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Oww on day 8!!!


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Yesterday was my first day of creamy liquids, and I feel really in pain today! I had creamy soup, plus drinkable yogurt and pudding. I also cleaned for about two hours. Last night I went to be in some discomfort, plus today I woke up with some strong pain in my stomach, especially in the port area.

Did I eat too much? I think I might have overdone it on the pudding, which isn't really that liquidy... I'm back to broth today. I'm not hungry at all fortunately.

Did I stretch out my pouch?

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That might not have anything to do with the food, it could be you did too much activity. I did some cleaning and tried to sweep a bit and I got really sore in my stomach - particularly in the port area. So be really careful with that. As long as you aren't eating too fast, the problem shouldn't be food. But you really have to take it easy i'm told on overdoing it. As some people told me before, let your house be dirty for a bit! That has been killing me, but i'm letting it happen. Tomorrow i'm going to do my first big clean on my house.

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As someone once told me, "...you've just had major surgery. You need to heal, both you and your band. DO NOT do any strenuous activites until after 3 months post op." Rely on your family and freinds to assist with the work around you as you relax and rest during this time. Don't risk any damage or slippage to your band or port. Treat your band surgery like any other major surgery.

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No exercise for 3 months!!!

I have to be able to clean! That wasn't like going for a run or doing an aerobics class...

I still have some pain after eating, and I'm only eating soup.

You just can't do stomach excercises for 3 months. You can certainly do light housecleaning, but for the first 2 weeks or so, you really need to take it easy. You did have surgery and you need to recover from it. I hope you didn't use a vaccum cleaner. That is a definite no no!

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