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Newly Banded Nov 1, 2006 Mom and Son

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  Donna34 said:
Hi Teri,

It's good to see you are still chugging along! You really look small in your picture. You were not real heavy when you got banded were you? Of course, I don't know your height, and that makes a BIG difference, but I'll be SO happy to get back to 185, and that's where you started! LOL I'm 5'7" so at about 150, I look skinny. Can't wait to get back there! I just had my first fill, and I got 1.2cc's. I had restriction when I left, and now that it's that TOM, I'm REALLY restricted.

I'm just thinking that maybe since you were smaller than most to begin with maybe that is why it has taken more fill for you?? The stomach get's smaller, the more you lose, so it would make sense that your stomach wouldn't be as big as someone who weighs 250 to begin with. I think you've done great, even though it's been a frustrating road for you. I'm sure you will get to the weight you desire in time!

Good Luck!


Hi Donna,

Thanks for your words of encouargement. Believe it or not, it really does help. I am 5'2'' and at 185 I was chubby and felt everybit of it. Having extra weight on you is pretty much all relative to an individuals way of thinking. I felt fat, big, yucky, harder to breathe, all the time. I hated being heavy and that feeling. I also had back surgery 7 years ago, and the extra weight is awful to deal with, with back problems. Up and down and up and down with weight. I felt having the surgery was my only solution to a growing problem, no pun intended. heheh.

Anyway, I am so happy for you and it sounds like you are well on your way to a lighter and happier you!!!


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  Teri said:
Hi Donna,

Thanks for your words of encouargement. Believe it or not, it really does help. I am 5'2'' and at 185 I was chubby and felt everybit of it. Having extra weight on you is pretty much all relative to an individuals way of thinking. I felt fat, big, yucky, harder to breathe, all the time. I hated being heavy and that feeling. I also had back surgery 7 years ago, and the extra weight is awful to deal with, with back problems. Up and down and up and down with weight. I felt having the surgery was my only solution to a growing problem, no pun intended. heheh.

Anyway, I am so happy for you and it sounds like you are well on your way to a lighter and happier you!!!


I know what you mean! I look back at the days when I was maybe 10-15 pounds overweight, and though I'd LOVE to be that size now...I was miserable THEN. Self image is one of the BIGGEST factors in our emotions, and how we FEEL in general. I feel lousy with this extra weight, and it's AMAZING how much better you feel after just a 10-20 pound loss. I got tired of watching my kids play, instead of joining in. I refused to let it go on any longer!

It may take awhile, but we'll get there!

Donna :)

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  FurEllie said:
LOL, I was looking at some Christmas pictures the other day and I was HUGE!! Then I realized I weighed 20 less than I do now :( AND that's after I've lost 26 pounds!!! :blink: :blink: :blink:

Hahaa, Not laughing at you, it's just funny the way we think about things. Teri

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  • 2 weeks later...

************ Well, not sure how I feel about setting a record at OCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***************

Yeppers, I'm the first patient that Dr. Romero has filled to 3.7cc. :angry:

(He has done close to 6,000 fills now, & I knew somehow it would happen to me, to be different. :-? LOL, but not really!!

Maybe that's just what I needed to finally feel restriction on a regular basis. I AM HOPING AND PRAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I figure it out, KYLE is going back too!

He only extracted 3.2 from my band. The last 6 months have been a nightmare when I decided to switch to a LOCAL fill Dr. here in AZ. 15 minutes sounded a lot better to me then one day. But as it has turned out, it has cost me so much more.

My fills have been incorrect a number of times. I was told I had 3.85cc in a 4cc band. BE CAREFUL on getting fills WITHOUT FLURO. I have wasted so much time, energy and money, and I hope to help someone from not having to go thru what I've been through.

Dr. Romero was great, not making me feel like a complete idiot. #-o


PS. HELLO gistmom, enjoy the rest of your vacation, it was great meeting you and all the others yesterday. ><'

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  NoWorry said:
Congratulations! And my hopes and prayers are with you. You've kept the faith so long; it's time for a BIG payoff!


Thank you for your kindness. It feels right this time. Everyone, KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED for some luck my way.................................PWWEASE, and TANK YOU!!!

Teri :D

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Just another update................

