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I haven't been post in a long time. I just wanted to give you some updates on me and how the weightloss is going. It has been 7 months since I had my surgery and I am down between 72 to 74 pounds, and I am within 10 pounds of my goal weight. It feels so good, I can't believe that I am almost there. I went for a consult right before Christmas. I knew there was no way my husband would ever go for any more surgery, but after the consult and talking to the dr. My husband pulled out his checkbook and put down my deposit. I was in total shock. He said that since I had worked so hard at losing the weight and keeping it off, that it was only fair for me to get the body I had always wanted. I am going to have a tummy tuck (I have extra skin from the weight loss), breast lift with implants on June 1. I am so excited. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope that everyone had a blessed holiday season.

Here's to a new us in 09.


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Congratulations =D> =D> You will not regret your surgery, i had all of that done and love the results, You should be so proud of yourself.

I can't wait to see pictures. Thanks for posting.

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Hi Flan.

Wonderful to hear from you. I am having the surgery in just a few days and it's always nice to hear someone elses success story. Good luck on the tummy tuck and kudos to you husband for being so supportive! :-D

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Hi Flan.

Wonderful to hear from you. I am having the surgery in just a few days and it's always nice to hear someone elses success story. Good luck on the tummy tuck and kudos to you husband for being so supportive! :-D

I may see you at the Lucerna on saturday after my fill.

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Congrats on your success...that is so fantastic! Can't wait to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!


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Hey Heidi,

Wow you look GREAT!!!! Your husband is so awesome!! I know my hubby would do the same if we had the $ now. Good luck with the surgeries! Are you doing it at the TJ place??


No, I found a place about an hour from where I live that I am going to have the ps done. I am very comfortable with the doctor, plus he does a lot of surgeries after people have had weightloss surgery. The price was only about a $1000 different from what it was in TJ, so it made since to have it close to home so I wouldn't have to travel for my checkups. Thanks for all of the comments. I will say I would do the surgery again in a heartbeat. I am in a lot better health physically as well as mentally. I have TONS more self confidence since I have lost the weight. I can only imagine what it will be like once I complete the process.

Thanks for all of the support.

I love you guys,


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Heidi! You look AMAZING! You are a total hottie!!!

I am having a tt/breast lift on Jan 28th..I am so scared! My Dr. won't do the implants at the same time as the lift, but I may get them 6 months out if I want them. You have done an amazing job with the band! I am so proud of you, my friend!

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