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This pre-op diet is killing me..lol

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Seriously!! I had my protein drink at 5:30 am, and then by 7:30 am, my stomach was growling so much, I thought there was something alive in there..lol. So then at my lunch time at 10:30 am, I tried all I could to not go get a burrito at Farmer Boys, but guess what I did..ugh!! I feel like a total screwup. This pre-op diet is seriously stressing me out. I don't know what to do. I am so scared I won't lose the required weight. It's depressing! I did have the metamucil pills, but I think after the initial stomach hunger, I got the head hunger, and my cravings took over. Plus, all I want to do is eat anyway, because that "time of the month" will be here next week. My work schedule doesn't help either, because I have to wake up so early, and then take lunch at 10:30, which is what I consider breakfast..ugh..I just need to lock myself in a room for the next 10 days.

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I made sure I always had green salad around, and i used the wishbone ranch lightly... If I got hungry I would have a small salad. Also, I did the slimfast shakes with the 4 hour hunger control. Those seemed to work better for me than just the protein shakes. I lost 15lbs pre-opt even though I had the extra salads.

Good luck


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What protein shakes are you using - I had to up mine to a higher protein shake to help curve the cravings. (look at the protein and see if you can find something higher) I love Shy's and Cindy's suggestions, here's mine:

For TOM - I bought some of those sugar free no calorie sucker candies to help. The rule was I couldn’t bite them and had to suck them down to nothing (I was desperate – but it worked).

Also, start pretending that you’re a size 10 thin person – and start looking at everything from this new point of view. Talk to yourself in the mirror – tell yourself you’re on a journey to a thin new you and that you’re beautiful and sexy. It’s amazing what happens when we change our view of ourselves. We can do anything!

Here are some other things I did to get myself ready for the new me:

- Get a new haircut (It’s amazing what this can do for you - and I'm not talking a trim - I'm talking something your new size 10 person would do)

- Get your make up done at the department store - tell them to give you a totally new look and don’t give them directions. (Its free and a great way to learn some new tricks)

- Go shopping and find yourself a goal dress (With everything on sale it’s a great time to buy one) Get it one size up from your goal size, you can always size it down but its fun to get into before your goal.

- Do your nails in a bright new color

Just do anything that will get you focused on your goal, getting down to the new you! Have some fun and try to keep your mind off food, but on the journey!

Take care and stay strong!

(Hi Shy)!

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I am using the myoplex shake in the morning and a SlimFast for lunch. I know SlimFast isn't as good, but I had already bought some, and want to use them up. I think I am going to wait and drink my first shake on my first break at 8:00 am, that way it's like a real breakfast, take a metamucil pill at 10 to get me through to my last break at 1:00, where I will have my shake for lunch. That schedule makes more sense, and then I am hoping I won't be so hungry. I am also going to bring some celery sticks to crunch on, so if I feel I need to chew something, atleast, I will have those. I just felt so down today, because I am getting down to the wire, and don't want to go down there and them tell me I can't have the surgery. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Thanks for the suggestions :)

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Also make sure you are getting your water in! I now many have said when you think you are hungry, sometimes you are thirsty. Might not always be the case, but it is worth a shot! Also make sure you are getting your protein in like Lisa said. I tell ya it makes all the difference in the world!!!!

It's tough I know - my pre-op diet was wayyyy harder than my post-op. Stick to it and it will make this all so much easier I promise!!!!!

Good luck!!!!

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My pre-op was harder than my post-op too. The biggest thing for me was to take time for me when I ate. I ate slower... read a magazine while I ate, enjoyed my Lean Cuisine, etc. I also had Jolly Ranchers in my bag... I sucked on those little buggers constantly.


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GREAT post Lisa! I love the way you think...and I did pretty close to what you've done. It was all about what I am going to look like that got me started. I just focused on the new me and had bought a cute 'little' simple black dress as my goal.

Shelby is correct in making sure you get in your daily proteins ~ which is a major key to this weight loss success. You should be taking in between 60 to 90 grams a day. Again, the same for the water. I used, and still do, protein water in between my regular water drinking (it's atcutally 4 16oz water bottles worth). Many of times, it's the 'mental' hunger and when drinking the water, it goes away and your tummy has 'something' in it. Often, I've drink plain 'hot' water, like drinking hot tea without the tea. My tummy doesn't know better but it's got something warm in it! Mind over matter at times for me.

For breakfast and lunch, I did the AmazeRX protein shakes (17 grams), and like Shy, I had salads every day for dinner, along with hard boiled eggs, cheese and rolled up luncheon deli chicken or turkey slices (PROTEINS!). I lost 12.5 lbs on my 2 week preop diet. I've done what CindyLou have done, doing the Atkins induction and it's a great program and again, lots of protein intake. I am going to do this step after my 3 months post op and starting up my hard core exercises. The more protein intake and water you do with an increase exercise program, the more you lose, tone and firm up.

Good luck and like Lisa says, stay strong - YOU CAN DO THIS!

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the hot water trick is brilliant. I'm definitely using that one.

Otherwise I'm doing the 2 slimfast shakes/lean cuisine option. Yeah it is hard but I've gotten used to it over the last few days. I'm starting my fifth day and it hasn't been easy but I'm doing it. Dropped a few pounds too... the first 5 pounds disappeared so quick it made my head spin. I'm ready to accept that it was probly just water weight, but was still an awesome thing to happen.

confession... I had beers last night at a friends birthday celebration. I am ashamed, very ashamed. But this bar was right next to a terrific sausage place. Everyone had a delicious sausage sandwich but me. Any normal day I would've ordered two of those babies with grilled onions to boot! :-)

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the hot water trick is brilliant. I'm definitely using that one.

