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I have missed ya'll! I am doing great..losing slowly..these last 20 lbs are gonna be the hardest. I have hit my sweet spot..I am not sure what I have in my band. I think I have like 2.75 cc. I can eat very little and really don't even care about eating anymore. I never in a million years dreamed I would be saying that! Haha

I went for a consult for plastic surgery..what a waste of time! I just wanted a lift and breast implants. (my stomach looks okay..not gonna need a tummy tuck!) Well the Dr. said I really do need the lift and implants (mine look like deflated balloons after 2 kids and the rapid weight loss) I have to completely stop losing weight and THEN wait 6 months for my body to build up protein before I can have them done! I was so disappointed. I didn't figure boobs would be that big of a deal since I am almost through losing but apparently they are! I am looking at next summer to have them done.

I need updates from everyone! What's been going on around here?

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Welcome back! You’ve been missed and you do look gorgeous and lucky you that you don’t need a TT!

For my breast lift my PS said I had to be stable, however he wouldn’t do the augs at the same time. So I had the lift I think a couple of months out after I hit my goal weight and inserts 3 months later. (My tt he did when I was still pretty big).

They all are different, I went to mine since I knew many who had used him and loved his work. I go in for my three month check up on Tuesday for the augmentation. I’m loving how they look!



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I agree, you look great.

When I lost a lot of weight before, I knew my boobs needed work, but I just didn't have the $$$ so I started wearing these one-piece bodysuit undergarments. They held my stomach in and pushed my much smaller boobs up, and I never had that unsightly bra fat problem. Even as I began gaining my weight back I continued to wear them because they gave such great support, and helped me appear slimmer. Now, I rarely wear a conventional bra. They are just so uncomfortable.


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Wow. Kim. congrats. I have been so busy that I have not been able to log in. But the last time we spoke you were at 179 or something. But now you are 163!!! That's amazing. I myself, broke the 200 pound mark and I am now 197. I am almost at the 40 pound lost mark. It's great. I go through a new pair of jeans like once a week. I hear ya on not wanting to eat. Sometimes I just forget. I never thought I would be doing that either. Good work!

Keep up the good work!


I have missed ya'll! I am doing great..losing slowly..these last 20 lbs are gonna be the hardest. I have hit my sweet spot..I am not sure what I have in my band. I think I have like 2.75 cc. I can eat very little and really don't even care about eating anymore. I never in a million years dreamed I would be saying that! Haha

I went for a consult for plastic surgery..what a waste of time! I just wanted a lift and breast implants. (my stomach looks okay..not gonna need a tummy tuck!) Well the Dr. said I really do need the lift and implants (mine look like deflated balloons after 2 kids and the rapid weight loss) I have to completely stop losing weight and THEN wait 6 months for my body to build up protein before I can have them done! I was so disappointed. I didn't figure boobs would be that big of a deal since I am almost through losing but apparently they are! I am looking at next summer to have them done.

I need updates from everyone! What's been going on around here?

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Guest CaraMBA09
I have missed ya'll! I am doing great..losing slowly..these last 20 lbs are gonna be the hardest. I have hit my sweet spot..I am not sure what I have in my band. I think I have like 2.75 cc. I can eat very little and really don't even care about eating anymore. I never in a million years dreamed I would be saying that! Haha

I went for a consult for plastic surgery..what a waste of time! I just wanted a lift and breast implants. (my stomach looks okay..not gonna need a tummy tuck!) Well the Dr. said I really do need the lift and implants (mine look like deflated balloons after 2 kids and the rapid weight loss) I have to completely stop losing weight and THEN wait 6 months for my body to build up protein before I can have them done! I was so disappointed. I didn't figure boobs would be that big of a deal since I am almost through losing but apparently they are! I am looking at next summer to have them done.

I need updates from everyone! What's been going on around here?

I would get a second opinion!

around here? you missed ALL the drama and fighting that was going on...Kittycat and Jann left. Jann started her own site...then they banned certain people.

I think people have too much time on their hands.

maybe if we stopped being on this site so much and blogging nonstop and got our fat asses into the gym, we would be more successful!


missed ya girlie.


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Hi there...glad to have you back! I wondered where you have been and almost wrote you the other day after I went to NKOTB! :D Mmmmm Donnie!

I don't have any experience with plastic surgery, but I agree i'd definitely get a 2nd if not 3rd opinion. Congrats on all your success! Great job and welcome back! There are a lot of us just getting going and a lot of new folks here since you have been gone and we can all use your input and advice!

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You look great Kim.

I feel your pain. I went for a consult when I had about 30 pounds left to go and they would not do it either. I was told the same thing, I had to be at a stable weight for 6 months. I was very upset and depressed by the news, so I really understand how you are feeling. Hang in there, we will eventually get it and will look even better!!

