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Is it Just Me or ...

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Is it just me or does anyone else feel a little put out that most likely not a lot happens after the first fill? I'm having my first fill a week from tomorrow. I'm reading everywhere that some (okay, most) people don't feel any restriction after the first fill. My problem is I don't have a lot of money to spend on lots of fills. I have been very good not to overeat, eat slowly, do everything I know how to so as not to stretch anything. I guess I'm just venting about wanting restriction now since I don't have the luxury of having many fills . I"m freaking out a little because I really need for the band to work for me without spending hundreds more dollars. I live in Southern CA and plan to make the trip to TJ for fills. That's not a problem at all. It's paying a hundred dollars plus each time I have a fill. Thanks for listening.

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Hi Susanna...this is a tough subject and like I say to all issues, every person's body is different. There are no two people alike regarding being banded.

My own first fill I had 2 weeks ago was a good one but it was only a temporarily one for me. I scheduled my 2nd fill in 2 weeks, on Sat, Dec 20, at OCC. I have the choice for a blind fill at no cost or pay 100 to have it done with fluoro ~ it's your choice as well. This is one of the benefits to have the fills done at OCC! Cool, eh? I chose to do the fluoro on my first one so I can see my band and see how it is, etc. Being the first time, I was relieved and there were no issues at all.

Dr. So at OCC says normally, the first fill rarily holds restriction for too long. This gives you and your body use to the fact the band is tightening and to get ready for the real restriction yet to come. It's a progressive restriction because our body can reject this restraint.

Dr. So also said they usually give aggressive 2nd fills so this is what I am hoping for. Stay tune for my next fill post!

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Do be truthful, if I could stand the thought of sticking myself, I'd do my fills myself haha.

(true story coming)

I was sick real bad one year, and my father has a farm, so I went to his place, measured out some anti-biotic by weight, and gave myself a shot of cow anti-biotic haha. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I have a hard time justifying a trip to the doctor when I already know what's wrong with me. (the main difference between that stuff and people stuff, is the buffer solution is different. The animal kind is an alcohol suspension and burns like hell, but is effective.) Or the time I took some tribrissen for horses when I had bronchitis. (also works for strep) My cousin's wife is a vet haha.

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  Trav said:
Do be truthful, if I could stand the thought of sticking myself, I'd do my fills myself haha.

(true story coming)

I was sick real bad one year, and my father has a farm, so I went to his place, measured out some anti-biotic by weight, and gave myself a shot of cow anti-biotic haha. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I have a hard time justifying a trip to the doctor when I already know what's wrong with me. (the main difference between that stuff and people stuff, is the buffer solution is different. The animal kind is an alcohol suspension and burns like hell, but is effective.) Or the time I took some tribrissen for horses when I had bronchitis. (also works for strep) My cousin's wife is a vet haha.

Me too, Trav. If I knew how to do it, I would give myself fills. I have no problemo sticking myself with a needle. I don't know where the port is, however. That might be a problem. Oh, well. it is what it is.

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  Trav said:
Do be truthful, if I could stand the thought of sticking myself, I'd do my fills myself haha.

(true story coming)

I was sick real bad one year, and my father has a farm, so I went to his place, measured out some anti-biotic by weight, and gave myself a shot of cow anti-biotic haha. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I have a hard time justifying a trip to the doctor when I already know what's wrong with me. (the main difference between that stuff and people stuff, is the buffer solution is different. The animal kind is an alcohol suspension and burns like hell, but is effective.) Or the time I took some tribrissen for horses when I had bronchitis. (also works for strep) My cousin's wife is a vet haha.

That's the best story I've ever heard!!

For me, it's the fact that I don't have health insurance and I used to get chronic strep. I took a trip to T.J. and stocked up on my zithromax--it was about $8 instead of a culture to figure out if I had it (when you have strep, you know)+$76 for the antibiotic.

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  Trav said:
Do be truthful, if I could stand the thought of sticking myself, I'd do my fills myself haha.

(true story coming)

I was sick real bad one year, and my father has a farm, so I went to his place, measured out some anti-biotic by weight, and gave myself a shot of cow anti-biotic haha. I'm not saying I'm cheap, but I have a hard time justifying a trip to the doctor when I already know what's wrong with me. (the main difference between that stuff and people stuff, is the buffer solution is different. The animal kind is an alcohol suspension and burns like hell, but is effective.) Or the time I took some tribrissen for horses when I had bronchitis. (also works for strep) My cousin's wife is a vet haha.

Trav, you're a riot!...Thanks for a laugh. I have a good friend who's a vet, everybody always asks him for his medical (people medicine)....and I've heard him offer stuff from his bag.....he says other than dose, it's "just about the same"......hehe, no thank you!

I enjoy your posts!



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