Well, in one week, I am down 3 pounds. I am tight, and very tight. It hasn't been tight though. Yesterday, I must have eaten something that felt stuck, PB"d, then got swollen, then, I could barely drink water, since my band tightened again. But this time, I went back to all liquids for the day, and this morning, I can drink coffee. I'm gonna let it ride because up until yesterday, I could eat pizza, steak, everything basically and it's been one week since my last fill. I'm thinking something swelled up. I will take it easy, since we fly out tomorrow for Michigan, for a little vacation and nephews graduation. As long as I can keep water down, I'll do the liquid protien.

I could have gone to Wendy from fill centers for a slight unfill, since she was here yesterday, but decided against it.


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to Teri and any others I have shared my difficulties with I now have a sad edding to my storry.

Unfilled by Wendy April 25 after multiple addjustment and still never was right. Called Dr. Ortiz Friday and was told to come right in.

Arriving here Monday I went for an endoscopy , then the usal barium test. Without a fill absolutely nothing is moving. The band appeared in correct position and there is no errosion, but I can't even get water through. We all watch at the water and baruim tries to go down the band only to come back up which we think was causing all my chest pain and reflux. No one could give may any answers on the cause, but Tuesday today, I needed to make a decision of loosing the band or allowing them to TRY to see what they MAY find and be able to fix. In the end the later offered NO guarentees. So, I am now bandless!!! Boo Hoo!!!!!!! I will miss this band more than anything right now. This is been such an up and down battle since January, being seen @ OCC and Wendy with fill centers in arizona. In the end I hightly recommend comming to OCC for any adjustment so that their information and histories are current and they are the ones helping you make the better decisions. This was such an unforseen problem that there is noone to blame. Wish me luck as I now try to use what I have learned over the last 9 months to keep me eating right, and excersing. With only 15lbs to goal this should be possible. RIGHT????


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  • 3 weeks later...
  Teri said:
:) :) :) Our experience was fantastic! It has been 4 days since our surgery. Dr. Ortiz is wonderful! We were scared to death (literally) of going to TJ MX. And 17,000 for the both of us was lots of $. Thank God, I have a wonderful, kind, generous hubby! I hate to sound selfish, but our health, mind set, and feeling and looking good about our body image is worth it. I have been a yo yo struggler my whole life, only to keep gaining at 48yrs old. I know I dont have as much to lose as some folks, but the never ending struggle with food is the same.

Kyle was following in my path at only 15yrs old. I started at 185, 5'3" and Kyle 225 at 5'5". We both averaged about 77.5 body fat. Thats ALOT. After researching 24/7 almost constantly anyway, we followed all the preop stuff to begin a new and healthy life. My biggest concern was being able to stick to the liquid stage afterward. I mean, come on, we are eaters and that is our favorite thing to do! Pitafull, I know, BUT LIQUIDS for 21 DAYS! It was TOUGH ENOUGH sticking to the slim fast and a lean cuisine. As luck would have it, My B-day, Oct 26, and Anniv Oct 27! fell into the preop diet. So very tough. I cheated a little.

We flew into SAN. on Oct. 31, Halloween, and I passed out candy eyeballs, how lame, but fun. LOL (I think it was a way to keep my mind off of what was going to happen). We were met by a chaffeur, Fransico, drove threw rush hour traffic and took about an hour to get to the Lucenera Hotel. The security was GREAT there, and everyone friendly. We were shown our room, ate at the MX rest. (good) cheated again. Back to room, fell asleep nervously, woke up and met Mrs. Ortiz in the lobby. She drove us to the Clinic (Bev Hills style).

We checked in, saw Dr. Miranda (she went over the diet post-op) we were weighed, etc. they drew blood, (Kyle almost passed out & about 4 nurses, Dr's. came rushing, laid him down, etc.) very comforting. Next we saw the cardiologist, took a breathing test, EKG, passed everything and were ready for surgery. They gave us 2 pills to relax us (which they did very nicely).

Dr. Ortiz came in and was so funny & made you feel at ease. Talked about how weight is everything, along with being healthy. YES it is!! and he said, Kyle, today your life will change! For the better. He told Kyle to follow the rules for a couple of months, and then he said, Kyle were MANLY MEN, we eat hamb. pizza and eat MEN things, like WOOD and BARK (LOL) and after 2 months I dont care what you eat, eat anything! (Dr. Miranda might have been....a little shocked.) He said teens are the best patients, and he will lose. Kyle loved Dr. Ortiz & the nurses loved Kyle like there own son, then Kyle went back to his room, (he was having surgery 1st) I fell asleep, and was awoken by the nurse.

