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I have heard people talking on here about protein bullets, what are they? and where do you get them?

I had my lab work done a week ago and my protein is low. I know its because I have not been eating. I can usually only get about 2-3 small bites down and that is it. It all started when I ate chili and got terrible heartburn (not normal for me), so I ended up vomiting several times and pbing most of the day. since that I have not been able to eat. I called my doctor and they said just to do liquids a few days and call back if not better. Well things got alittle better, so I cancelled my appt. Now it's getting bad again, so will go in for an unfill next week I hope.

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Hi Tanya!

Look at you go with your weight loss! HOO RAH!! You go girl!

OK...I have been using the new Whey Protein Bullets from the GNC stores or Cara had posted on another post (So why is protein pushed so much after surgery?) a wholesale website for the same items and this is the price I paid at GNC on sale. These "bullets" looks like a tube and has 4 fruity flavors and each bullet has 42grams. It has the consistency of thicken Jell-O. But I don't use the whole thing at once. I mix half in my water, same flavored Gatorade, or Cyrstal Light 'to go' packs. I do one in the morning and one in the early afternoon. Here's their webiste:


I, myself, you AmazeRX protein shakes. They are 4 flavors, choc, strawberry, vanilla, and mocha. I mix choc and strawberry and yummy!. It's 17grams per shake. To me, they taste like milk shakes with NO chalk, gritty or aftertaste. Go to http://www.amazerx.com to check this out.

I believe I might have said this info in the same post as Cara's info. There are so many protein shakes out there...everyone has different taste buds. One would like, where the other doesn't.

Hope this helps...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  tlag said:
I have heard people talking on here about protein bullets, what are they? and where do you get them?

I had my lab work done a week ago and my protein is low. I know its because I have not been eating. I can usually only get about 2-3 small bites down and that is it. It all started when I ate chili and got terrible heartburn (not normal for me), so I ended up vomiting several times and pbing most of the day. since that I have not been able to eat. I called my doctor and they said just to do liquids a few days and call back if not better. Well things got alittle better, so I cancelled my appt. Now it's getting bad again, so will go in for an unfill next week I hope.

My Fav is Muscle Milk (cookies and cream).

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