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Hi there...glad to have you back! I wondered where you have been and almost wrote you the other day after I went to NKOTB! :D Mmmmm Donnie!

I don't have any experience with plastic surgery, but I agree i'd definitely get a 2nd if not 3rd opinion. Congrats on all your success! Great job and welcome back! There are a lot of us just getting going and a lot of new folks here since you have been gone and we can all use your input and advice!

Girl..I did the meet and greet at my 2nd show and it was AMAZING! My bestfriend dared me to tell him something really naughty and I did. LMAO I will post my pic with them for you! I gave him the beads around his neck in exchange for a kiss too!



Here it is blown up of me and Donnie..he took a nap on my shoulder! Haha


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I have missed ya'll! I am doing great..losing slowly..these last 20 lbs are gonna be the hardest. I have hit my sweet spot..I am not sure what I have in my band. I think I have like 2.75 cc. I can eat very little and really don't even care about eating anymore. I never in a million years dreamed I would be saying that! Haha

I went for a consult for plastic surgery..what a waste of time! I just wanted a lift and breast implants. (my stomach looks okay..not gonna need a tummy tuck!) Well the Dr. said I really do need the lift and implants (mine look like deflated balloons after 2 kids and the rapid weight loss) I have to completely stop losing weight and THEN wait 6 months for my body to build up protein before I can have them done! I was so disappointed. I didn't figure boobs would be that big of a deal since I am almost through losing but apparently they are! I am looking at next summer to have them done.

I need updates from everyone! What's been going on around here?

Hi Kim,, Don't be disappointed, Having just come out of the LBL, I can say the protein issue is legit. While staying at RBTS after my LBL,, several girls that were Gastric by-pass patients had healing issues because of their low protein levels. You all know how hard it is to get your daily protein in,, Gastric by-pass patients really have a harder time with that.

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Hey girl, missed you here and wondered where you were!! You look great.

Did you hear about me? FINALLY got restriction!!!!!! My 6th fill was 6 weeks ago and I go for another checkup and weigh in tomorrow. I've stayed off the scale so I could be surprised at the doctors, so I am really excited about going. It's so cool to finally FEEL restriction!

Hope you stay around more often, I've really missed you.

As for the drama around here the past 2 weeks, be glad you missed it. It was ridiculous!

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Hey Kim

You look Fantastic.

Don't be sad about your consult. Look what you have acheived since March.

The time will fly.

I hear you on the last few pounds being hard.I'm also happy if I didn't lose anymore weight and I think that

is slowing me down.

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I am so glad to see a post from you Kimmy!!! I missed you. You look FABULOUS!! Sorry about the surgery thing but good things will come in time and you want to be healthy for whatever you may have done..most importantly!!

I think I just lost my restriction, like overnight. I was able to eat a full 3/4 on Thanksgiving and hadn't been able to eat more than 1/3 to 1/2 cup for weeks before. I am waiting a week or so to see how it goes. Yesterday I PB'd eggs before noon which I should have known better. I can NEVER eat before noon or 1:00.

Anyway so glad you're still around. The drama was blown way out of proportion and unnecessary. People turned out right vicious. You are so sweet and I thank you for being here. Great inspiration too!!

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Oh my goodness i'm so jealous!!!! That is so cool you got to meet them!!! I had such a blast at the concert - one of my friends went the night before me in another city and she wanted to look up where they were going to be next and get tickets. If I had the money I totally would have. You lucky duck!!!!!

Glad to have ya back!!

Girl..I did the meet and greet at my 2nd show and it was AMAZING! My bestfriend dared me to tell him something really naughty and I did. LMAO I will post my pic with them for you! I gave him the beads around his neck in exchange for a kiss too!



Here it is blown up of me and Donnie..he took a nap on my shoulder! Haha


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Hey Kim, glad to see you! I am at 163 too and having trouble with the last 20. And even though I've lost lots more than this, these last 20 seem so much harder!!!! Sucks about the PS. I am hoping to have lipo someday.... I keep getting anxious and thinking I'll just do it now. Then I realize it's silly because I have 20 lbs to lose before I see what I'll look like on my own! Maybe it's better to wait. You don't want to have to have them fixed if you keep losing and they look weird! Good luck!


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Hey Kim -

I had a breast lift and reduction in 2006 and had lost about 60 lbs. at that time. I gained it all back over the following 2 years but it didn't affect my lift. I'll be interested to see if losing weight now will affect them.

Sorry to hear about your frustration with your surgery. I would definately second everyone's advice about getting a second opinion. I got 2 and chose the best one.

Good luck to you and don't be such a stranger!!

P.S. You look fab!!!!

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