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Port area

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I am a little over 8 weeks post op and my port area still gets sore if I sit for too long or stretch the wrong way. Just be careful and do not do too much. No heavy lifting and lay flat as much as you can.

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Hi labella ~ Congrats on your surgery and WELCOME to bandland!

I, too, am a little over 8 weeks post op. It is totally normal for your port area to be sore because your port is sewn on and it needs some time to heal and adjust to your body. It will go away for sure like Evette says and Dana is right on for sitting too long. Since you're still new from surgery, you may also experience some gas bubbles as well. Don't prolong sitting for a great length of time and if you plan to, stretch up your arms towards the ceiling a bit and move. Do several mini walks a day go jiggle the bubbles around to help get rid of them.

When sleeping, you will need to find your comfort zone on how to lay. Most people like to lay flat but I have an extra vertabrae and can't do that naturally. I need to raise or bend my knees. Or I can roll on my side and have a pillow to support my tummy area. Also, if I have a coughing fit or know a sneeze is coming up, grab a pillow and hold it up against your stomach firming to aid in keeping the pain to a minimum.

Your other question avout why do peole have difficult swallowing when they eat their first first solid foods? It's because they took large bite size, didn't chew well, and/or ate too fast.

True, there is no restriction, but you now have a newly upper pouch that can only hold so much food and be mindful on choosing wisely on what you eat.

Hope this helps you...

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I still can't lay flat on my stomach which is hard for me b/c that is how I always slept. Not a major pain, but some pressure and discomfort.

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