Otherwise I'm doing the 2 slimfast shakes/lean cuisine option. Yeah it is hard but I've gotten used to it over the last few days. I'm starting my fifth day and it hasn't been easy but I'm doing it. Dropped a few pounds too... the first 5 pounds disappeared so quick it made my head spin. I'm ready to accept that it was probly just water weight, but was still an awesome thing to happen.

confession... I had beers last night at a friends birthday celebration. I am ashamed, very ashamed. But this bar was right next to a terrific sausage place. Everyone had a delicious sausage sandwich but me. Any normal day I would've ordered two of those babies with grilled onions to boot! :-)

Well the hot water works for me wonderfully! Also, go easy on the Slim Fast drinks...they are very high in sugar. When I stopped drink those (drank them DAILY for the vitamins and minerals) and started on a better choice or protein shakes, OMG, what a HUGE, HUGE difference! But do what you got to do to get yourself ready for the big day...

SlimColaGirl ~ BE COMMITTED! You've got to be serious about this weight loss, otherwise it won't happen. Get a reality check and start over and stay true to yourself! You can do this IF you want it bad enough.

Good luck!

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Ok so I have done pretty good today, and feel alot better. I had a myoplex shake for breakfast at 8 am, then some celery sticks at 10 am with my metamucil capsule. Then I had a slim fast shake for lunch at about 12:30. I just had some more celery sticks, and I have been drinking my water. I usually eat dinner around 5 or 6, but I can't wait, so I am going to eat at 4..lol. I found a yummy lean cuisine, chicken with broccoli and carrots in an herb sauce...I don't normally like lean cuisines, but this one looks yummy!!

Oh, and I also going to renew my gym membership at 24 hr Fitness, in a little bit..YAY!

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Pre-op diet is killing me too! My surgery is coming up in a week and two days and I started the day after Christmas and have done fabulously I think because I am already down almost 5 lbs, but it has been a total battle of wills because I am still "Home for the Holidays" until the 2nd and am constantly having food and goodies sitting in front of me and everyone around me is stuffing their faces! I will admit I have had a few small cheats but nothing that has put me over a 1000 calories a day at all. Which BTW - how many calories should we be having in our pre-op diets?

I have also been really hungry... really really hungry... I have never been a veggie or salad person so it has been tough trying to force myself to eat the leafy stuff...

Ok thanks for listening to my vent!!

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I am not sure how many calories we are required to have on this pre-op diet, but today, I am only having like 700...no wonder I am freakin hungry...that's nothing!!

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I am right there with ya ladies.... this diet has been so hard for me. I am being banded on the 8th and im still at my starting weight. Carolyn, when I booked, told me to "just try your best, we know its the holidays" and she just laughed... so I am hoping since my BMI is 34, that if I dont lose the required 9 pounds before NEXT thursday - my surgery won't be canceled.

But I did great today - I had 2 shakes and a normal dinner and lots of water and a little lemonade. Im hoping now that my bf has left (he was in town visiting) and Xmas is over, I can really focus on being good and dropping the weight.

Hope to see you all there!

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Yeah 700 is about as many as I have been getting too... doesn't seem like enough but I am loosing weight pretty fast so I won't question it! I have been kind of bad tonight because its new years eve and there is food everywhere but hey it's new years, start fresh tomorrow and I am being good and not having any drinks. Which is hard since I am the ONLY one except the underagers that isn't drinking!

Happy New Years to everyone! Let's hope 2009 is a skinny one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah, I was bad tonight, I went out to dinner with my family. But I vow to work it off tomorrow at the gym. The only other day, I am going to have a problem with is Sat night..it's my nephews 2nd bday, and since no one knows I am having this surgery done, it's going to look strange if I am not eating. They are having pizza and salad, I am going to TRY and just have salad...ugh!

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This is the hard part, but you'll make it!

Here’s something I’ve done in similar situations when I don’t want people asking. (I can’t eat pizza anymore and it seems to arouse suspicion…..) Get a piece of pizza, pull the crust off – leave it on your plate and without anyone seeing throw the main part in the garbage – I am known for being able to wrap anything and everything in napkins to get rid of it if needed. Then fill your plate with salad and leave the crust on it as a prop. People see the crust and assume you already ate your pizza.

With the cake - the same - take a piece so no one asks, cut most of it off and stick it in the garbage so you look like you ate it. Right now is the hardest part, its weird once you get the band (after a little while) its so much easier to do this, since after a while since you're no longer hungry for the bad stuff.

Good luck!


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Those are excellent ideas. Fortunately, I don't like cake, so I am not worried about that, it's the pizza I'm worried about (it's my favorite). I plan to tell all my family after I have it done, it's just right now, trying to hide it is getting tough..lol.

For breakfast this morning, since I am off today from work, I blended my french vanilla myoplex shake with some strawberries, 1 packet of splenda and some ice, and it was actually really good and filling. I couldn't even finish it all. And now I am off to the gym.

This pre-op diet is getting easier, now that my cravings are pretty much gone. That first day about killed me..lol.

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