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Looking forward to a New Year!

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Hi All,

I'm 7 months post-op and I've lost 52 pounds. I have been a little frustrated, because I had hoped for 10 lbs per month but hit a plateau that I really struggled with. I've only lost 4 pounds in the last 2 months....

HOWEVER, when I look back on this year I am really proud. 52 pounds in less than a year is a big accomplishment. I've gone from wearing 22/24 sizes to 16/18s. The last 2 pairs of pants I bought were 16s!

I know that I got lazy with my exercise for a while. Even so, I LOST WEIGHT during the holiday season. Halloween through Christmas I am down 4 pounds! How many Americans can say that?!?!?!?!

I feel re-energized and re-focused and excited to continue this journey. I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions so I am taking this opportunity to say, "Hey, I did pretty good this year and I'm going to do even better next year!"

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

P.S. Santa brought me the WiiFit. I didn't even ask for it so it was a bit of a shock. But I must tell you.... SO MUCH FUN!!!! Who knew virtual hula-hooping good make your abs and bootie sore?


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Happy New Year to you too! Whoo hoo! WTG and you SHOULD be proud of yourself! That is 52 lbs GONE FOREVER! This is awesome and you are inspiring me to keep on going forward. I love your upbeat attitude! I am plateauing as well because I've lost a lot of weight quickly and my body needs to catch up with the inches lost to balance my metabolism. After my 3 months post op, I am planning to do hardcore exercises and dancing my bootys off! Keep up the good work and enjoy the WiiFit! You will next be doing the belly dancing! whoo hoo!!

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That's so awesome - congrats you're doing great - I didn't lose as fast as some on the forum either and at times that can be frustrating. But just like you I kept plugging away – and remember you’re 7 months post op – in general people who are banded lose on average around 75 pounds the first year –so you’re right on target!!

You go girl! Happy New Year!! (And the hard core exercise and dancing is really what made the dramatic change for me - add that in and you will be amazed at how fast you can change the shape of your body)


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A WiiFit is a fantastic Christmas present... congratulation! Have lots of fun, my husband got it for me about 6 months ago and I used it a lot in the beginning and then got bored. I guess the reason is that I knew I was steadily gaining weight so I was discouraged from using it. But now that I'm on the pre-op diet it makes alot of sense and can act as a great scale, and make things quite fun. Thanks for the reminder and keep losing weight! We're all in store for good things in 2009. :-)

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