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Coming to you from the hotel Lucerna B)

My wife and I showed up at the OCC clinic yesterday around 9am and had our pre-op tests which went well so' they asked we would like to have the surgery then instead of wait till tomorrow. We figured what the heck "Lets Get er Done" Couple of "Tequla pills" or so they called them and after a quick chat with the Dr.s we were ready. My wife went first and I just barely remember them saying that she had done well and it was my turn. I was pretty much out of it even before I got into the OR so it did"nt take long before it was lights out.l

My wife generally had a very hard time coming out of anesthesia but experienced no difficulty whatsoever.

I took me awhile to come out of the anesthesia. Was kinda groggy for a few hours. Drifted in and out.

I am glad to say we are both doing very well. No real pain to speak of. Little bit of gas pain from time time but to help combat that we caught a cab over to Revolution Ave and did some shopping. Heck I didnt even make it past the first 7 or 8 shops before I ran out of money. I did get a nice piece of stained glass and bought some birthstone earrings for the mrs.

The vendors over there are kinda pushy but it was still fun.

I would also like to add as everyone else has that the staff at the OCC is awesome and very nice. Especially liked Dr. Miranda and Yose and Carmalita. Dr. Ortiz and Dr Martinez are both extremely knowledgeable and have really confident personalities.

I got to meet KatieLady (Hi Katy) amoung others which was nice as well. There was a tall red haired gal there that I thought might have been JazzyJude but I was too chicken to ask.

Thats all for now.



Congrats to both you and your wife - how cool that you could both go on this journey together! It will be so nice to have that support and balance to help you both succeed!

Glad to hear everything went well and you and your Mrs. is on the way to a thinner healthier lifestyle in 2009!

All the best!



Hi Chris ~ CONGRATS and WELCOME to Bandland! Oh I wish I could say I was there but I wasn't...in spirit yes.

This is so awesome for the two of you to be banded together. Like Lisa says, the support you have for one another will balance things. Take this wonderful journey in stride because it's going to be an amazing ride of your life!

My hubby is my support 100% and he does his 'check and balance' to make sure I get my proteins in, etc. It's so awesome when he cheers me on.

This is what the two of you will have for one another! FANTASTIC!

Chris, keep us posted on how you are doing! Any questions or concerns you many have, jumlp on it ~ we are all here for you!

What a wonderful Christmas gift and way to start the new year for you and the Mrs.!



Oops! I forgot to share with fellow bandsters that I got banded on Monday. What an adventure. I would recommend this procedure to everyone if it wouldn't appear rude. There is an excitement within me that is just unreal. I have spoiled myself by taking off this whole week from work. That in itself is a vacation.

I thought that everyone at OCC were extremely nice. After asking so........... many questions before having this procedure I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everyone's answers and re-assurance. :rolleyes:

Oops! I forgot to share with fellow bandsters that I got banded on Monday. What an adventure. I would recommend this procedure to everyone if it wouldn't appear rude. There is an excitement within me that is just unreal. I have spoiled myself by taking off this whole week from work. That in itself is a vacation.

I thought that everyone at OCC were extremely nice. After asking so........... many questions before having this procedure I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everyone's answers and re-assurance. :rolleyes:

Anne that is just great! I am so happy for you too. It is not too late to post a new post for just you so everyone can congrats to you!

Welcome to Bandland!!

I would recommend this procedure to everyone if it wouldn't appear rude. There is an excitement within me that is just unreal.

You know, it's interesting, every time I see a significantly overweight person walking down the street, I feel like I want to share with them this great secret, that it is possible to get control of this. Now, for me it is so early in the game for me to be saying that, but I feel a sense of relief having this band, knowing that I will never go overboard and no one can accuse me of overeating or overindulging on bad foods again. It's wonderful to feel free of those diets and diet fads, knowing I have this thing inside me that's going to help me develop a better relationship with food over the long term. It's much more than just a physical journey, and those diet fads just don't realize that. When I've read posts from people who have been at this for months and years, the consistent theme is about changing dysfunctional patterns and getting to the roots of emotional eating, and the band helps you do that because you can't give into those cravings the same way as before.

I'm really looking forward to having this monkey off my back finally.


Hubby and I were banded at OCC together on 09/19/08. I was a great experience to do it together. I am glad you two go to do it too. It has been a great help to have another person following the same path as me. Although he has lost more weight then me, which I tease him about, it has been good to talk to someone who knows exactly what I am talking about. Just watch eachother lose the weight, it is so exciting. It has been a great adventure for us. I look forward to returning to OCC to get a check up next year. They are great people and made us feel very safe and confident. Welcome aboard bandland both of you.


I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have supported me thus far on my journey. It has really helped me. Tomorrow I will be leaving the Lucerna and travelling up to the great white Washington north. If you plan to come down here soon, make sure to bring a jacket. It's been fairly chilly since we've been here. My experience this far has been great. :) I'm a little hungry but the broth seems to help subside the hunger. It also seems to help with the gas pains. =D>



Congrats to all of you on your new journey! It's so funny I feel like it was just yesterday I was there!


I am two weeks out (banded on December 5th) and I'm still pretyy uncomfortable. Very "gassy" with shoulder pain way worse at noght. I am totaly on liquids and losing a good amount of weight becuase if I drink too much fluid it makes my stomach really uncomfortable. I'm really active and have restarted excersizing as well as full time work. I've called the OCC clinic and they're really reassuring, but I'm freeking out a bit becuase it seem like everyone else feels great! On the good side, I have dropped 13 pounds since pre-op (1st time in years I've been able to drop weight this quickly).

Anyone out there experiencing similar, I'd love to hear from you.

I am two weeks out (banded on December 5th) and I'm still pretyy uncomfortable. Very "gassy" with shoulder pain way worse at noght. I am totaly on liquids and losing a good amount of weight becuase if I drink too much fluid it makes my stomach really uncomfortable. I'm really active and have restarted excersizing as well as full time work. I've called the OCC clinic and they're really reassuring, but I'm freeking out a bit becuase it seem like everyone else feels great! On the good side, I have dropped 13 pounds since pre-op (1st time in years I've been able to drop weight this quickly).

Anyone out there experiencing similar, I'd love to hear from you.

FLGirl-- My wife isn't doing quite as well as I have been. She is alot more gassy with some pain in her back. I don't know if it's because I got the bigger band (VG) or her body is just having a harder time relieving itself of the extra gas. She seems to have it coming out of the north end while I am cursed or blessed to have it coming out of the south. :rolleyes: They say it's important for us not to compare our recoveries with others but I know it's hard to do. I am glad to hear you are doing so well on your weight loss so far and since youre excercising I'm sure you will do well. Well it's time to head for the airport so I wish all of you the best.


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