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So in California we have this medical place called Kaiser. Long story but in Sept I asked if they'd do my fills. They had me go to tests and have an upper GI, all of course were fine. They had my op report from OCC and were aware that I had it done in TJ. Made an appointment for this morning. It's 2.5 hours away, rush hour traffic and Evee screaming the whole way... Got there and met the "doc" who talked to me for over 30 minutes going over all this band crap that I've known for over 2 years (and probably know more than her!). She made a few rude comments about TJ which I expected. Described how they do fills. Then says, "I don't tell people this because they leave, but we can't do your fills here." I was stunned. I said what? She said since I wasn't approved in the U.S. (and supposedly wouldn't have been) they won't do them. I was so pissed. I told her that they should have told me that in Sept when they were testing me and knew full well where the hell I was banded. I told her she was unprofessional and I am making a formal complaint. She was even ruder and said if I had a problem with it I should talk to my regular doctor (why??). I left and drove another 2+ hours home. I did call immediately and made a formal complaint against her and that department. I cannot believe they knowingly get people in there and then go through all that to say, nope can't do it. Anyway for anyone with Kaiser don't bother. I am also going to call my local Kaiser and let them know because the Fremont facility is the only one I know of to do "fills". And this sham doc kept making comments like "gastric bypass is better because."... BULLSHIT!!!! Anyway I have been so angry and frustrated that I wasted 5 hours of my day with this crap..... and 50$ out of pocket which I said I expected back.

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Man thats not right, I was told by my blue cross blue shield that they would pay for my surgery and after all the test were done they also said no. I told them dont even try and bill me because they are not going to get paid. Keep after it girl and even get them for you're gas money also. Keep us posted.

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By far the worst (non) fill story I've heard. Maybe I'm just dumb but why would they even have you come in if they knew all along they weren't going to fill you? Absolutely despicable! I can't believe they would treat people like that.

So sorry you had to go through that. It's wrong on so many levels I'm speechless!


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Where in California do you live? You mentioned Fremont.

I live in Santa Clara. My girlfriend & I are going to drive to Truckee this

Saturday for our fills. There is a Doctor in Ventura that apparently comes

up twice a month there. Dr. H. Billy. She did the leg work, so I don't know

all the details. PM me if you want.


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