Kyle had been banded already, I walked in to see him, he mummbled some things, then I walked to O. R. and dont remember anything until I awoke and I was banded. Then we were encouraged to walk. Surprisingly, no pain, but we were given pain med. We were up and using the computers, called home, all the calls home were free. Stayed overnight, the beds were very comfortable, flat screen TV's with more channels then you can imagine. The service was impeccable. The nurses gave us popsicles, chicken broth, etc. Continued to take Blood Pressure, etc.

We were discharged the next morning. Another driver drove us back to the Hotel, for lunch we sipped chicken broth 1/2 cup and were stuffed! (Thanksgiving Stuffed) the same for the O.J. for breakfast the next morning. We took a taxi to the Mall, walked around, bought some things. Back at the Hotel we had a Mom & Son laugh & cry. Talked about how painful it has been that kids will be kids with the teasing of fat kids & how fabulous it is that it will soon be behind him. Kids can be ruthless, and even though you have the ability to laugh it off, the hurt lingers. Great Bonding Time. (He kept this all inside, I didn't know how this effected him) since he knows how to "give it back"

Watched the tube, went to sleep, had breakfast (the OJ). Kelly whom we were banded with the same day, rang our room to meet her and her husband in the rest. We talked for an hour or so, exchanged email and the driver was there to take us back across the border to the Airport. Flew home, and we literally cannot stop laughing from how full we feel. After drinking that O.J. 1/2 cup, at 7a.m. we were stuffed until 5pm. YA WHO. I dont want to get to "cocky", just want to enjoy the wonderful feeling's we are feeling.

I can already see a difference in Kyle's attitude about his weight, He put on a T-shirt he hasnt worn since last year, (a tight muscle T) and He was smiling from ear to ear, and so was I. Apologies for the length, but this was our experience on being banded. He is down to 210 and I am down to 175. He lost 10lbs pre-opt and I lost 8lbs. Were just a little tender but no pain. We LOVED this experience together, and for anyone considering MX. and Dr. Ortiz, it was far more then what I was expecting, and I had high expectations before going.! If your questioning TJ, MX, your probably going to be jumping out of your skin, like me, but not to worry! So, signing off, JOYFUL in AZ! :D Teri and Kyle PS. Wishing EVERYONE the BEST with whatever you decide!

I am glad you both had a wonderful time! I am 16 (and would be 17 when I want to get banded) and have been over weight... I guess you could say since I was 5 and my mom has been overweight probably her whole life. I don't know how to bring it up to her but I have thoroughly researched the lapband and I really want to get it done... I just don't know how to bring it up to her and how to ask her permission and etc. I'm thinking she will probably call me lazy or something but the fact of the matter is, is that I have eaten what they have been eating since I was a little one. I mean I do have the strength and the stamina to do something like this... I am willing to give up my complete years worth of pay checks and to do this instead of getting a car. I willing to go through the post eating and everything... I guess I am just scared to say something to her about it. I have been thinking about waiting till I have most of the money for it.... but I don't know how to bring it up and etc. ...and another problem... my parents wouldn't be able to go to TJ with me(they have no money or the time to take off) but I do have an adult who would be able to go... I am even willing to pay for their plane tix if I can do this.

I just thought I'd ask you for some help/advice on this seeing as you are a mom with a teen who got it done. So... I am asking for your advice or anybody else's one here.

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  kcmomrn said:
to Teri and any others I have shared my difficulties with I now have a sad edding to my storry.

Unfilled by Wendy April 25 after multiple addjustment and still never was right. Called Dr. Ortiz Friday and was told to come right in.

Arriving here Monday I went for an endoscopy , then the usal barium test. Without a fill absolutely nothing is moving. The band appeared in correct position and there is no errosion, but I can't even get water through. We all watch at the water and baruim tries to go down the band only to come back up which we think was causing all my chest pain and reflux. No one could give may any answers on the cause, but Tuesday today, I needed to make a decision of loosing the band or allowing them to TRY to see what they MAY find and be able to fix. In the end the later offered NO guarentees. So, I am now bandless!!! Boo Hoo!!!!!!! I will miss this band more than anything right now. This is been such an up and down battle since January, being seen @ OCC and Wendy with fill centers in arizona. In the end I hightly recommend comming to OCC for any adjustment so that their information and histories are current and they are the ones helping you make the better decisions. This was such an unforseen problem that there is noone to blame. Wish me luck as I now try to use what I have learned over the last 9 months to keep me eating right, and excersing. With only 15lbs to goal this should be possible. RIGHT????



