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I'm eating approx 1/3 of what I was before.....around 1200-1400 cal per day. I KNOW I was eating close to 3000 before. I am making good choices, of course not perfect, but who is. I am going back on Atkins monday, but I am really frustrated because I could lose weight BEFORE the lapband on Atkins. I thought I was done with diets but I guess I was wrong. I've lost 25 lbs, of which 8 was preop and the rest was before my first fill. I have only lost 1 or 2 lbs since having two fills.

I have restriction that is WAY too tight in the morning and I am starving but can't eat. I have tried the warm liquids, cold liquids, you name it and nothing helps. Any time I am hungry I have sever shoulder pain, which means my shoulder hurts every day until I can eat. So I usually eat lunch around 12-1 and it hurts in my chest, no matter how small I take my bites and how long I chew. Then as the afternoon goes along the restriction goes away to the point that when I eat dinner at 7pm (which is the time I get home) I could really eat as much as I want. .. Then after dinner I've got the munchies until I go to bed. I resist eating and do pretty well, but wake up in the middle of the night starving with my shoulder hurting.

I haven't been on in a while because I've kinda been in denial over the fact that this band and I aren't getting along right now. I'm not sorry I did it and would do it over, but I would like to think that this frustrating time will pass. I also don't exercise and I know I should, but the simple math of the # of calories I have decreased should result in lost weight, even if its just a few lbs a month.

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I'm sorry to hear that your weight loss has been slower than expected. I'd be frustrated too with that much restriction and calorie control and still not losing weight. I don't know what advice to give, as I'm behind you on the journey. I have read in other similar threads that too much restriction and not enough calories can sometimes make it harder to lose weight. I also heard not sleeping enough can make it hard as well. Hopefully others have some better, concrete advice to give.

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Sorry to hear this. I know, like me, you'd probably like to be close to goal for our 20-year reunion!!! At this rate, I'm afraid I'm not going to get there either. I know for me that the weeks I see a good loss seem to be the weeks that I drink TONS of water. As for a food program, I'm one of those people that doesn't lose a thing doing Atkins. With Weight Watchers I lose so slow (like 3 pounds per month at best) that I get frustrated and give up. I've done them all...jenny craig, herbal magic, nutrisystem etc.

There was only one program that has ever worked well for me (until I went to Vegas, got WAY off track and never got back on track) and when I get back from this vacation, I may go back to it until I get another fill. It was one called Sure Slim and not only did I lose at least 3 pounds per week, but I had loads of energy and my skin looked really good. I can send you a copy of what I was eating. They say they customize the plan for each person (even do your blood work) yet me and two other friends had the exact same plan!!! It follows the OCC guidelines- 3 meals per day (no snacks), mostly protein, veggies and VERY low fat.

Keep in mind too that sometimes you won't lose for days on end then, suddenly, drop five pounds overnight. I hear you on the exercise too. I HATE it. To the point that I'd say I have an exercise phobia. I literally get panic attacks if my heart starts beating too fast- which makes doing cardio pretty tricky. I have no advice to help you there but agree that we both should be doing some. I have two friends here that got banded the same day. One exercises and has lost 80 pounds in 8 months...the other does not and has lost 50.


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One more thing....I get the munchies at night too so instead of watching tv or movies (which I associate with snacking popcorn or chips etc) I'm trying to do other things like go to a meeting (OA, Lap Band etc), read a book or magazine (can't eat while reading), cleaning out closets, and I've even started doing crafts which isn't really my thing but is fun for the kids. We just made 20 home-made Valentines last night.

Keep those hands busy!!!


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And to answer the question, "why not just do Sure Slim and not get the band?". The hardest part about SureSlim was that you are only aloud to eat every five hours. Without the band, this was almost impossible because I was so hungry but with the band I think it's way easier cause I don't usually get hungry till 4 hours after I eat- before I was hungry an hour later!

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The first thing that you have to remember is that the band is just a tool not a solution. I have the same problem that you do with regards to the tightness in the morning but I just learn to deal with it. Regarding the eating you should really watch what you eat and make healthy choices and another piece of advice that I know has made a big difference in my weight loss is a lot of EXERCISE!!! Well good luck to you.

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Cindylou - - I TOTALLY understand what you are going through. You know its so funny that you posted this because I was just about to post basically the same exact thing. I am having literally the same problem as you described. I am so tight in the mornings that I can barely get down liquids (I generally have to drink a carnation instant breakfast to get started) and can't even think about swallowing whole food. Lunch time - - same thing. I am getting in as much liquid as possible. I usually have a drinkable yogurt (which sometimes doesn't even go down. The other day could only drink half of a 6 oz) a carnation instant breakfast, soup at hand creamy tomato.... thats breakfast and lunch. Not a lot of calories, I know.

