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That chest pain! What causes it?

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What exactly causes that sharp pain in my chest when eating? It feels like I've been punched in the chest and my throat is about to swell shut. Is it something stuck in the band? Or is it too much food in the pouch?

I just got filled so this happened to me a few times today. I'm trying to chew chew chew and eat slowly but it happens each time I eat.

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  Amanda2008 said:
What exactly causes that sharp pain in my chest when eating? It feels like I've been punched in the chest and my throat is about to swell shut. Is it something stuck in the band? Or is it too much food in the pouch?

I just got filled so this happened to me a few times today. I'm trying to chew chew chew and eat slowly but it happens each time I eat.

You are probably eating too fast. If something was stuck it would continue to hurt and you would more than likely PB. With the size fill you have your opening is tiny. So try slowing down and taking time when you eat. It will stop. When I eat, I take a bite with my fork then sit it down. I also eat on a TV tray watching TV so I don't get bored hovered over my plate. lol Anyway, I let it go down slowly then I pick up my fork and take another bite. You will learn what works with your fill.

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  Amanda2008 said:
How long do you take between each bite?

I never had a problem with my food getting cold before I could finish it - but I do now!

I have never timed it, but probably a couple of minutes. Yeah, my food gets cold too.

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My restriction is great! They gave me 1.8 cc's (4 cc band) which seems on the high end from what I've read on here. I think it has gotten tighter over the past 48 hours, and is night and day compared to what I had pre-fill. I am so happy.

Sometimes I can eat a few bites and I'm absolutely stuffed or get the sharp "STOP!" pain, while other times it seems I can eat a lot more. I don't know if it's because there is earlier food still remaining in the pouch or if the pouch changes size...

Btw I also had a Muscle Milk and some coffee today, and will probably eat a Lean Cuisine for dinner. Last night I ate a whole one, just very slowly, and I was definitely full but no sharp pain or PB. It had rice in it too. Weird.

I haven't been craving anything so far really.

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It is so amazing how fickle this dang band is! From moment to moment your level of restriction can change. I know there are things i've eaten 10 times, but for some reason that 11th time it gets stuck. Just recognize that tightness - as soon as I feel it that fork or whatever gets put down! I also put my fork down between each bite - not for a super long time, but just the act of putting it down makes me more mindful to take my time. I especially have to be careful when I am out with folks b/c I tent to talk and not pay attention to how fast i'm eating.

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  Amanda2008 said:
It is weird! I guess it is normal for it to be tighter in the morning and looser at night?

Hi Amanda! Ooh, watch it babe. Eat slower and take even smaller bites. You were on your way to PBing and this is not fun! Like Dana says, take your tiny bite and lay the fork down and literally chew for 30 times. ENJOY your food. Really take the time to appreciate your food. To get me started and I know this may sound juvenile, but I needed to train myself right...so I cut all my food up ahead of time and after each bite, lay the fork down. Get into this habit and you will find it easier to appreciate your meal.

I, myself, have a 1.6cc fill in my 4cc band and yes, it can be very fickle! I have good restriction as well and I have to change my daily menu to make sure I get in all my proteins because there are times I can EAT the proteins and then I need to substitute with a protein shake, etc. My band tends to be tighter in the morning and starts to loosen up in the afternoon. If you are stressed, then your band may feel tight as well.

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I'm absolutely having to retrain myself. It is not going to happen overnight. I have to remember, remember, remember to eat slowly. Just now I ate a couple bites of beef stew too quickly and suddenly the pain came on.

I'm not sliming, I'm not PBing, so what is that pain from? It's like a sharp burning pain and my skin starts to crawl. Is my esophagus contracting or something?

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  Amanda2008 said:
I'm absolutely having to retrain myself. It is not going to happen overnight. I have to remember, remember, remember to eat slowly. Just now I ate a couple bites of beef stew too quickly and suddenly the pain came on.

I'm not sliming, I'm not PBing, so what is that pain from? It's like a sharp burning pain and my skin starts to crawl. Is my esophagus contracting or something?

Normally there are 'warning/alert signs' before something happens and I believe, IMHO, that was a warning before you do either PBing or sliming. If you stopped eating and wait for it to subside, does the pain go away? Does it happens everytime you eat? Did you do a breathing exercise?

Don't beat yourself to hard ~ just learn from this experience. That is why it is very important to learn portion control, cut food into small pieces (like a dime-size), chew the dickens out of it and eat slowly before your swallow your food. DON'T eat if you are in a rush, it's not worth it! You would be risking too much. Take your time and breathe normally and take pleasure of your meal.

I am not a medical adviser, but if you are concern and your situation continues, call OCC for assistance.

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Fortunately it has only happen two or three times. I get up and walk around, pound my chest a bit and try to burp over and over. That relieves it a bit. I generally also start coughing at some point. I tried to take a sip of water one of the times to see if it would improve it and it made it totally worse, not better.

I can't imagine having that pain and then continuing to eat! My god!

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  • 2 months later...

I was searching on the net for lap band chest-pain and it brought me here. I know it's an older post but relevant for me right now. Are you still experiencing this Amanda? It's been happening to me since I got my third fill last week. I can't even eat pea soup without the severe chest pain so please don't tell me I need to cut my food to tiny pieces and chew! There's nothing to chew!!!

