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I am happy to announce that as of this morning I am below 150!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I weighed this morning and I am happy to say I am below 150. 149 to be exact. I haven't been this weight since my wedding day. This is my first goal and I made it!! :P Now hopefully I can keep going to my goal. It's been quite a few years since I got past this mark but I feel alot more empowered this time.

On a different note, I was actually able to eat a little more than usual Sun. night. For the past few days I have been having trouble with everything...even water. So, Sun. night was my girlfriends wedding and then reception. I was so afraid to eat since it was a very elegant country club setting. I started with a salad about 6 bandster bites which = 2 of the "old me" bites. Then, about the same for my salmon. The salmon was served with white rice which of course I didn't touch. Maybe I was sitting up straighter than usual or maybe it was alot of talking between bites. I did feel slightly stuck at one point :blink: but I just kindly excused myself from the table and strolled to the bathroom. I think just the walk helped move things along so no pb. :rolleyes: I just freshened my makeup and returned to the table. I also don't think anyone at the table noticed how little I ate. I did suck down two Lemon Drop Martini's before dinner. Do you think maybe that relaxed my band a bit? ;) This morning I was able to drink almost 16 oz. of water and eat a scrambled egg. However, last night, I could barely drink my water w/o feeling stuck. :huh: This band is very fickle.

Anyway, thanks to all for your support. Next goal 120 which I would love to make by my anniversary March 30. I think that is reasonable. It would be nice if it came sooner but I don't want to set myself up for failure. :)

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i went through the same thing with my band until i got a bit of an unfill yesterday. For 8 months i have had the same fill and yet just the past couple months things started going crazy. in the morning nothing would go down at all not even liquids but by lunch time i was able to a bit. i was in constant pain and i was pbing about 10 time a week. i dont know why i didnt go sooner. When i went in for my upper GI the doctor kept telling me to swallow but i knew it would get stuck and i really didnt want to. did it anyways and the LIQUID just sat in my band for about 30 minutes until i could not take it much longer and i threw up. it sucked. now i only have 1cc in band and psychologically im still waiting for that stuck feeling to come on. even though it does at times it still is very different. I think its smart to go to your doctor and have things checked out because i waited until the last minute and my doctor said my band position looked flatter than usual with the tight fill

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This is weird for me too! I have been able to eat and drink just fine up until 1 week ago. I work out ALOT so I need my fluids. Now it takes me almost a day to drink 20 oz of water and a 17 oz protien shake. I plan to see my dr on Friday if I am not feeling better.

I'm fine with it because I am seeing drastic results on the scale. An average of 5lbs per week. I am down to 265 from 385 since 02/01/06.

I am glad things are better for you!


Congrats! I am so excited for you. :D

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