Then at dinner, I am (usually) not as restricted. Sometimes I am, but most of the time I am not. I also get the munchies after dinner, just like you said. The other problem that I see myself falling into is that when I am unable to eat healthy foods and proteins with some kind of substance (by that I mean proteins that aren't liquid), vegetables and fruits, I find myself eating unhealthy things because I am so friggen hungry but I cannot get anything down. For example, the past few days I have been eating ice cream - - BIG NO NO!!!! I eat a lot of crackers because for me I find they go down easier (not sure why??) and when I am so hungry and can't get anything else down, I figure its better to get some calories than none.

I don't know.... I totally feel you though, Cindy. I am in the same exact predicament so don't feel alone. I also am not losing any weight. I have a fill appt. coming up next fri and I am half tempted to cancel cause I am so embarrassed I haven't lost anything since a month and a half ago. I might of even gained a few lbs. I don't want to face my dr. because I am afraid she will think I have been slacking off. :(

Does anyone have any helpful hints? I am not sure what to do, just like Cindy. I want to cancel my appt but then again I think I SHOULD go cause maybe I can ask the dr. what she thinks. I think I might actually be overfilled, but then on some days I can eat and eat and eat.... I mean, not as much as I used to but I can eat more than what I should. So what the heck do I do? I also don't want to spend $106 to get liquid taken out of my band, ya know? Plus I have to travel to NYC - - so $21 for the train and $20 for cabs. UGH. I am in a pickle, here, ladies and gentlemen. :((

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Ladies I feel your pain and know exactly what you are saying ~ trust me, it will get easier as times goes by. You MUST be patience on this and you MUST have faith in the band. Don't focus too hard for a quick fix or will feel frustrated before you even start your band journey. Yes, the band is a tool and with it comes benefits. You can't expect the band to work over a short time when you have been eating poorly all your life. Give yourself a break. You need to focus on the how's and why's of foods. Take the time to learn what food can do for you, even energizing. You need to explore your body and how it will succeed with your band.

If you have to do this elementary theory to make it work, then do it! I use my daily journal EVERY day. It helps me track the things that do and don't work. What am I missing? What didn't I do? How much calories am I REALLY eating? How much protein intake am I eating/drinking? Do I have the right amount daily requirement of vitamins/minerals? What exercises am I doing to keep the metabolism going?, etc.

I've spent good money on the surgery and I am NOT going to blow this wonderful experience of my life time. Since being banded, I learned to be patience, love me, relearn the healthier way of eating, knowing what nutrients my own body needs, find out different exercises that works for me. In addition, outside of the weight loss, find ways to destress my life, focusing on the positive, motivate myself to be a better person...the list goes on. ALL of these things triggers our lifestyle.

You CANNOT rush this weight loss journey. Your body will go at it's own pace and you need to adjust WITH it, along with the band. Very simple. Each person is going to be different and react differently too. I was at a stand still for awhile but then I did something different to get me going again. Currently I am doing the colon cleansing with the Dual-Action Cleanse program you see on TV. Well, it's working on me and so far, I've lost 3 lbs...not a huge weight loss but heck, in less than one week, that's good for me! Also, I purchased one of those sauna/slimming suits from WalMart to assist with me while exercising and I am sweating, as I don't sweat like normal people do. This also helps firms my muscles and skin and also I am drinking more water/liquids, which helps my dehydration.

Keep a list of 'healthy snack' foods in hand. There is nothing wrong in having them in moderation. Gather the foods you like and mark how much you can have in a reasonable snack size and note how much proteins, if any. For example, I can have:

~ Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers: Each cracker = 2 calories and only .03g proteins.

So, 25 goldfish x 2 cal = 50 cal and 1.5g proteins; 50 goldfish x 2 cal = 100 cal and 3g proteins

~ Dried Apricots: 7 pieces = 120 cal, Fiber 2g and Proteins 1g (but this is good fiber snack choice)

~ Beef Steak Nuggets (not sticks or strips): 1 oz (about 3 pieces) = 70 cal and 10g of proteins

~ Peanut Butter: 2 teaspoons = 180 cal and 7g proteins

~ Cashew nuts: 1oz = 160 cal and 5g proteins; 1/2 oz = 80 cal and 2.5 proteins

~ V8 juice: (1) 5.5oz can (the mini can) = 30 cal, 1g Fiber, and 1g proteins

You get my meaning? You really need to read the food label's serving size and go from there. Sometimes, my snacks are part of my meal ~ depends on my restriction that day.

