended to start the pre-op diet? And is almost better to start even earlier then suggested? Also, what does it consist of? I have been reading on here about needing our liver size to shrink to make room for the surgery, and I have myself all worked up about it. I am really worried mine will be too big and I will have complications. AHHH!! I haven't even scheduled my surgery yet, but I am almost wanting to start the diet now..lol.

The pre-op diet is based on the volume of weight you need to lose prior to surgery. You can send OCC an email and ask them if that is where your surgery will be. I believe for me it was two SlimFasts and one Lean Cuisine per day.

Take care,


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  ckiki said:
How soon is it recommended to start the pre-op diet? And is almost better to start even earlier then suggested? Also, what does it consist of? I have been reading on here about needing our liver size to shrink to make room for the surgery, and I have myself all worked up about it. I am really worried mine will be too big and I will have complications. AHHH!! I haven't even scheduled my surgery yet, but I am almost wanting to start the diet now..lol.

Well, you can ALWAYS start early. Never hurts!!

Like Jann, my pre-op was a meal replacement drink at breakfast and lunch, and then a lean cuisine at dinner. The meal replacement shakes could be most of the common brands, but had to stay under 240cal per bottle. I drank the "Boost" drinks, as they didn't taste as bad as some of the others I tried, like Ensure.

I was also allowed some greens at dinner, in moderation.

No alcohol. No soda. Water. It's your friend.


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I think the pre-op diet is going to kill me...lol I am addicted to Diet Pepsi, and I always have popcorn at night *yikes* Ok so slim fast or Boost, any others that you guys recommend? I think I may try it for a week, as kind of a trial run, starting next week, and then go from there.

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You're fine with the diet pepsi pre-op, I think. The purpose is weight loss and diet pepsi is sugar free. I am doing the 3 week atkins plan and just finished my first week. I lost 7 lbs. Its hard though. I had gained a little between scheduling and starting the pre-op so I got a little making up to do.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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  CindyLou said:
You're fine with the diet pepsi pre-op, I think. The purpose is weight loss and diet pepsi is sugar free. I am doing the 3 week atkins plan and just finished my first week. I lost 7 lbs. Its hard though. I had gained a little between scheduling and starting the pre-op so I got a little making up to do.

Good luck and keep us posted.

I don't know. Once banded you will NOT be allowed carbonated beverages for 6 months. So I would start weining off of it now. Especially if you are addicted to it. Maybe start by going down to one glass a day, and move it slowly off of that.

I was a Coke Zero addict. It was difficult to begin with... but got easier as I went along. Now I don't even think about it.

YMMV. But this is going to be a life altering experience. Going cold turkey will be hard. Start now to make it easier.


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I don't normally drink any kind of soda - I lean toward Crystal Lite flavor packets. But I did have a glass of coke last week and let me tell you it was NOT pretty. I had a roaming bubble in my gut for a week that made me nauseous to the point that I went to a clinic so they could prescribe something to easy the nausea. It had me exhausted by 7pm each night and I had a hard time eating because of the feeling of having to vomit. It wasn't worth it.

I'm not say this to scare you, but to let you know, what you can tolerate before surgery, you may not be able to tolerate after.


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If you've lost and gained large amounts of weight over the course of your life, start as soon as possible. I only had to lose 19lbs, but because I was a yo-yo loser, my liver was still huge.

If this description fits you, start early, and stay off carbs completely.

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Yeah, I have a cousin who was banded a year ago, and I remember being at her house, and she took a drink of a diet coke, and she immediately had to throw up. So I was definitely not going to risk drinking it when I am banded, it's just the pre-op diet I am worried about...lol. But I will start out slow, rather then go cold turkey.

I don't know if I am really considered a yo-yo loser. I lost 25 lbs on weight watchers like in 1998 and then the only other large amount I lost was 30 lbs on weight watchers like 4 years ago, other then that, it's been mostly gain, and maybe a 5 lb or 10 lb lost here and there. However, I am going to start Monday, already bought my Slim Fast drinks. I figured Monday would be about the 8 wk mark of when I want to have my surgery. The only time I will have to cheat will be when I go to Vegas in 2 wks, Thanksgiving Day, and of course Christmas..lol.