I am so sorry for you. ><' I know the feeling of frustration with fills. May I ask why you choose to have it removed instead of finding out why it closes up. Was it something to do with swelling since the position of the band was right. While having it removed, did they see a problem when they removed it? Just curious.


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Hello Everyone,

I havent been around the forum for about a month, so thought it was time to update again. I have lost about 7 pounds since my last fill in JUNE. I was really tight the first couple of days, then, each day the tightness seems to disappear and I end up eating more and more. I think I may have a very tiny slow leak. I just dont understand why at 3.7cc I can still eat a whole meal. I do feel restriction some days, but lately, hardly at all. 7 pounds in one month is great for me though. But I am eating way to much to keep up with this pace of losing. Another trip there and sooooooooo much to do lately. Would like to head back to occ before Kyle starts back to school. He's getting braces on next Tues, and needs a fill as well. So much to squeeze in.


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  xXashbagXx said:
I am glad you both had a wonderful time! I am 16 (and would be 17 when I want to get banded) and have been over weight... I guess you could say since I was 5 and my mom has been overweight probably her whole life. I don't know how to bring it up to her but I have thoroughly researched the lapband and I really want to get it done... I just don't know how to bring it up to her and how to ask her permission and etc. I'm thinking she will probably call me lazy or something but the fact of the matter is, is that I have eaten what they have been eating since I was a little one. I mean I do have the strength and the stamina to do something like this... I am willing to give up my complete years worth of pay checks and to do this instead of getting a car. I willing to go through the post eating and everything... I guess I am just scared to say something to her about it. I have been thinking about waiting till I have most of the money for it.... but I don't know how to bring it up and etc. ...and another problem... my parents wouldn't be able to go to TJ with me(they have no money or the time to take off) but I do have an adult who would be able to go... I am even willing to pay for their plane tix if I can do this.

I just thought I'd ask you for some help/advice on this seeing as you are a mom with a teen who got it done. So... I am asking for your advice or anybody else's one here.

Surgery is a big decision not to be taken lightly. You will still have to work on food choices with the band. As far as your fears go, just research every chance you get so you are prepared. I dont think being lazy has anything to do with the way you eat. I am so opposite of lazy, I have to much energy some days. When the time is right for you to bring it up to her you will have all the answers since you will have researched. If you are determined enough to have it done, I believe you'll make it happen.


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  Teri said:

I am so sorry for you. ><' I know the feeling of frustration with fills. May I ask why you choose to have it removed instead of finding out why it closes up. Was it something to do with swelling since the position of the band was right. While having it removed, did they see a problem when they removed it? Just curious.


Basically it was an emergent situation. I was completely unfilled and hadn't had food in 5 days, and barely able to drink for 3 days. I was given the option of trying to save the band if once they got in there they could do anything, but there were no guarantees and there would be no way I could afford a third surgery if things didn't work out. I was so dehydrated that the night before my surgery they got my IV going and gave me 2 liters of fluid and some IV glucose because my blood sugar was so low. Had I not already been completely unfilled I would have had more options. I was told I had scar tissue that was under the band. They called it a "psuedo band". Dr. Martinez had said I may have some restriction for a while from that after surgery, but I don't think I did.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gosh, it's hard to believe it's been almost 8-9 months since surgery. I'm afraid to write anything because I don't want to jinx myself. It seem when I write, something out of the ordinary happens. I've been plugging along and am down 10 pounds since my last fill. YEAH!!!! Kyle needs to go back and soon, I think he weighs more then before the surgery. Bummer. Just gotta find the time to get back.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm experiencing a slight problem yesterday and this morning. Usually, when i eat to fast or take to big a bite and I get food stuck, I'll pb, then end up throwing it up, not violently, it just comes back up. I swell, cannot eat for about 6 hours, then try again with soup first, then solids. I am then opened enough for solids. Some days, i can eat a whole burito supreme from taco bell, no problems, other days, steak, you name it. It has been working this way. Yesterday, i was stuck with 2 pringle potatoe chips and was swollen the whole day. My attempt at eating homemade french onion soup worked on just the broth (just the broth at first, then got a little gutsy and added a little onions and soggy cruton, very tiny amount though.