Yes, I, too, at times have big time restriction in the morning and that is when I would make a quality choice of foods/drinks such as a protein shake as my first choice and then follow up with a yogurt, as I need my potassium, and then if I still feel tight at lunch time, have soup and add unflavored protein powder. There are LOTS of food/drinks choices to make...you just need to research and do the math. VERY simple.

Exercising ~ gosh, I HATED walking but when I started on the Step Challenge from Taz in Oct 2008, I never thought it would really make a difference. But I lost 2 pants size, stopped the panting and huffing at short distances, and my energy went up in less than 3 weeks. THIS execited me to no end and it made we WANT to do more! I now do anywhere between 7 to 9 miles A DAY! Who would have thought I could do this??? (THANK YOU TAZ!!) Now, I look forward to my exercises every day and it is making a huge difference in me.

If on a plateau ~ then mix your daily routines of things, mix your foods around, and do a different exercise. If you do and eat the same thing over and over, you will be in a rut. Trick your body, do something spontaniously and watch the difference it would make. Mental stress has a lot of play into this too. If you don't make some changes, expect slower weight loss.

Sorry to ramble on, but you just can't let the band do it's own thing without your help. You need to educate yourself and really look into this new lifestyle change as a permanant change for the rest of your life...and, THIS IS A GOOD THING! I just simply LOVE MY BAND! I am now starting to reap the benefits and I am telling you, I AM HAPPIER! I now have more energy and can do things much, much better than before. And you know what? I have NEVER gained one pound since I've been banded in Oct 2008! I couldn't proudly say this from any of the other diets I've been on thus far out starting on a weight loss journey.

Now ask yourself these questions ~ have I really committed myself to this band? Am I doing my best to get the manimum results I want for me and my body? I am driven, dilegent, disciplined, committed, VERY strict and have faith in myself and the band to make this a successful journey of my life. I am NOT in a race or comparing with anyone here or elsewhere. If I see ONE pound or ONE inch (even a half inch) lost, THIS IS SUCCESS! I am grasping this huge NSV and embracing it and going forward with it.

YOU CAN DO THIS! Believe and you shall receive!

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Yeah...what Jude said! :)

No, I was gonna say really pay attention to what you are eating. I also write down what I eat every day and if there is a week that I did much better than others, sometimes I will repeat what I ate that week. Usually it is high protein and veggies and I am working to get as close to 1200 calories a day. Water is also a huge factor in my weight loss in a given week.

Our bodies are such weird things. Your body very well could just be catching up with your weight loss and needs a plateau. Unfortunately plateaus can last for months.

I would recommend not canceling your appt and go ask some questions and get some tips.

Hang in there!

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I'm eating approx 1/3 of what I was before.....around 1200-1400 cal per day. I KNOW I was eating close to 3000 before. I am making good choices, of course not perfect, but who is. I am going back on Atkins monday, but I am really frustrated because I could lose weight BEFORE the lapband on Atkins. I thought I was done with diets but I guess I was wrong. I've lost 25 lbs, of which 8 was preop and the rest was before my first fill. I have only lost 1 or 2 lbs since having two fills.

I have restriction that is WAY too tight in the morning and I am starving but can't eat. I have tried the warm liquids, cold liquids, you name it and nothing helps. Any time I am hungry I have sever shoulder pain, which means my shoulder hurts every day until I can eat. So I usually eat lunch around 12-1 and it hurts in my chest, no matter how small I take my bites and how long I chew. Then as the afternoon goes along the restriction goes away to the point that when I eat dinner at 7pm (which is the time I get home) I could really eat as much as I want. .. Then after dinner I've got the munchies until I go to bed. I resist eating and do pretty well, but wake up in the middle of the night starving with my shoulder hurting.

I haven't been on in a while because I've kinda been in denial over the fact that this band and I aren't getting along right now. I'm not sorry I did it and would do it over, but I would like to think that this frustrating time will pass. I also don't exercise and I know I should, but the simple math of the # of calories I have decreased should result in lost weight, even if its just a few lbs a month.

