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Banded on Monday

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I was banded Monday morning - the 8th - and everything went great. Everyone one was so helpful - I was really comfortable. We drove back from TJ Tues to Yuma and spent the night. Today we drove home - a 6 hour drive. We kept stopping so I could walk some so wasn't in much pain, but tonight I have a ton of gas so am walking and sipping.

But how many days does this go on - or does it ever quit?

I am enjoying all the reading from this forum and learned a lot before the surgery so I wasn't suprised on most of it.

Judi :o

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Hi Judi!

Welcome to bandland! My bad "shoulder pain" gas lasted about 2 weeks and then it would sometimes come back after I ate for a few months. Even now, I get it sometimes. Just hang in there..the worst of it will be over soon.

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I haven't had many gas issues except in the form of painful hiccups. I've only had four Gas-X strips since I've been banded... December 3. I think what has helped me is a morning, afternoon and evening walk... very short and I take it slow. Also, remember to take DEEP DEEP DEEP breathes. That is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Surgery on the body takes a toll. And, add the stress of such a huge life change and entering into the unknown of it all. I honestly believe that walking and deep breathing has helped me considerably. If I watch something on television (that isn't Tivo'd) I make an effort to breathe deeply during commercials. Good luck!


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I haven't had many gas issues except in the form of painful hiccups. I've only had four Gas-X strips since I've been banded... December 3. I think what has helped me is a morning, afternoon and evening walk... very short and I take it slow. Also, remember to take DEEP DEEP DEEP breathes. That is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Surgery on the body takes a toll. And, add the stress of such a huge life change and entering into the unknown of it all. I honestly believe that walking and deep breathing has helped me considerably. If I watch something on television (that isn't Tivo'd) I make an effort to breathe deeply during commercials. Good luck!


EXCELLENT post Kristy and I see you've been reading and trained right, as well as your own experience!

WELCOME Judi to Bandland! So glad all is ok...now comes the fun part! Post here if you have any questions or concerns...we are all here to support one another! WTG!

It is important to sip, sip, sip your water and walk, walk, walk, several mini walks throughout the day. With these two along with the breathing exercises, you will have minimal gas bubbles in you. Also, when drinking, DO NOT inhale air while drinking. Always, breathe in through your nose and out your mouth...this too, will eliminate extra gas issues and well, curb down your hiccups.

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I was banded three weeks ago Friday, and I still have gas and shoulder pain! I was never much of a burper but I've been trying to force it out that way!

The shoulder pain is terrible, it's like a bad cramp. I do lots of shoulder rolls and stretching and that helps it a bit.

Keep Gas-X with you at all times!

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I'm two weeks post-op, and I'd say the gas stopped being painful in the last couple of days. It's still there, but doesn't hurt the way it used to. The exception is at night time, when I'm trying to turn over, but that might be the pain of the band and port. Hard to tell sometimes!


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Thanks for all your replys - I guess I can put up with it for a few more weeks - was just hoping that it wasn't a "forever" thing. I am better today - if I sit real still it doesn't hurt, but when I move it hurts like the dickens until I move "it" around, then the pain subsides.

I read all the posts but I am sure I will have more questions as time goes by.

Thanks again,


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