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In Tijuana -Surgery tomorrow

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Hi I just wanted to Email everyone and let them know that we are good! The plane ride was pretty rough and we were delayed due to the fog, but we made it. When we arrived at the baggage claim area, Francisco our drive was waiting with a cute little sign that said Carrie and Theta (of course we took pictures of the sign). He introduced himself and told us that our luggage would be coming out of baggage claim #6 and showed us were it was. Francisco was very helpful and carried our lugged to the van. We then took about a 27 min ride from San D to Tijuana. We crossed the boarder and did not even have to stop. We arrived at the clinic were we met with Dr. Miranda, our nutritionist. She was SUPER nice and very informative. She answered any questions we had. I am happy to report I lost a total of 16 pounds in 17 days. We gave blood and listen to our rules from Dr.Miranda while our supporters, Steve and Beverly had Dominoes Pizza delivered to our clinic...such support... .

Anyway, Francisco then brought us to our hotel. The hotel is very nice. The staff is AWESOME. When we arrived they helped us out of the van and brought our luggage in for us. Our rooms were not ready so we went to the bar and had a drink. Theta and I could not have liquor of course but the my Virgin pina colada and her bloodymary were very good. Alonso, he is our bell boy, notified us that our room was ready and brought us to our rooms. He told us if we wanted him to make dinner reservations for us just to let him know and yes I can eat today...woo hoo food, we are having Mexican food. Francisco will be here at 7 in the morning to pick us up for surgery. Everything so far is as promised. I will keep everyone posted. I will write again tomorrow after surgery.


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GRAT Carrie. You and Theta will soon be on the other side! Congrats!

Yes, you are getting the 'star' treatment there at the hotel! It's awesome. Enjoy yourselves and we will see you tomorrow night! REMEMBER, to sip, sip, sip and WALK, WALK, WALK! Those little suckers of gas bubbles inside you will juggle around and you will have less body aches and pains when you walk! Relax and enjoy the rest of your stay...the surgery is a piece of cake!

Good Luck and see you later!

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Congratulations! I was banded there 10 days ago and it was a piece of cake. You will be very well taken care of every step of the way. The chicken broth from the restaurant downstairs is really quite good. You have made a fantastic decision to do this. You are not alone. We are all here for you! Great success to you.

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Good for you!!! I have nothing but fond memories of the Lucerna and the clinic staff. (I did have a black widow on my balcony though, she wasn't welcome or appreciated) I hope the very best during this time for you. Sounds like you have things under control with so much weight lost before the surgery. It is going to be a rough road but I promise it will be worth it if you let it.

THis next tidbit is for all of us who will be going or returning to the OCC

Anyway I absolutely love Fransisco he is a great man. talked with him the whole way there and back. I just would like to make a recommendation for all of us using his wonderful services. He does accept and appreciates tips. He works close to everyday at any time of day delivering us to our desired locations. It is so hard to think about tipping when such a major life experience is occuring but this is his everyday and he does have a family. Just a suggestion.

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  doinitagann said:
Anyway I absolutely love Fransisco he is a great man. talked with him the whole way there and back. I just would like to make a recommendation for all of us using his wonderful services. He does accept and appreciates tips. He works close to everyday at any time of day delivering us to our desired locations. It is so hard to think about tipping when such a major life experience is occuring but this is his everyday and he does have a family. Just a suggestion.

EXCELLENT T$P. ;) I will make sure to bring some extra $$ down with me just for that.

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  MyNewLife said:
Hi I just wanted to Email everyone and let them know that we are good! The plane ride was pretty rough and we were delayed due to the fog, but we made it. When we arrived at the baggage claim area, Francisco our drive was waiting with a cute little sign that said Carrie and Theta (of course we took pictures of the sign). He introduced himself and told us that our luggage would be coming out of baggage claim #6 and showed us were it was. Francisco was very helpful and carried our lugged to the van. We then took about a 27 min ride from San D to Tijuana. We crossed the boarder and did not even have to stop. We arrived at the clinic were we met with Dr. Miranda, our nutritionist. She was SUPER nice and very informative. She answered any questions we had. I am happy to report I lost a total of 16 pounds in 17 days. We gave blood and listen to our rules from Dr.Miranda while our supporters, Steve and Beverly had Dominoes Pizza delivered to our clinic...such support... .

