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Hi Pammie,

I haven't tried it. Gee, up till now I've been less concerned with the size of my pouch then the amount of ristriction.

However, the article got me thinking about something else. Sometimes I use cottage cheese as a breakfast or small protein snack. We use the large curd and I do chew it some. But maybe I shouldn't be eating that because it goes through too easy.


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Hey Pammie,

Great site. Have you done the cottege cheese test yet? I think I will try it this week. That site had some great information on it.

How was your fill? I know I emailed you about going with you, but left for vacation shortly afterwards. I still have restriction and couldn't imagine not being able to eat less. I hope this last for a while longer, but I sure it will come to an end.

I missed the Washington Bandster get together too! I'm sad, but hope my schedule with my kids will be different for the next meeting. I hear it is going to be at the Tacoma Mall?


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