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Any Wii Fit users?

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Hi All,

I got a Wii Fit for Christmas and have loved using it every day! I had really gotten sloppy about exercising from Halloween through Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have been on the Wii Fit everyday since Christmas doing some yoga and balance games, but mostly the aerobics (step, running, boxing, hula hoop) for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day. I get all sweaty and feel good afterward. When real life (end of vacation) starts back on Monday I am hoping I can keep it up.

HOWEVER, I searched the web tonight for Wii Fit success stories and found dozens of articles and blog posts, some by nutritionists, that say "You can NOT lose weight with WiiFit." How is that possible? Burning more calories than you intake should equal weight loss.

Does anyone else have thoughts / success stories about the WiiFit? I just love the convenience of being able to get some aerobics in at home. But I have to admit, I got bummed by all the negative stories.

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I have a Wii Fit and I love it too. My whole family uses it and my 7 year old son does the run all the time! I personally use the balance games the most. For aerobics I use my treadmill or do real step DVDs. The only thing I can think is that you probably don't burn as many calories doing the Fit stuff as "real" exercise. It's silly to say that you can't lose weight though. With any activity plus eating less you lose! If you are spending that much time daily, I bet you are burning quite a bit just on the Fit. Have fun! I just unlocked the last balance game. I sure hope they come up with more games for it though!


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I have a WiiFit and find it awesome during my preop phase of my diet. It gives you a bit of encouragement when you lose a couple pounds and the feedback from the balance exercises are really helpful for me. The negative reviews are silly. If you work out on it daily and curb your eating there's no way you cannot lose weight. It also makes it pretty fun so enjoy. Warning though, it's not a serious weight loss tool. You might stuff it in a corner and forget about it after a while... like any treadmill or exercise bike. I forgot about it for a while until a couple weeks ago. Glad I picked it back up though.

If you do the right exercises you'll burn fat and lose weight. If you choose all easy stuff you'll get better balance and have a lot of fun, but you won't lose weight. It's not a replacement for the gym but it's fun as hell and keeps you interested in exercise. Since you can choose your own exercises you'll just have to see what works for you. Personally I choose all easy stuff when I don't have much energy, and that's fine with me. The next day I'm ready to burn some calories on cardio or stength training.

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Here's my take on wii fit... yes, it may not be as efficient as other forms of exercise, but it's fun and it gets me off my couch. so instead of sitting there watching tv i'm actually being active and burning calories. plus the yoga is so good for my posture and the body test allows me to track my progress.

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