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Weird Question for you ladies out there!

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Well I was on my period during the pre-op diet and it was over like 6 days before surgery. Now I am on day 4 of post-op and I started spotting last night and I am full on having another period as of this afternoon.

At first I was freaked out thinking there was blood in my urine but it wasn't so that is a relief and means there is probably nothing wrong but I was just wondering if any of you actually started menstruating right after surgery out of cycle? This pretty much never happens with me because my BC pill regulates me really well. Just sucks because I am having so much gas pain in my abdomen already that now on top of it I have to deal with this!

I have heard of people's periods stopping because of loosing weight but haven't ever heard of them starting because of it.

Just curious, Thanks!!

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I am on BC too and a while after surgery (was probably a week or so) I began spotting. Not full on period, but enough to notice. I figured it was just my body going all whicky whacky from the change in diet and what not. Since that it has regulated back so i'm sure you will be fine.

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  SamanthaW said:
Great! Thanks for responding!

I am the kind of person that is a bit of a worry wart so it helps to know that I am not having something unusual going on!

ummmm....yeah, i started mine the day right before my surgery...hmm...kind of wierd when your around a bunch Dr. Mc Hotties!!!

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  tnm75 said:
Totally having BIG issues post-op. Pre-op mine was regular and predictable... now, it sucks.


I was like 3 weeks late after surgery! Propbably because I wasn't eating, maybe my body was in shock. I had NEVER been late before. Always been right on que. Weird! Back on track now!

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My period went all wonky too, but during the four weeks when I was on the post-op diet. My period came ten days early, and then I had another mini-period two weeks afterward. Thankfully the next one came after my surgery, so I didn't have to deal with being on the rag in the OR with all those handsome docs.

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