Hi Cindy,

I too get frustrated. I have had two fills and I have to work very hard to get the scale to move. I have heard so many people say write down what you are eating and make sure yu are getting your 1200 calories in a day. My hubby and I are going to start this tomorrow. I am going to drink a protein shake for breakfast and I am having a Lien Cuisin for Lunch and Dinner. This will give me my calorie and portion control. I am going to do this for one week to see if this makes a difference. I am kinda stuck. I have considered getting another fill, but I think I will be too tight if I do. There are already certain foods, like eggs, that I can not eat. Anyway hang in there and keep up the work, you are not by yourself with this one!


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thank you guys for all your support. I'm just gonna put it out there and say this: Before the band if I would have exercised, written down everything I was eating and stuck to a good diet plan, I would have lost weight!!!!! I could do that before. I didn't think I was going to have to "work so hard" at it and felt it might be 50/50 with me and the band. But it feels like its 99/1 with me having to do 99% of the work and the band just sits there and makes my shoulder hurt and gives me gas.

I have a bad attitude right now, I know, but I really thought I was going to get more "work" from my band.

I will just have to get passed this. Maybe I should just forget I have the band (which is really hard to do every month when I make the payment) and start dieting and exercising like I was doing before when I was miserable.

Uggggghhhhh. Thanks for listening. I cannot share this with my husband. He is already becoming a non supporter of the band and thinks I wasted my money because I'm not losing. I am also getting tired of people at work saying, "so How much have you lost now?" I was thinking of telling them, "I dont' know I'm only weighing myself once a month."

I am definitely doing Atkins starting tomorrow. I'm headed to costco today to load up on high protien/low carb stuff. Hopefully I"ll get over this hump and forgive my band for its shortcomings.

Thanks again for the support,


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Cindylou - - I really feel for you and understand where you're coming from. Its extremely difficult to stay positive especially when, like you said, if you had exercised and watched calories more closely when you DIDN'T have the band - - you could have lost weight. The band is just as much work, and that IS frustrating.... most definitely. I feel the same way as you do, really. I expected the band to cut my work load down a bit more, buuuuuutttttttt... I GUESS not. Its something that I will have to deal with, also.

I really try very hard to maintain a positive attitude and tell myself that in time I will get to where I want to be. I wouldn't be at the weight I am without the band - - I weigh less now than I did when I was in 9th grade! I mean gosh, thats pretty amazing, and I wouldn't change it for the world. At the same time, its taken me.... 8 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!! I have lost only 30 lbs in 8 friggen months. Thats not even 4 lbs a month. THAT, to me, is really horrible. I dunno. Grrr. I guess its better than not losing any, but still - - its frustrating none-the-less.

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Let's not forget that even though we may not be losing at the rate that we "think" we should be losing, at least we are not gaining.

Carrie - you only have 23 pounds more to go. Look at other people's posts, the last 20 pounds are usually the hardest. I think you are probably right where you are supposed to be. You yourself said you weigh less than you did in 9th grade - that is a huge accomplishment. How of your 9th grade classmates can currently say that - not very many because they have gained weight over the years and do not have the tool in place that you have. I also am down to my last 20ish pounds and for the past month have been trying to get two pounds off so that I could say I had 60 lbs. I am a person who weighs every morning, and each time I saw that I went up half a pound or stayed the same, it just made me more determined to do everything I could to emerge the victor in the end, especially since I paid $17,500 for this new me.

CindyLou - you are right, you would have lost weight if you had dieted and journaled before. The real question, is would you have kept it off - I sure didn't and would venture to say that many people on this forum that lost weight that way did not keep it off. Maybe it is time to stop looking at the scale and start looking in the mirror. Are your clothes getting looser, are you having to buy new ones just to make sure that you aren't walking around looking sloppy, are your watch and rings getting looser? The weight charts say I should be 144 lbs. at goal, but looking at my bone structure and such my doctor and I agree that 160 is a more reasonable goal for me. What I am trying to say is that the number shouldn't rule your life, but rather how you look and the changes that you see occuring.

Having a cold last week I decided to self medicate with orange juice. That is when I finally lost those two pounds. I seriously think I just needed to kick start my body by giving it some extra calories in a controlled manner. Sometimes our bodies do need to be fooled in thinking something different than normal, other times they just need a little bit of a rest to catch up to all of the changes they have undergone in the past few months. Remember that the weight didn't go on overnight and it won't come off overnight, but it will come off.

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thank you guys for all your support. I'm just gonna put it out there and say this: Before the band if I would have exercised, written down everything I was eating and stuck to a good diet plan, I would have lost weight!!!!! I could do that before. I didn't think I was going to have to "work so hard" at it and felt it might be 50/50 with me and the band. But it feels like its 99/1 with me having to do 99% of the work and the band just sits there and makes my shoulder hurt and gives me gas.

