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what is considered heavy lifting?

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The area around my port incision is still quite sore (a burning, prickly feeling with sudden stabbing pains that last a couple seconds at a time)My surgery was almost three weeks ago and I have to wonder if I have pulled something lifting my children. I have not been able to avoid lifting them at times (both have had the stomach flu the past couple weeks) and I've had to carry them to/from the bathroom to bed. Plus, they both have a habbit of falling asleep when we are out driving (usually returning from after-school activities) and I've had to carry them in the house...they both weigh about 40 pounds.

I know some of you are nurses and probably had to move patients that are much heavier, did it cause any problems with the band? I'm doing everything I can to avoid picking them up but with my husband constantly away on business, there is nobody but me to care for them. It also hurts when I bend over and sometimes when I turn from one side to another in bed. I guess I'm just hoping to hear this is normal while we are heeling and not that I've gone and screwed something up already....either from heavy-lifting or even from eating too much soup- something else I tend to do when I go in to "auto pilot" and then, suddenly, realize I have had way too much.


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This is such a hard one - I really stayed away from heavy lifting for the first 30 days. (Nothing heavier than a can of soup). I’m a little bit worried that you’re doing too much, too fast – but understand your position.

I’d try getting them to bed earlier before they fall asleep, and if possible waking them up and having them walk in. (I know how hard this is – I raised 3 boys and I’m practically asking you to do the impossible) but it’s a better outcome that doing damage to your surgery. I'm sure you haven't done anything yet - you'd know it, but there's still always a chance if you don't give yourself time to heal.

I’m sure someone else will come on with better ideas that are more practical – I’m just feeling your pain!

Take care!


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The area around my port incision is still quite sore (a burning, prickly feeling with sudden stabbing pains that last a couple seconds at a time)My surgery was almost three weeks ago and I have to wonder if I have pulled something lifting my children. I have not been able to avoid lifting them at times (both have had the stomach flu the past couple weeks) and I've had to carry them to/from the bathroom to bed. Plus, they both have a habbit of falling asleep when we are out driving (usually returning from after-school activities) and I've had to carry them in the house...they both weigh about 40 pounds.

I know some of you are nurses and probably had to move patients that are much heavier, did it cause any problems with the band? I'm doing everything I can to avoid picking them up but with my husband constantly away on business, there is nobody but me to care for them. It also hurts when I bend over and sometimes when I turn from one side to another in bed. I guess I'm just hoping to hear this is normal while we are heeling and not that I've gone and screwed something up already....either from heavy-lifting or even from eating too much soup- something else I tend to do when I go in to "auto pilot" and then, suddenly, realize I have had way too much.



I had some of those feelings, and didn't damage anything. I have had some pain around my port, real tenderness and soreness. But, everything is fine. Do not bend over without bending at the knees. You can't eat too much soup, it slips through your band. However, you need to control your portion size at each sitting. Try to keep it to 4 oz at a time. Take a sip or a spoon full and then sit your cup or bowl down for a minute. This will help you eat slower. Then in awhile if you feel you need more, have another 4 oz serving. Your pouch fills quickly, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are full and don't want/need to eat more.

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I'm not sure about the lifting, but I agree with Lisa i'd do everything you can to not lift! I had to go to the grocery store one time and just lifting too heavy of bags really made me sore. My 3 year old niece lives with me part time and her and I had a talk about how Aunt Shelby had ouchies on her tummy and couldn't lift her up. She still asks me if I have them. Kids don't seem to forget anything! :) But as far as the bending over and side to side, I had that too. I still feel it when I bend forward, but it's not pain it's just more pressure now.

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Guest CaraMBA09
The area around my port incision is still quite sore (a burning, prickly feeling with sudden stabbing pains that last a couple seconds at a time)My surgery was almost three weeks ago and I have to wonder if I have pulled something lifting my children. I have not been able to avoid lifting them at times (both have had the stomach flu the past couple weeks) and I've had to carry them to/from the bathroom to bed. Plus, they both have a habbit of falling asleep when we are out driving (usually returning from after-school activities) and I've had to carry them in the house...they both weigh about 40 pounds.

I know some of you are nurses and probably had to move patients that are much heavier, did it cause any problems with the band? I'm doing everything I can to avoid picking them up but with my husband constantly away on business, there is nobody but me to care for them. It also hurts when I bend over and sometimes when I turn from one side to another in bed. I guess I'm just hoping to hear this is normal while we are heeling and not that I've gone and screwed something up already....either from heavy-lifting or even from eating too much soup- something else I tend to do when I go in to "auto pilot" and then, suddenly, realize I have had way too much.



my 1.5 year old son is 30+ lbs

There is just no way I could avoid picking him up, so I began kneeling down until my knees touched the floor, wrapped my arm around him, brought him in to me and then brought myself up with my legs...VERY much like a squat that you would do in the gym.

I had ZERO repercussions from doing this. As a mother of a very young toddler, it is impossible to tell you to "dont' do that...or you "shouldnt'" do that....I was sore alot longer (6-8 weeks) at the port area than most people, I am sure that lifting my son was the reason why. just be mindful of how you do it. I think for us mothers of young children, it is unavoidable.

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Thanks. That's great advice. I'm certainly picking them up less than normal....It's been a bit of a blessing because I have very clingy kids that always want "up up up mommy" and I seem to be breaking them of that habbit...it's just been when they are asleep and won't wake up or when they were throwing up that I had to do what I had to do. The fact that you have been okay is reassuring. Thanks.



my 1.5 year old son is 30+ lbs

There is just no way I could avoid picking him up, so I began kneeling down until my knees touched the floor, wrapped my arm around him, brought him in to me and then brought myself up with my legs...VERY much like a squat that you would do in the gym.

I had ZERO repercussions from doing this. As a mother of a very young toddler, it is impossible to tell you to "dont' do that...or you "shouldnt'" do that....I was sore alot longer (6-8 weeks) at the port area than most people, I am sure that lifting my son was the reason why. just be mindful of how you do it. I think for us mothers of young children, it is unavoidable.

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Hi Sabrina ~ I am 10 weeks post op and I still have a tad soreness around my port area when I do other activities beyond my normal daily tasks. I've lifted my goddaughter when she was ill or just needed my full attention and she is just a month shy of 2 yrs old. Like Cara, I scoop down and wrap my arms her and hold her firmly on my left side to help the musles around my stomach from pushing outwards. This helped me and like Shelby says, right now it's just a pressure I am feeling now. Like Dana says, serve yourself a 1/2 cup (4 oz) of soup at a time and drink from that. Relax and drink your protein water. If you are still hunger, grab another clup of soup and so forth. Lisa says it right about the minimum weight lifting at least 30 days. But everyone person's body is different and for me it was a bit longer.

Don't forget, we just had major surgery and like Lisa says, we need the time for our body and band to heal. The soreness you are feeling is the port healing from the stitiching (sewn on) to the stomach wall/muscles and like Dawns, when I went for my first fill with Dr. So, he also told me the port area maybe a little sore from time to time up to 6 months...so give it some time and use common sense to do things. Listen to your body so you can act upon it.

Wishing you well ~ Jude

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