Anyway, Francisco then brought us to our hotel. The hotel is very nice. The staff is AWESOME. When we arrived they helped us out of the van and brought our luggage in for us. Our rooms were not ready so we went to the bar and had a drink. Theta and I could not have liquor of course but the my Virgin pina colada and her bloodymary were very good. Alonso, he is our bell boy, notified us that our room was ready and brought us to our rooms. He told us if we wanted him to make dinner reservations for us just to let him know and yes I can eat today...woo hoo food, we are having Mexican food. Francisco will be here at 7 in the morning to pick us up for surgery. Everything so far is as promised. I will keep everyone posted. I will write again tomorrow after surgery.


Hey Just an update. I was banded today, along with 6 others. The staff was GREAT. The only problem that I have been very nousiated and have not been able to walk out ny WONDERFUL gas pains....I will do better. I will write later

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Yea! Glad you made it through! Man, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was there but it was over 3 weeks ago! How are you feeling now? Good I hope - hope the sick feelings are gone. The gas issues are still there for me. Had a nasty gas bubble in my shoulder today during an all day work meeting...man it hurt! But every day you feel better and better. So just remember that.


  MyNewLife said:
Hey Just an update. I was banded today, along with 6 others. The staff was GREAT. The only problem that I have been very nousiated and have not been able to walk out ny WONDERFUL gas pains....I will do better. I will write later
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  jhawkchick75 said:
Yea! Glad you made it through! Man, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was there but it was over 3 weeks ago! How are you feeling now? Good I hope - hope the sick feelings are gone. The gas issues are still there for me. Had a nasty gas bubble in my shoulder today during an all day work meeting...man it hurt! But every day you feel better and better. So just remember that.


Hi every, not sure what time is it now, but I have been tring to walk as much as I can. After getting sick twice last night thet put me the bed and I am only to have ice chips and pops. Maybe is I think I got all othe other bandtser gas..lol They are were up at 4:00 this moning wasing, dry their hair and putting on make up, which I think is great! I am going to have to go have a Barium Swollow test performed and some other things this moring just to make sure there is no probles. I received a nother shot so tha I would not get sick so I wnt and walked for about 45 kin and not sure it help. I am now stating to get pain in my sholders.

I will keep everyone posted!

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  jhawkchick75 said:
Yea! Glad you made it through! Man, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was there but it was over 3 weeks ago! How are you feeling now? Good I hope - hope the sick feelings are gone. The gas issues are still there for me. Had a nasty gas bubble in my shoulder today during an all day work meeting...man it hurt! But every day you feel better and better. So just remember that.


OMG Shelby, I can't believe it has been 3 weeks! :)Time flys! lol (once it happens)

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  JazzyJude said:
Welcome Amanda! You won't regret your decision at all! Keep focusing forward and be prepared for a wonderful journey of your new life with the band!

Hey guys it is now areound 6:30 and I am back at the hotel. I did have to go have the test which everthing turned out fine. I was getting motioin sick from walking. I was released around 9:00 this mornign which i went and had Zoom Whiting and OMG SOOOOOOO well worth it. I have had aboslutly no pain or senativity. However a lady had it the day before me and was in severe pain. I guess it is just the individual. I do have alot of gas pains and have had some sholder pains too. I suggest WALk WALK WALk as much as you possible can. The staff is WONDERFUL. I remember reading a post were someone said they did not even see a nurse during the night. Well i am here to tell you, with the complication that I had with my sickness, both the Doctor and nurse was with me the whole night. The gave me a meidcal alert button just in case I needed them. I would have to say the most th biggest impression that I had beside Dr. Martinez which was WONDERFUL, was the anithisoligist. however you spell it. His name is Dr. Lois which I nicknames =him Dr. Feel Good. I asked him if he would be with me the whole time and his ressonse was this. He asked me if I have ever had a stalker and I told him no. He said well you do now. He told me that I was the most important person in his life for the next 50 mins. That Impressed me soooooo much, tnis is a stament that you will never forget. The whole entire staff at the OCC is absolute wonderfull. I can honestly say that I am glad that my insurance did not pay for my sugery, bacause I can promise you, you would never get the same treatment in the states!!!!