I'm on liquids right now because I can't tolerate solids and can't get an unfill until at least Thursday and even liquids hurt half the time! I've never been able to PB and I can only slime if I make myself bend over and touch my toes for a while and then it starts to come up- I only resort to doing this when the pain is so severe I can't take it any more.

I'm so bummed I'm going to need an unfill since I have yet to hit my "sweet spot" and now probably never will. At 2.4 cc I get hungry exactly two hours after a meal and have little restriction and at 3 cc I have this chest pain. Let's hope my sweet spot is somewhere around 2.6...although I don't see how such a tiny adjustment would make a difference. NOT enjoying the journey right now <_<

Thanks for letting me vent.


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Hi all - I'm only four days post-op, but I am using a baby spoon, even for my liquids to ensure I'm am going slow. I'm stil havng that kind of gassiness that makes burping feel better than you-know-what. Today I had some yogurt and it was great...but again just the baby spoon and I barely got through 2 ounces. Can someone explain sliming to me?


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I don't get it when I eat slow. Since my third fill I am really tight. I have learned to REALLY slow down. If I eat a big first bite fast, the pain comes after the second bite. So, I know I am not full.

Today I haven't been able to eat solids. (yet) I tried 2 bites of refried beans a couple hours ago and couldn't breathe, my throat felt like it was closing up.

Welcome to Restriction. It will take some time, but you will learn how to eat. Some days are easier than others. I can't even begin to explain why I am tight some days. lol :)

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  ValleyGirl said:
I was searching on the net for lap band chest-pain and it brought me here. I know it's an older post but relevant for me right now. Are you still experiencing this Amanda? It's been happening to me since I got my third fill last week. I can't even eat pea soup without the severe chest pain so please don't tell me I need to cut my food to tiny pieces and chew! There's nothing to chew!!!

I'm on liquids right now because I can't tolerate solids and can't get an unfill until at least Thursday and even liquids hurt half the time! I've never been able to PB and I can only slime if I make myself bend over and touch my toes for a while and then it starts to come up- I only resort to doing this when the pain is so severe I can't take it any more.

I'm so bummed I'm going to need an unfill since I have yet to hit my "sweet spot" and now probably never will. At 2.4 cc I get hungry exactly two hours after a meal and have little restriction and at 3 cc I have this chest pain. Let's hope my sweet spot is somewhere around 2.6...although I don't see how such a tiny adjustment would make a difference. NOT enjoying the journey right now <_<

Thanks for letting me vent.


Hey Sabrina~

When was your fill? Was it this tight at the begining or has it gotten tighter? I suppose it is like this everyday for you? I have days like you explain, this morning it was hard to drink coffee. I just sip and eventually it loosens up. I am not getting an unfill because I havent lost weight for 2 1/2 months, so I am ready to drop. Plus, I can eat solids later in the day, it was 2 or 3 but lately its been more like 5pm. Anyway, I am at 2.5 and can't imagine being any tighter. I know I am not answering your questions, but it does sound like that if it is consistently and not just early maybe you do need an unfill. Feel better!

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My third fill was a couple weeks ago and waht a doozie! my fill centre has us do 24 hours liquid and 24 mushie but I think I wasn't choosing mushy enough and irritated the area so I went back on liquids for a few days and now I'm fine. This is what I was hoping would happen. It just worked itself out. I still drink my breakfast, but I can eat solid proteins by noon so lunch and dinner aren't a problem anymore- unless I take too big a bite. I feel much better now. B ut, trust me, I won't be asking for more fill any time soon!


  BandDiva said:

Hey Sabrina~

When was your fill? Was it this tight at the begining or has it gotten tighter? I suppose it is like this everyday for you? I have days like you explain, this morning it was hard to drink coffee. I just sip and eventually it loosens up. I am not getting an unfill because I havent lost weight for 2 1/2 months, so I am ready to drop. Plus, I can eat solids later in the day, it was 2 or 3 but lately its been more like 5pm. Anyway, I am at 2.5 and can't imagine being any tighter. I know I am not answering your questions, but it does sound like that if it is consistently and not just early maybe you do need an unfill. Feel better!

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  ValleyGirl said:
...although I don't see how such a tiny adjustment would make a difference.

Based on your post earlier today it sounds like you are doing fine now. Believe it or not though, .1 or .2 cc's can make a huge difference. Back in December not only did milk and water hurt going down, but my chest hurt too much to even try and turn over in bed, and it hurt to breathe. I went in the same day and they took out .1 cc's and everything was fine after that. I have had two more fills since then and have done fine, but for whatever reason I had too much in the band at that point in time.

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Same thing for me, after more than a year, I get the chest tightness when I eat too much. But...I can also get it from eating too fast, taking too large of a bite, and not chewing enought. Even cold stuff will sometimes make my chest ache. I think the cold tightens the band.

As to being "too tight," my husband and I both agree that it is when we are struggling with a too tight fill that we "cheat" the most. Although I could not eat at all when I was too tight, when he was, he found things that he could eat that would go down but they were not healthy foods and he was not losing weight even though he was eating very little. So, just be careful about being too tight so that you do not end up sabotaging your weight loss efforts with too little food or all the wrong foods.


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