I have a bad attitude right now, I know, but I really thought I was going to get more "work" from my band.

I will just have to get passed this. Maybe I should just forget I have the band (which is really hard to do every month when I make the payment) and start dieting and exercising like I was doing before when I was miserable.

Uggggghhhhh. Thanks for listening. I cannot share this with my husband. He is already becoming a non supporter of the band and thinks I wasted my money because I'm not losing. I am also getting tired of people at work saying, "so How much have you lost now?" I was thinking of telling them, "I dont' know I'm only weighing myself once a month."

I am definitely doing Atkins starting tomorrow. I'm headed to costco today to load up on high protien/low carb stuff. Hopefully I"ll get over this hump and forgive my band for its shortcomings.

Thanks again for the support,


I really understand where you are coming from. It is very frustrating to be doing all the work when you've paid for something that you'd hoped would do at least some of that work for you. I also get frustrated and feel pressured when others keep asking me how much I've lost.

Maybe going on one of those old diets (e.g. Atkins) will be easier with the band than it was without? I too am wondering if maybe you're on a plateau and your body is needing to adjust to its new weight before it will let anymore go.

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OK, I basically just wrote this in the thread before but i'll note it again. This procedure is a process and it will not happen overnight. Those first few months you aren't going to lose as much and that is something that is really important for those that are supporting you need to understand - they need to be educated as much as we do. This band is a tool and is not a magic pill that will fix everything with no work. Anyone that is reading these and considering the band needs to know that and needs to know what they are getting into and have realistic expectations.

Cindy, you have been banded for 2 months and have already lost almost 25 lbs - that is something to be proud of! I was banded in Oct and have lost a bit over 30 lbs. Would I love to have more off - hell yes! But have I ever lost this much this quickly - never! You have to keep a positive attitude and see the pros of this. However, everyone needs to be realistic about the capabilities of this band. I know I haven't been completely 100% following the program and I take complete responsibility for that.

Carrie, I agree with others - that last 20 is gonna be the hardest to get off. That is gonna take a lot of work for all of us when we get to that place. But what great motivation to be that close! Once i'm that close I will be like freakin' Rocky out punching big pieces of meat and running through the snow if I have to I will be so pumped to get there! It's gonna be a tough stretch, but you will get there!

I don't even want to count how many pounds i've lost over my lifetime and how much money I spent on pills, WW, and every other fad diet in the world. But i've never been able to keep it off and that is where the band comes in. As long as you have realistic expectations on what this band can do and what is expected of you - in time you will be successful.

Keep your chin up - you are doing a great job!

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I think some of it is about having a positive attitude and realistic expectations. I have lost "only" about 44 pounds in the last 11 months (about 4 pounds a month) and some people would say that is not enought but I am absolutely thrilled. I am happy to be 181 instead of 225. I feel better, I look better, I can breath when I bend over to tie my shoes. And, this is the part that I love the most, I have lost every single pound without counting even 1 calorie. That's right, I do not diet. I could diet, I spent my whole life on a diet. I know how to diet. I just refuse to diet. I did not get my lapband to diet. I got my lapband to control my portions and be satisfied with less food. Yes, I lose slower than many people. I'm okay with that. There are advantages to losing slower, especially when it comes to giving your skin a chance to adjust to your weight loss. I know others on the forum have said "it's a marathon not a sprint" and I completely agree.

As for being realistic about your goal, most of the research I did before surgery said that people lost 60% of the weight they needed to lose with the lap band. So, if you need to lose 100, you could lose 60 easily or if you need to lose 50 you could lose 30 easily, etc. etc. If you exercise, you will lose faster. If you are younger, you will lose faster. If you "diet" you will lose faster. After that first 60%, you will have to work harder or accept a different "number" or different "size."

Oh, and here is another thing I completely love about my band. I weigh every day so I do go up and down a pound or two and I consider that "normal" but...I have not gained back any weight since I got banded. Not between my surgery or my first fill or my second fill or after my small unfill. I love my lapband. I am so happy with my results so far. I could not have done this without my lapband. Yes, I could have dieted and I could have lost weight but I would have gained it back. My only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

I guess I went into this with a different attitude. I had 80 to lose and my expectation was that the band would help me lose some of that weight (I'm almost at my 60% goal of 48 pounds). I told my husband that if I only lost half that amount of weight, I would be healthier and that was "worth" the cost of the surgery right there. I was more concerned about developing diabetes or high blood pressure and taking the pressure off my joints and getting that fat out from around my heart than I was about fitting into a size 8.

