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How tight is tight?

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I'm just curious how you all feel about how tight a band should be - I know everyone is different, I was trying to see if I'm "normal"

I've gone 3x's in the past month to get filled. The Dr. checked the amount, no leaking. But how tight is tight? I'm a bit frustrated that I eat 5 to 6 oz, feel full, then about 15 minutes later I feel it all slip down and am hungry again... I have a 9cc band and it's at filled to 6.5 at the moment. How long should I feel full? I feel like I'm eating all day long...

I think I was expecting to feel full for at least 3 hrs from consuming 4 to 5 oz's? Any thoughts?

Your input is welcome and appreciated!!


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Hi Kim, well based on the fill, you should feel full for 3-4 hours on less than a cup of food. I have 5.5 cc in my 9 cc band and I am tight, but not overly tight and I am starting to feel the way you do...and wondering if another .5 cc will do the trick..I eat and feel hungry within 2 hours.

You and I may need another tiny fill....does your food get stuck at all or are you PBing at all?

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For the most part I eat slow and steady.

If I eat too fast or don't turn my food into pulp, it gets stuck (especially breads).

I've only have one major block this past week with a piece of chicken that was not chewed enough - it took about 5 minutes of sliming and waiting for it to pass - I was warned if that happens to go to liquids for a day due to possible swelling.

Getting hungry 15 minutes after eating is very frustrating - you clean up your kitchen and suddenly you feel like you need to eat again...ugh!


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I had my port replaced on Nov 14 and they filled it. I can't even swallow a sip of liquid or my on saliva. I spoke with Dr on Sat morning and she said I was to full to come back on Monday morning to have some took out. I lost 4 lbs in 24 hours but it has been the rough way. I am so thirsty for water right now. But hope fully with the port replaced things will start to happen now. I have just keep a good outlook on it.

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