I wil be back home tomorrow and I will try to post all of my pics Monday for everyone to see!

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I know isn't that crazy!!!! :)

  DanaBall said:
OMG Shelby, I can't believe it has been 3 weeks! :)Time flys! lol (once it happens)
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Hi Carrie,

Its Cali here - Great meeting you at OCC!! I am glad to know you are feeling better and made it back to your hotel OK. I arrived home around 11:30 and am so happy to be home! I really enojoyed meeting all the girls and the time we got to know each other was priceless! I am excited to keep in touch and share all of our progression. Have a safe trip back home & I look forward to hearing from you soon. :D

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  MyNewLife said:
Hey guys it is now areound 6:30 and I am back at the hotel. I did have to go have the test which everthing turned out fine. I was getting motioin sick from walking. I was released around 9:00 this mornign which i went and had Zoom Whiting and OMG SOOOOOOO well worth it. I have had aboslutly no pain or senativity. However a lady had it the day before me and was in severe pain. I guess it is just the individual. I do have alot of gas pains and have had some sholder pains too. I suggest WALk WALK WALk as much as you possible can. The staff is WONDERFUL. I remember reading a post were someone said they did not even see a nurse during the night. Well i am here to tell you, with the complication that I had with my sickness, both the Doctor and nurse was with me the whole night. The gave me a meidcal alert button just in case I needed them. I would have to say the most th biggest impression that I had beside Dr. Martinez which was WONDERFUL, was the anithisoligist. however you spell it. His name is Dr. Lois which I nicknames =him Dr. Feel Good. I asked him if he would be with me the whole time and his ressonse was this. He asked me if I have ever had a stalker and I told him no. He said well you do now. He told me that I was the most important person in his life for the next 50 mins. That Impressed me soooooo much, tnis is a stament that you will never forget. The whole entire staff at the OCC is absolute wonderfull. I can honestly say that I am glad that my insurance did not pay for my sugery, bacause I can promise you, you would never get the same treatment in the states!!!!

I wil be back home tomorrow and I will try to post all of my pics Monday for everyone to see!

Thank you for sharing, Dr Feelgood's statement is definately comforting. I'll be there next week. How long does the Zoom take? I'm having it done on Sat at 9:30.

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  salena said:
Thank you for sharing, Dr Feelgood's statement is definately comforting. I'll be there next week. How long does the Zoom take? I'm having it done on Sat at 9:30.

Hey Cali,

I am glad that you made it home safe and that everything is going great. I am so much better and I am looking forward to getting this started. I do have some port pain today and still alot of gas, I CANT BURP and it is driving me crazy...lol...Anyway good luck and please keep in touch.

The dentist did three stages of treatments and they each last 15 mins each. My teeth are so white. Again I had no issues with pain with my teeth but they are some people that has had aloth of pain. Good luck with your surgery!


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Yea Carrie!!

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  MyNewLife said:
Hey Cali,

I am glad that you made it home safe and that everything is going great. I am so much better and I am looking forward to getting this started. I do have some port pain today and still alot of gas, I CANT BURP and it is driving me crazy...lol...Anyway good luck and please keep in touch.

The dentist did three stages of treatments and they each last 15 mins each. My teeth are so white. Again I had no issues with pain with my teeth but they are some people that has had aloth of pain. Good luck with your surgery!


I will never take a burp for granted again. How frustrating it was to feel it start to come up then...nothing. Now, almost 3 months later, I let the RIP as loud and freely as possible.

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