As for the people you work with, it sounds like they are trying to be supportive. It is reasonable for you to say you do not know and that you only weigh once a month. It is, after all, your business. You do not have to keep them updated on your progress if you do not want to. People can be very judgemental which just makes it harder for you.

As for your husband being unsupportive, what were his expectations and in what way does he think being unsupportive will help you? If it is about the money, that money is already spent. Being unsupportive will not magically make the money reappear. He is your husband, he should support you...period.

Good luck. Feel better and do not give up hope.


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I think some of it is about having a positive attitude and realistic expectations. I have lost "only" about 44 pounds in the last 11 months (about 4 pounds a month) and some people would say that is not enought but I am absolutely thrilled. I am happy to be 181 instead of 225. I feel better, I look better, I can breath when I bend over to tie my shoes. And, this is the part that I love the most, I have lost every single pound without counting even 1 calorie. That's right, I do not diet. I could diet, I spent my whole life on a diet. I know how to diet. I just refuse to diet. I did not get my lapband to diet. I got my lapband to control my portions and be satisfied with less food. Yes, I lose slower than many people. I'm okay with that. There are advantages to losing slower, especially when it comes to giving your skin a chance to adjust to your weight loss. I know others on the forum have said "it's a marathon not a sprint" and I completely agree.

As for being realistic about your goal, most of the research I did before surgery said that people lost 60% of the weight they needed to lose with the lap band. So, if you need to lose 100, you could lose 60 easily or if you need to lose 50 you could lose 30 easily, etc. etc. If you exercise, you will lose faster. If you are younger, you will lose faster. If you "diet" you will lose faster. After that first 60%, you will have to work harder or accept a different "number" or different "size."

Oh, and here is another thing I completely love about my band. I weigh every day so I do go up and down a pound or two and I consider that "normal" but...I have not gained back any weight since I got banded. Not between my surgery or my first fill or my second fill or after my small unfill. I love my lapband. I am so happy with my results so far. I could not have done this without my lapband. Yes, I could have dieted and I could have lost weight but I would have gained it back. My only regret is that I did not do it sooner.

I guess I went into this with a different attitude. I had 80 to lose and my expectation was that the band would help me lose some of that weight (I'm almost at my 60% goal of 48 pounds). I told my husband that if I only lost half that amount of weight, I would be healthier and that was "worth" the cost of the surgery right there. I was more concerned about developing diabetes or high blood pressure and taking the pressure off my joints and getting that fat out from around my heart than I was about fitting into a size 8.

As for the people you work with, it sounds like they are trying to be supportive. It is reasonable for you to say you do not know and that you only weigh once a month. It is, after all, your business. You do not have to keep them updated on your progress if you do not want to. People can be very judgemental which just makes it harder for you.

As for your husband being unsupportive, what were his expectations and in what way does he think being unsupportive will help you? If it is about the money, that money is already spent. Being unsupportive will not magically make the money reappear. He is your husband, he should support you...period.

Good luck. Feel better and do not give up hope.


Thanks Dawn for your response. Its funny because I have had such a positive attitude until just the last few days. I guess being in such pain all the time (shoulder pain) and being hungry most of the time has gotten the best of me and worn me down. Maybe I'm just confused and frustrated. Being too tight in the morning and not tight enough in the evening is very confusing to me. Eating is very frustrating to me now and I can't even enjoy a meal for one of two reasons. 1. I am hurting because its too tight and everything is getting stuck (morning) or 2. I am too worried I am eating too much because I'm not feeling anything (evening). So I guess if it wasn't that I'm miserable I wouldn't be so upset about losing so slowly the last two months. But I guess I feel for all the suffering I am going through I should be losing some weight!!

Ok, I need to snap out of it and get my positive attitude back. What you said about not gaining is true. My whole life I've either been on a gaining streak or a losing streak (literally). So, staying at the same weight for a while is really something to celebrate.

I guess I'm a little impatient, as the reason I had the surgery in the first place is to lose weight before I get pregnant. In other words, I am not going to get pregnant until I've lost weight. I'm about to be 38 and I'd really like to get this show on the road.

