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to do or not to do

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I was told by my doctor to have bariatric surgery but neither of my insurance's will cover this. I have heard of a couple people at work that went to DR. Ortiz so I thought I would look into it. I am really nervous about going to Mexico and later having complications. I live in Dallas, OR so Im not by any means close. I think Im more worried about unexpected cost's that could arise. I know my health would benifet but just hearing of a few complication that people have had scares me. My husband thinks that this is a waste especially if I have to go to mexico. But Im at the point that I will do almost anything. Can any of you calm my worries and give any advise? :(

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I live in Portland, Oregon and went to Dr Ortiz in Mexico, it was a great experience. The only cost afterwards so far is my fills. The trip didn't even cost that much. I was nervous too but we had a great time and a great experience.

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If you follow the instructions that you are given at the OCC, your chances of complications are very slim. I just had to trust that everything would be ok. I have lost 25 lbs. since the day I called the OCC. I really think it was the best decision I ever made. The clinic and staff are 1st class. Look into the Fill Centers USA for one that is close to you for your after care.

I did some serious research on the internet for a local Bariatric surgeon that would do my fills. Most won't fill a patient that they didn't operate on, but I located one in Birmingham, AL (1.5 hours away from my house) who will do my fills. I have to pay a new patient fee of $175 and the fills are $100.

I am sure you could probably find one also.

Good luck with the decision that you make.


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It’s a hard decision; you’re making a major one that could change your life. And I completely agree with Kimberly, you really need to follow the rules to reduce the chance of complications. Many people will test their bands – at some point they may fail and then you have to own your failure. I always keep enough cash in the bank so if I need to take a trip to the OCC I can. They are very good at after care and dealing with our problems, however we have to spot them, act on them and get to the OCC for help. We’ve had (and very few I might add) slipped bands, a flipped port, and other minor issues – I’ve only heard good things about the follow up care provided at the OCC.

Its up to you, its your body and you make the final one – I made mine over 2 years ago and received my band on 10/6/06 and went from 275 at my high size 22 woman to 145 pounds size 6/8 now, for a total of 130 pounds lost. More importantly I’ve improved my health, I’m in my late 40’s and I wasted a lot of time being obese – I wish I made this decision earlier and had more time to spend enjoying life – its much better as a healthy thin person than an unhealthy obese one.

There are many before and after stories in the gallery, you should check them out. Here’s mine:


I'm so glad I made that decision, my husband was not supportive but it was my body and no one was going to stop me - he's totally supportive now - hmmm - wonder why.... Good luck!


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It's your decision. I've been so happy with my decision. And, from my research... Dr. Ortiz is one of the best. From the start of my pre-op diet on November 1, 2008 to today... I have lost 31 pounds. It's probably the best decision that I've ever made! Mexico isn't as scary as some people make it out to be. In all honesty, the world is a scary place... not just Mexico.


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Insurance wouldn't cover me either and that is how I ended up finding out about Dr. Ortiz after some research. I encourage you to read through all the threads in here and gather as much info as you can. I spent hours in here and by the time I went to TJ I was completely content and not nervous at all. I do not for one minute regret my decision and have so far had success. Their place is very clean and everything is done top notch. Actually, probably better than most hospitals in the US!

Do make sure and arrange your aftercare though before you go. I was lucky and found a great place near me. At OCC they gave me a list of doctors in my area that would see me. If you ask them they will do the same for you. Travel isn't too bad. Your price of your surgery includes 2 nights at a hotel down there so that helps on the travel costs.

Good luck and again I encourage you to look through here and get info. It will help a lot!!!

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Would you mind sharing who your fill doc is? Did you have your surgery in Mexico? If you want to e-mail me the information, that would be fine, too. smurf3873@yahoo.com Thanks so much!

I located one in Birmingham, AL (1.5 hours away from my house) who will do my fills. I have to pay a new patient fee of $175 and the fills are $100.

I am sure you could probably find one also.

Good luck with the decision that you make.


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I did ZERO research. I was too scared. I heard Dr. Ortiz mentioned on Oprah and called the next day. Within the week, I had arranged the financing and scheduled the surgery. I never logged onto this forum until after the surgery (found out about it from Paula who I met in the lobby that morning).

I am the type who will worry and obsess about every little thing - so it's better for me not to have too much information. However, I think it was a great decision - I've lost 51 lb. so far and am getting close to my goal.

The only issues I have had were from getting filled too tight, and being too broke to pay for fills when I needed them. LOL!

Good luck to you! And just know that Dr. Ortiz and his staff are great and you have nothing to worry about.

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