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  GirlBarb said:
Does anyone else get that strange gurgle sound from their band after eating that sounds like a plugged drain finally letting loose? It is very autible and make my husband laugh...very embarssing in front of others.


Oh yes, I get that too. It is always really loud and always seems to happen when people are around who don't know about my banding. :) It is kind of funny when I think about it!

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Goodness me! I had a round-table meeting last Friday and, of course, right on cue before the supervisor said anyting, my stomach just did this LOUD growling, gurgling noice. EVERYONE was looking at me because it was so long of a sound. I KNOW I turned beet red!!! I just shrugged and the guys were hiding their smiles...!


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  JazzyJude said:
Goodness me! I had a round-tavle meeting last Friday and, of course, right on cue before the supervisor said anyting, my stomach just did this LOUD growling, gurgling noice. EVERYONE was looking at me because it was so long of a sound. I KNOW I turned beet red!!! I just shrugged and the guys were hiding their smiles...!


Does this subside or go away after time? or is it a permanent happening?

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  lisal said:
Yep, its horrible and it doesn't go away. (Comes up at the most inappropriate situations).

I thought when I had part of my fill removed it would at least lesson a bit, it doesn’t….

But I’d take that over being obese any day!

Why did you have some of your fill removed, if you don't mind sharing?? Barb

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I can't imagion being able to say those words. Too thin.

Well, all I can say is that by the pictures and the "work" you have talked about having is that you look so beautiful.

Congradulations, take it slow girlfriend, I would like to hear how you manage to gain a few back without gaining too much back.


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I actually already ended up gaining too much back and now need to take off a few. But I'm more focused on exercise and loosing the inches slowly now. But my weight gain is just a little and it means my smallest pants are tight - since I always get rid of anything too big. I don’t have any pants bigger than a 6 now so I leave myself no choice, I can't grow out of my clothes. I got rid of all my big girls on purpose, I’m not leaving me an out (except for my favorite size 22’s for memory sake) I'd rather go naked.

To be honest, it doesn't feel like I could ever get really big again - I don't think I could ever eat that much. Its not like it use to be. Unless I get rid of my band which isn't happening.

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I did the same thing, got rid of all the clothes as they got too loose to wear. I loved doing that, in the past when I went on diets, I would keep the clothes, just in case...and just in case would always happen!

I too am forced to get the inches down, I gained about 5 pounds over the last 3 months, even though 5 pounds isn't a lot, is is a lot of inches when you stop exercising too.

Happily I am back on track and exercising (started today already) and scedualed my next fill for 12-10-08.

I am in 12's now (some snug 10's stretch jeans) but look forward to being in single digets by the springtime.

I was a 16 but stuffed myself in tight stretch 14's when I had my surgery in 6-6-8

My first fill with restriction was about 6 weeks ago. So odd that that is when I stopped loosing and even gained?


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Its an odd ride with the band sometimes, I would go back and forth - but always down, up a little bit, stabilize, down more - it was a roller coaster ride sometimes. But the great thing is I never went up to any previous highs. I would always have to change things up like add in new exercise or protein shakes at different times of the day. You might have been eating too little to loose - that can happen sometimes.

There’s so much we don’t know about our new lifestyle. I know that I am trying to get to the point were I am stable however to do that I can only half as much as what a “normal” person eats. I don’t know if it’s due to all of the dieting I’ve done or that I was morbidly obese – but I get the feeling I’m really going to have to work at this with continued diet and exercise my whole life. The great thing is now at least I can control it when I focus and I’m not able to go to the eating extremes like I use too, those days are done.

Getting into 12's is awesome, and you haven't even been banded 4 months! Keep getting ride of the clothes - I'm telling you that works for me! (Its the mental thing)

We’ve got the Holidays upon us, this will be my third – they can be hard sometimes but we’ll make it through!

Take care,


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haha - - this is too funny. I get this too and, like most everyone else here has mentioned, its usually at the most inconvenient moments! :lol: I am usually with sonme friends who don't all know I am banded, or with co-workers - - none of whom know I am banded. Like Lisa said, I would welcome this ANY day over being obese again! :D Gurgling noise - - bring it on! lol!!

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  GirlBarb said:

I can't imagion being able to say those words. Too thin.

Well, all I can say is that by the pictures and the "work" you have talked about having is that you look so beautiful.

Congradulations, take it slow girlfriend, I would like to hear how you manage to gain a few back without gaining too much back.


Being too thin...how nice! Congratulations!

Just wondering about excess skin?

Does anyone have any with their loss?

Did you go to OCC.? Mexico?

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Yeah - - I don't think I will ever be able to say I got 'too thin' :P Although people I work with, especially this older lady (god bless her soul), all keep telling me "Wow you are getting skinny!!" LOL! B) It feels kind of weird actually. I will look at them and be like "What? Who? You talkin to ME?" they just laugh. :D

Oh those will be the days. When I can think to myself 'wow, you ARE skinny!' I cannot wait.

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Isn't that a great feeling! I love it!

OK, I'm always asked and I'm very honest about this - but I just received an angry post since someone was upset that I talked about it. So this is fair warning.

I've lost over 100 pounds, (close to 130 from my high). I did have extra skin; I had an extended tummy tuck, breast lift and aug. I’m 46, so for the younger girls who aren’t as big you may be able to wait and see what your skin does – I had no hope…..

I had over a foot of skin was taken from my tummy, I had what was called an apron. My scar goes around my back and is two inches apart. I also had a lift, and since I had lost so much weight and I’m use the girls being more ample I had an aug performed later. Many of my friends went to Cosmo and I would have gone there, I did find a PS closer to home that was reasonable and does great work. You should check out Dolittles blog - he just had one done at Cosmo.

Its been a long road, I'm happy I did the PS along with the weight loss - but the weight loss was the most important part, it was going to kill me if I didn't take care of it.

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Thanks for the information about the extra skin. I have really been wondering about that. Can I ask the price range for the surgery that you had done? When I was 25, I lost about 115 pounds. I had some extra skin on my tummy. Of course, I gained all of the weight back, plus more. And, being 8 years later... I'm sure it's going to be something I may need to think about.

Thanks, Kristy

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  • 2 weeks later...
  lisal said:
Isn't that a great feeling! I love it!

OK, I'm always asked and I'm very honest about this - but I just received an angry post since someone was upset that I talked about it. So this is fair warning.

I've lost over 100 pounds, (close to 130 from my high). I did have extra skin; I had an extended tummy tuck, breast lift and aug. I’m 46, so for the younger girls who aren’t as big you may be able to wait and see what your skin does – I had no hope…..

I had over a foot of skin was taken from my tummy, I had what was called an apron. My scar goes around my back and is two inches apart. I also had a lift, and since I had lost so much weight and I’m use the girls being more ample I had an aug performed later. Many of my friends went to Cosmo and I would have gone there, I did find a PS closer to home that was reasonable and does great work. You should check out Dolittles blog - he just had one done at Cosmo.

Its been a long road, I'm happy I did the PS along with the weight loss - but the weight loss was the most important part, it was going to kill me if I didn't take care of it.

Were you in horrific pain after the PS? I had a breast lift about 8 years ago and I swear I would never do it again. It was 10 times wose than the lapband surgery post surgery. I know I will need it. I just don't know if I will have the courage!

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The first 3 days were really hard, but after that I was moving, slowly - but moving. I was back to work 10 days after surgery. All I can say is it was worth it if you have that need due to extra skin caused by the weight loss/pregnancies. (I had a breast lift as well, it was much easier than the extended TT).



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