Thanks everyone for your input, you guys are the greatest!!! :)

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You will do fine, just take a deep breathe and do it...after day 3 I was fine...even gave up Diet Coke at the same time, losing the caffiene out of my system helped with headaches and my weight loss. Diet pop is a diaretic and prevents weight loss...keep that in mind during pre-op diet. Post-op you are not permitted carbonated drinks at all, so you may as well quit now.

Good luck and I know you can do it...part of it is to prepare you for the post-op diet, which is even more strict and longer...if you can do pre-op and stick to the plan, you are ready!!!!

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I say it's never too early to start changing your eating habits and doing things to improve your habits like weaning off pop and things like that. Not sure I would go do exactly the pre-op if it were me too early just because I would have gotten REALLY tired of protein shakes! But I did start a pre-pre op diet about 2 weeks before the real one started. I cut out pop, majorly reduced my carbs and started focusing on smaller portions and getting more proteins. Good luck!!

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Yeah, I am going to start this week drinking a Slim Fast for breakfast and lunch, an apple or other fruit for a snack, a healthy dinner, and maybe popcorn at night, and just drink 1 diet pepsi for the day. Then the following week, just drink 1 diet pepsi every other day. Then the following week cut it out completely. I won't start the lean cuisine meals until after Thanksgiving, I don't want to get sick of eating those, and plus they are expensive..lol

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  ckiki said:
Yeah, I am going to start this week drinking a Slim Fast for breakfast and lunch, an apple or other fruit for a snack, a healthy dinner, and maybe popcorn at night, and just drink 1 diet pepsi for the day. Then the following week, just drink 1 diet pepsi every other day. Then the following week cut it out completely. I won't start the lean cuisine meals until after Thanksgiving, I don't want to get sick of eating those, and plus they are expensive..lol

I've been on pre-op since the middle of August (long story) and I have really weaned myself off of Diet Coke and Beer. I am pre-op right now, surgery date is changed AGAIN to Nov 20th and I am doing protein shake for breakfast and Lean Cuisine for lunch and dinner. Personal opinion, easy on the protein shakes, we may be absolutely sick of them by the time you HAVE to rely on them.

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I just noticed "supreme" is written under my name.... I may just have pizza for dinner tonight. wow. I guess they do that by age.

I have a great story about the pre-op diet. I did the shake for breakfast, shake for lunch, chips and salsa for a snack and sensible dinners for about two weeks and lost around 14 pounds. It wasnt the amount they wanted me to lose, but Gabrielle said I had done well.

She asked me how I had done when I went in for pre-op on my surgery day. I smiled at her, and said it was AWESOME! I said "shake diet was the best thing I've ever done." She said..."really? a lot of people do not like the shake diet."

I told her "I loved it. McDonalds would see me coming and have a couple of them ready for me at every meal. Sometimes I'd have chocolate and strawberry, sometimes vanilla and strawberry, I'd just pick two and drive off after paying."

Her eyes got as big around as saucers... "OH NO!... You aren't supposed to the McDonald's milkshakes!!!"

I looked at her with a blank stare... "uh oh... my bad."

After a moment or two, she figured out that I was pullingher chain a little bit, and she started laughing and laughing... feel free to use it with her when you go in. A couple of others have used the same lines, and it starts her day with a big laugh. She's as sweet as they come, also...

Good luck, bandsters-to-be.... I don't regret my choice to be banded for one moment.

Don't y'all just think Donna is adorable??

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  DaGreen said:
I've been on pre-op since the middle of August (long story) and I have really weaned myself off of Diet Coke and Beer. I am pre-op right now, surgery date is changed AGAIN to Nov 20th and I am doing protein shake for breakfast and Lean Cuisine for lunch and dinner. Personal opinion, easy on the protein shakes, we may be absolutely sick of them by the time you HAVE to rely on them.

Looks like you will be banded the same day I will. Good luck and hope to see your. When are you going in for your pre-op testing?


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