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I'm eating approx 1/3 of what I was before.....around 1200-1400 cal per day. I KNOW I was eating close to 3000 before. I am making good choices, of course not perfect, but who is. I am going back on Atkins monday, but I am really frustrated because I could lose weight BEFORE the lapband on Atkins. I thought I was done with diets but I guess I was wrong. I've lost 25 lbs, of which 8 was preop and the rest was before my first fill. I have only lost 1 or 2 lbs since having two fills.

I have restriction that is WAY too tight in the morning and I am starving but can't eat. I have tried the warm liquids, cold liquids, you name it and nothing helps. Any time I am hungry I have sever shoulder pain, which means my shoulder hurts every day until I can eat. So I usually eat lunch around 12-1 and it hurts in my chest, no matter how small I take my bites and how long I chew. Then as the afternoon goes along the restriction goes away to the point that when I eat dinner at 7pm (which is the time I get home) I could really eat as much as I want. .. Then after dinner I've got the munchies until I go to bed. I resist eating and do pretty well, but wake up in the middle of the night starving with my shoulder hurting.

I haven't been on in a while because I've kinda been in denial over the fact that this band and I aren't getting along right now. I'm not sorry I did it and would do it over, but I would like to think that this frustrating time will pass. I also don't exercise and I know I should, but the simple math of the # of calories I have decreased should result in lost weight, even if its just a few lbs a month.

I am in your same boat as well! I haven't lost a pound in 2 months and I've been exercising 4x a week since the beginning of January. I am always tight in the morning and then I can eat at night like you. And I'm six months out--I'm scheduled for a fill on the 18th, but don't know if I should get it because I do still PB a lot...

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I am in the same place and I feel like crap about myself. I had surgery the day after you. I hope this is because we are not yet at our sweet spot. The first two weeks after the fill was GREAT but I guess it's worn off somewhat....

However, even with it wearing off somewhat, I know the restriction is working because I do eat about 1/2 to 1/3 of what I used to eat pre-band. However, I used to eat ENORMOUS amount of food! For the year before the band, I probably gained about 5 lbs a month. So now even if I eat 1,800 calories a day, while it's a lot less, it's not enough to lose weight.

My weight loss tracker:

Pre-op: -18 lbs

21 days liquid diet post-op: -6 lbs (24-lb total loss)

The post-post-op month before first fill: +10 lbs (14-lb total loss)

Two weeks after first fill: -10 lbs (24-lb total loss)

Two weeks following: +5 lbs (19-lb total loss)

I'm so hungry and I HATE being hungry. You have no idea (well probably you do) what it does to me mentally and emotionally. I feel like going on the pre-op diet again and just making myself suffer.

Am I normal? Am I a band failure? Help.

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We all need to remember that we are going to have bad days, weeks or even months. But bad days, weeks or even months does not mean that our band is not working. It is a learning process for each person. The band is teaching us what does and does not work for our body. And yes, it is terribly frustrating at times. Like several have mentioned, it is a tool... not a miracle cure. The past three weeks were really difficult for me... mentally. I was fluctuating between 270 and 275 and I for the life of me, I could not get the scale to go below 270. It is finally moving again and I am so relieved. While I was doing most everything "right" during those three weeks I had some of the same thoughts some have expressed here. It is another hurdle you have to jump, learn from and move on. Try to focus on the positives. Watch your portions, drink your water and exercise daily. Take a break from the scale if you need to, I know... easier said than done.


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I am in the same place and I feel like crap about myself. I had surgery the day after you. I hope this is because we are not yet at our sweet spot. The first two weeks after the fill was GREAT but I guess it's worn off somewhat....

However, even with it wearing off somewhat, I know the restriction is working because I do eat about 1/2 to 1/3 of what I used to eat pre-band. However, I used to eat ENORMOUS amount of food! For the year before the band, I probably gained about 5 lbs a month. So now even if I eat 1,800 calories a day, while it's a lot less, it's not enough to lose weight.

My weight loss tracker:

Pre-op: -18 lbs

21 days liquid diet post-op: -6 lbs (24-lb total loss)

The post-post-op month before first fill: +10 lbs (14-lb total loss)

Two weeks after first fill: -10 lbs (24-lb total loss)

Two weeks following: +5 lbs (19-lb total loss)

I'm so hungry and I HATE being hungry. You have no idea (well probably you do) what it does to me mentally and emotionally. I feel like going on the pre-op diet again and just making myself suffer.

Am I normal? Am I a band failure? Help.

Hi Amanda! You are NOT a band failure! Don't think for one moment you are. You need to refocus and start fresh.

