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Has anyone ever had their pouch stretch out and need to take action because of it? Has anyone heard of anyone having the pouch stretch out too much to work on anyone else? Does the right fill prevent this from happening?

Just curious because I have never heard of it happening????


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I know one person personally who stretched their pouch. (they are not a patient of Dr Ortiz) They went in for a fill, did it under flouro and the nurse could see that the pouch was stretched; all the fluid was immediately removed from the band. They were told to go on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, to see if it could shrink back down and to then start eating appropriate amounts of food. They were not allowed to get another fill for 30 days and were told if it didn’t shrink back down that it would take surgery to correct. Luckily for her it did shrink back down and she learned a good lesson. She was so upset that they removed all of her fill, and that she could have ruined it, it was really traumatic.

Its really important for us not to push our bands. She thinks part of what she did to really stretch it was drink while eating – she could feel the fullness but had a hard time stopping. I don't know if the right fill would help, if its too tight food wont go down, or goes down really slow - you still need to stop when you feel the fullness and I personally think that when you are first learning you need to measure your food so you have a good understanding of how much you are putting in there. I did this and it really helped. Sometimes when we're just snacking we aren't realizing how much we are eating.

We’ve got this incredible tool in our body, it can really help us live fuller, healthier lives, but if we don’t use it right we can hurt ourselves. That’s why its so important to make a commitment to ourselves when we get this great tool. Not many people have this opportunity, and we’re lucky we found Dr. Ortiz and have this forum for help.



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Good Morning,

Lisa I hope you remain on this site for awhile even though you are maintaining. The tidbits and encouragement you give are so helpful. Your example of perseverance helps to strengthen us, (I think I speak for most of us). I am so excited to get this done and move on to the new beginning. Thank you for sharing some of your personal surgeries with us. Those are also in my future plans. For me it is just one step at a time.

Do you receive more information when you have your surgery? I read that we might want to measure our food to see what the exact amount should be. But as of today, I do not know what that amount is. Again thank you. Anne

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Hello Anne,

I'm always happy to help.

They do give you information. Pretty much show you what you should eat first (protein, followed by veggies/fruits, carbs) They also don’t want you drinking your calories after you go on solids. Its been over 2 years since I was banded so some things may have changed – but you’ll get all that – make sure think about any questions you have ahead of time. I didn’t think of that till later.

We're supposed to eat 1/3 of what we use to eat and when I first started I would measure 1/4 cup of protein, (chicken, fish, beef - whatever I can eat on the day - it varies) 1/4 cup of veggies, 1/4 cup of fruit and 1/4 cup of carbs. (I rarely make it to the carbs) You can just eat the same food you are cooking for your family, or organize it on your own. I also have smaller plates for me, or just use your salad plate and I cut everything up into very small pieces (I’m talking small, tip of the finger size) and still chew one bite 30 times. When I first started eating I would remove all liquids from around me so I wouldn’t drink – that’s actually a really hard habit to break, not drinking while eating. Also never eat fast; otherwise you might not realize you’re to that full moment. It's really important is to listen to your body, the full feeling for us is different after the band, one person described it like a golf ball above your stomach and that's what its like for me as well. And we’re all different so you may feel it in a different way. (one note, I hardly make it to my fruit, maybe a bite and I just don't make it to my carbs, listen to your band. Know when you are full and don't push it)

I buy those really small Tupperware containers and use those to organize my food for lunches or when I need a quick meal. I try to never get t that “I’m hungry” spot. I’m much more consistent with my meals.

Take care, its a fun ride!



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I worry alot about stretching the pouch. I can currently eat, I feel alot but maybe it is less that what I think. I have only had one fill so I know I need another one. But sometimes I feel like I dont get that full feeling and that worries me. I am using a lot of willpower right now, thankgiving is going to be tough. I have a call in for an appt, I am just waiting for a call back. But I worry about the pouch, too bad they dont have home x ray, HA!

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Hey Stormy, you'll find that's the story with some with the first fill. They are very careful not to overfill you - you should still be really focused and watch the amounts you eat. My friends crack up at me because when I eat out with them I take the food on the plate, portion it to the appropriate amount and only eat that much.

Try measuring one day and see how much you are really eating - you might be surprised that you are eating the appropriate amount or learn that you are eating too much. It really helps to understand and learn about portion control.

Call soon for you fill, some of the fill places really get booked after Christmas, everyone is trying to start the New Year off right! (And I'm glad they don't have home X-Ray, knowing you, you'd have one and be glowing green because you'd be checking yourself out so often ;-)

Take care and hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


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