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Oh the Pain!

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I should have known.

But that fresh loaf of french bread looked so good...

One little slice can't hurt.


I've been pbing for half an hour now.

Not fun.

The worst part is that it went down okay and then right after that last bite was swallowed, I felt this immediate pain in my chest. Tried the papaya enzymes. Tried walking around. Nope. The last piece came up and now it feels as though the slice is coming up a little at a time. Usually when I p.b. it's over after two episodes of "vomitting", but not tonight. I'm swearing off of bread. It isn't worth it. Thanks for listening...I have to go expel what is left now.

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I did something similar and had horrific pain. What helped me was to raise my left arm above my head and did some deep breathing. It took a couple of minutes but the paid went away.

Hang in there!

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Oh, I am so sorry! I had to try white bread too. I tried it with a burger twice. I had one bite & I felt tightness. So, I immediately Stopped eating. I won't ever try it again. I can how ever eat sourdough if I toast it. I especially like the wheat sourdough, but I can handle the white sourdough too, if it is toasted. Try that! (when you recover)

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Bread is the ENEMY! I know exactly how you feel. :o I can't eat any bread and especially not squishy white bread like french bread. If you have to get that carb fix, I find that I can eat some crispy crackers (SLOWLY)! Good Luck!

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Been there, done that!!! I think most of us have though. Every so often I can't resist and will try bread, sometimes I can handle it.....but sometimes it is a disaster.

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  vangirl said:
Yikes! How long ago did you have the surgery?

I had my surgery on August 13th. I had no restriction with my first fill, in fact, I gained back 6 pounds that I lost during the liquid phase. After my second fill, I finally got what everyone was talking about when it comes to restriction. I've lost about 8 pounds since November 7th. The first three weeks were awesome. No hunger, no growling weird noises from the stomach. Now, on week four since the fill and though I still have restriction, I'm hungry again.

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  AngelaAnn said:
I had my surgery on August 13th. I had no restriction with my first fill, in fact, I gained back 6 pounds that I lost during the liquid phase. After my second fill, I finally got what everyone was talking about when it comes to restriction. I've lost about 8 pounds since November 7th. The first three weeks were awesome. No hunger, no growling weird noises from the stomach. Now, on week four since the fill and though I still have restriction, I'm hungry again.
Hi Angela ~ you need proteins and try the chewable Fiber Choice tablets to curb your hunger pangs. I got the Weight Management in Strawberry flavor...quite good and does the trick for me every day!
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I am ready for a fill, I only have 1.6 in my band. So far only one fill. So I thought today I would try one of those really small McDonald hamburgers. I was in a hurry and I had a short lunch. I should have known better. The bun did not like going down, I could feel it. Figures the one time I decide to eat junk, it does not feel good. I think I have learned my lesson. Junk food is also the enemy! I never really liked those hamburgers anyhow. Not only that, when I attempted to eat it, I dont think I chewed enough. I dont know but I wont do it again. Once I get my second fill, there is not way I will go near something like that again. Take this as a warning. BAN McDonalds. HA!

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