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Okay, so I just got home last night from my trip to the OCC and I wanted to let everybody know about my experience and also ask you all some questions. First off, let me say that the whole experience was just like everyone here said it would be. I went by myself and was apprehensive about that, but once I got there everyone at the OCC embraced me and all the other patients and their families did too and took great care of me. The OCC is just as beautiful and clean as everyone describes and my surgery went off without a hitch. The only thing I would complain about (and it's not really a complaint) is that I didn't even get to see Dr. Ortiz. I was the first one to go into surgery and he didn't come talk to me before hand or after. Dr. Martinez talked to me and I really, really liked him. But I was just surprised that I didn't even get to talk to Dr. Ortiz, but anyway not a big deal I guess.

My surgery was Thursday, so I'm on day 5 of my clear liquids. I didn't have much of anything yesterday because of my long travel back home, so by the time I got home I was tired and hungry and ill. But I drank some broth and now I'm okay. I did not have the gas problems like everyone has described (not so far anyway), but I'm just really bloated, but it doesn't really hurt. I am having some kind of spasm though and it's really weird. Every few minutes I will have this tightening feeling. It feels like it's either my lower esophagus or my upper stomach. I didn't have a hernia or anything, so I'm wondering what this is?? It only lasts about 5 seconds and I just breathe through it. Did anybody else have anything like this and is it normal?? Should I call the clinic and tell them??

I want to thank everyone for all their tips and and advice and I'm so glad to finally be part of this club!!!

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I thought I was scheduled with Dr. Ortiz. I was assigned to Dr. Martinez due to 'personal issues' that Dr. Ortiz had to attend to. I was VERY uncomfortable with that. Another patient said she would wait until later that night to have Dr. Ortiz do the surgery when he was finished handling his personal issues. I asked to wait as well. Dr. Martinez came in and reassured me that I was encouraged to wait if I wanted, but to look around and see all the patients he just finished banding...was I sure I wanted to wait? After about 10 minutes, I agreed to go with Dr. Martinez. I am pleased with his skill and bedside manner. The next day before being released, Dr. Ortiz came in to say a very quick hello. I have a feeling that Dr. Ortiz will be doing less and less of the surgeries and more and more paid speaking engagements, etc. That's my hunch. I may be wrong. I was very pleased overall with the care/facilities/staff/accommodations/etc. It was unnerving, however, to be 'surgeon swapped' - I had not even researched Dr. Martinez. All is well, thank God.


Feel better!

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WELCOME TO BANDLAND Mangolia!!! Glad to see you ar ehome and mending so well. No gas pains is good as I was that way too. The bloating feel you are going through now totally normal ~ it's the C20 they pumped your body with so the doc can do the band surgery itself. Give it some time to heal, as you've just had major surgery. All is well. Don't forget, you can have those drinkable yogurts too!

As for not be able to see Dr. Ortiz, it's cool. The MAIN reason for you to go is to have the band surgery. Both Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Martinez are GREAT docs and I didn't care who did mine as long as I had it done there at OCC, as their reputation is highly impeccable. Just knowing you had it done by either or both of them, is really cool in my books!

Congrats and keep us posted on your journey!

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Yeah, Jennifer like you I was a little miffed that I didn't get to talk to Dr. Ortiz, but I do know that he was the one that actually performed my surgery. Dr. Martinez told me that he was running late and that he was going to meet us in the OR. Dr. Martinez and I talked for a long time before Dr. O got there and then Dr. O called him on the phone and said he was coming into the bldg. But when I got in the OR, I still didn't see him.. Everybody else got to talk to him, so maybe it was because I was first and he was really busy the rest of the day....oh well...

And Jazz, I was wondering if possibly part of the bloating was because I haven't had a BM in about 9 days?? I'm pretty irregular as it is, but I really think it would help if I could go.. I took some Milk of Mag a while ago so maybe that will get things flowing again..

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Congrats and welcome to bandland :)

Dr. Ortiz did my surgery but I saw him for about 5 mins total. He kept getting up and leaving during our conversation. He didnt come see me at all after surgery. Dr. So spent the most time with me and when I had post op issues once i got home, it was Dr. Martinez who called me to check on me and called my mother to reassure her i would be fine.

I was not impressed with how Dr. Ortiz handled me but I felt great with everyone else.

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And Jazz, I was wondering if possibly part of the bloating was because I haven't had a BM in about 9 days?? I'm pretty irregular as it is, but I really think it would help if I could go.. I took some Milk of Mag a while ago so maybe that will get things flowing again..

Oh wow...time to have one! Are you using the unflavored Benefiber powder in your drinks or food? Also, I take those chewable Orange Creme Benefiber tablets too.


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Dr. Ortiz did my surgery but I saw him for about 5 mins total. He kept getting up and leaving during our conversation. He didnt come see me at all after surgery. Dr. So spent the most time with me and when I had post op issues once i got home, it was Dr. Martinez who called me to check on me and called my mother to reassure her i would be fine.

I was not impressed with how Dr. Ortiz handled me but I felt great with everyone else.

I was banded the same day as Christy, and was the last surgery. Dr. Ortiz did come talk to me for a little while before surgery, but I was so mad because by then they had given me the relaxation pill, and so I felt sort of felt out of it talking to him..lol. He was the one who did my surgery, but I didn't see him afterwards. However, my mom did, she said she stopped him in the hall and he was already in his street clothes. She asked him how I did. I believe that Dr. Martinez did come talk to me before surgery as well, or maybe after, I can't remember. He did say hi to me as he came in the next morning though. I was very happy and impressed with both of them. Dr. So spent alot of time with me afterwards as well.

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