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Will exercising help or hinder weight loss during pre-op?

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You know when you work out, and you gain muscle or retain water from your muscles healing, well..that would obviously make the scale go up, and that is something I don't need to do right now. So would it be better not to work out at the gym, and maybe just go walking instead. I need all the help I can get with the scale..lol.

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Just stick to cardio and it should really help you burn some calories and lose faster. It takes a while to build muscle mass - if you started lifting weights it could affect you sooner – so hold off on that till you get your band. Drink lots of water and you'll keep your body from retaining water and that will help you lose faster as well. (Notice how fast they move the scale on the biggest loser – that would not happen without exercise).

I personally prefer the gym, at first it was hard - I was the biggest girl in there with all these skinny minnies - however I knew that at some point I was going to be in better shape than most of them - now I am. It can either make you work harder – or deflate your ego – you need to know who you are and decide which program would better suit your personality.

I'm big on adding in exercise - its made all the difference in the world to my weight loss and I love it now - (hated it as a big girl)

Best and good luck!


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Ok awesome. I have been walking, but wasn't sure about working out at the gym. Like I said I need all the help I can get to get that scale moving in the right direction. I will start the gym tomorrow.

Thanks :)

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I totally agree with Lisa on this issue. I walked only, minimal mind you as I hated to walk, BUT, I knew I had to do something and not just sit! Since my surgery, I've done more cardio, walking 5 miles or more a day (YEAH!!) and doing light aerobics. I am waiting for my 3 months post op brefore I do any hard core exercises, which I can't wait to do! This progressive exercises I've been doing so far, is really working out for my body. I am glad I am listening and following OCC's band guidelines to help me focus and move forward.


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You know when you work out, and you gain muscle or retain water from your muscles healing, well..that would obviously make the scale go up, and that is something I don't need to do right now. So would it be better not to work out at the gym, and maybe just go walking instead. I need all the help I can get with the scale..lol.

Yep, the goal is to reduce the fat around the liver, not necessarily to lose pounds. Building muscle is totally fine and will help you burn more fat in the long run!

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