Now, 1800 calories is a lot, unless you are doing some real heavy duty hard core exercises? At my highest, I had it up to 1510 calories and I was only doing 2 sessions of Turbo Jam video exercises and walking 5 or more miles. Are you eating enough proteins? I do anywhere between 60 to 100 proteins a day, depending on what I am doing that day. After exercises, I do take a protein shake to help with the muscle building.

Remember, your first fill is just a 'primer' and you will not retain your restriction for too long. I had mine like 2 weeks and then I schedule for my 2nd fill and I am at a sweet spot for now.

also, I do continue to take those wonderful chewable Fiber Choice, one at 10am and one at 3pm...this really helps with the hunger pangs. I vary my liquid intake for the day...just not all water, such as Crystal Lite and Ocean Spray Cranberry drinks "to go" packets, Gatorade, Special K protein water, tea, hot Ovaltine, and a few others. Drinking helps you get full too.

YOU CAN DO THIS Amanda! If I can, so can you. Be motivated. Turn your negatives into positives. Find out what DOES work for you instead of what isn't. Keep a daily journey starting today and write down everyhing you eat and do. Do this and as the days goes by, you will be able to see what you've done and you can mark your days that has been great and you can learn from it. Switch around your foods if you have to. Do a different exercise. Switch the times of the day to do them too. Also, take one day and eat a high calorie meal and then the next day, jump start by having a protein shake for breakfast and lunch, and a nice dinner. Do this a couple of days and you might be surprise to see you've lost a few lbs.

Don't get too frustrated as it took you awhile to be the way you are. Take the time to regroup yourself and relax...you are not racing against your life but embracing it to prolong it. Sorry to make this long...but you're doing so great and you haven't gained any of the weight you'v elost and THAT IS ACCOMPLISHMENT you should be proud of yourself babe! YAY! You ARE succeeding...stay focus and you will soon see some weight shedding off you!

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Keep your chin up. You are doing great. I was banded the day before you. I am 37 years old. I weighed 225 lbs. on surgery date and I now weigh 198 lbs. That is only 27 lbs. But it made such a difference in my attitude and appearance. We can't compare our rate of weight loss to someone in their 20's. I agree with you on many things and your post couldn't have come at a better time. I have good restriction in the a.m. and at lunch, but at night I can eat way too much. Today, my restriction wasn't good at lunch. I immediately called my fill doctor and I have an appointment for next Thurs. I am working the after-school program until 6:00 p.m. every day to help pay for my surgery, so I am not able to work out each day. I know my weight loss will be slower because of this. I got off track really bad this weekend because I was just so bored with dieting. It is difficult, but I truly believe in the band. We just haven't hit our true "sweet spot." I think it will get easier then. But, I can totally relate to what you are saying. Don't give up.


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I know I'm new to lapband, but on some level we're all experts on nutrition and dieting. I had hit a pretty steady plateau and was starting to eat at night and getting extremely hungry after dinner. What I found was that I was really starving for fat in my diet. My diet was so low fat that my stomach was literally growling for it and I would get that shoulder pain. I increased my olive oil and tried avocados at dinner and my night time munchies have all but disappeared. I hope this is helpful. It sounds like you have a great attitude Cindy. We all get to that bummed out place once in a while. Hang in there!

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After reading everyone's advice and having a pity party for myself I decided to really rethink my eating.

I think I am so fearful of eating too much that I I think I have not been getting enough calories and I have been too hungry in the morning until my band loosened up which was making me miserable. I had been such a hard nose about not consuming liquid calories as I was tyring to follow Dr. Ortiz's advice, but then I started thinking, "what the heck, can't hurt to try." So I added 8oz of 2% milk with a teaspoon of Ovultene in the morning on the way to work and also at night before I got to bed. I don't care for protein shakes very much.

At my husband's suggestion I ditched the Atkins idea, as we are both miserable when I am "on a diet" and can only eat certain things.

And GUESS WHAT? My should pain in the morning has lessened a great deal and I LOST 2.2 LBS THIS WEEK!

So I guess for me, 1400-1600 calories is better an 1200-1400. I feel much better this week.

Thank you all again for your support!!!!

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Good for you. I am happy to hear you are feeling better.

I would "starve" many mornings if I did not get liquid food into me instead of solid food. Some days I cannot eat until lunch. I know we are supposed to eat solid food, someone should tell our lapbands that! Besides, dairy is a FOOD group and milk has some good protein in it for very little fat/calories, especially if you like 1% or fat free milk.

Atkins, yuck, I hate it too!

And, 2.2 pounds! Wow!



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