I ended getting up every hour last night with a burning sensation in my chest, I think from the band. I had this once before when I drank cold water to fast, but it started in the evening and went away in the evening a few hours later.

I just might have to let things rest. I can drink small sips of coffee, and that is staying down, so liquids for me today. I'm down another pound for a 27 pound weight loss, and I'll take it!!

Hope your all doing well.


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Updating for my record............

Went to Wendy after phone conversation with Dr. Romero. I became very tight again, from being to swollen, couldnt hold the liquids down. Dr. Romero wanted me to be completely unfilled, with good reason. But, being the rebble I am, he then mentioned at least stay at 2.5cc. I was pretty determined to do what was right without sacrificing the progress I have made. Keeping in mind all the fills and unfills I have been through. Well, I settled for 3.0.

(Dont be mad at me DOC, I've been there before and gained 20 pounds back in 3 weeks. All this hard work I feel I'm helping to put in, and I just dont want to gain weight back. Believe me, I want to do things right, and I have been in touch with my body and the way the band works with my body. I have every intention on wanting to follow what the Doc suggested, but I know myself way to much. I figure, if I stay on liquids for one week, and they go down just fine, I will heal. And, hopefully, I will not gain weight back. If I thought for one minute, I might lose my band, I would absolutley go down to 2.5cc. I feel very good tonight with the 3.0cc I settled for, both in my mind, and the way I am reacting to the slight unfill. Wendy will be down again in the Valley one week from today, and I will adjust the fill then, if need be.

Tanks for the advice Doc. Just needed a little reasurrance from you today. :) As always, you are a sweetheart, and care so much. Wish we had lots more of you here in the U.S. :) hugs, Teri

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I feel as though I'm getting intimate with the HWY up to Heber. After getting fills on MON. 7-20, Kyle became to tight the next day, and I not enough, so my DH drove with us up to Heber to adjust. The 6 hour drive is a pain in the arssss, but it's getting better. It's very frustrating trying to peg the right amount again. I hope we have it right. Today is THURS, 4 days later, so we'll see.


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  Teri said:
Well, I feel as though I'm getting intimate with the HWY up to Heber. After getting fills on MON. 7-20, Kyle became to tight the next day, and I not enough, so my DH drove with us up to Heber to adjust. The 6 hour drive is a pain in the arssss, but it's getting better. It's very frustrating trying to peg the right amount again. I hope we have it right. Today is THURS, 4 days later, so we'll see.



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  PAMMIE said:

Thanks Pammie! I remember checking things out on this forum, and I was all over the place, researching, went to calenders and it happened to be your birthday the day I was in the calender. I wished you a happy birthday without explanation of me being everywhere on the site and it might have seemed a little funny to you, so hence the explanation now. Anyway, thanks for your encourgement.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Teri!! It's nice to see you updating often! I was curious who this 'wendy' is that you use in the Phoenix/Mesa area. Can you get me some info on her? I am in Mesa for the next 3 months & if I don't have to go to Fill Centers or back to TJ... it would be great. You have had some struggles... I hope it smooths out permanently for you. Thanks for any info!

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  QueenOfChunk said:
Teri!! It's nice to see you updating often! I was curious who this 'wendy' is that you use in the Phoenix/Mesa area. Can you get me some info on her? I am in Mesa for the next 3 months & if I don't have to go to Fill Centers or back to TJ... it would be great. You have had some struggles... I hope it smooths out permanently for you. Thanks for any info!

Hi Queenofchunk,

If you go to the Arizona topic, you will find a lot of info about Wendy, when she comes to the valley, phone numbers, etc. Good Luck. Teri

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  • 3 weeks later...
  QueenOfChunk said:
Thanks Teri! I am getting my first fill on Sept. 17 by Wendy!! =D> Dr. Ortiz would be appalled that I haven't been filled yet since my May surgery! Some restriction is welcome in my life! Haha.

So glad everything worked out for you! I was in TJ that week and took a cab over to see Dr. Romero and staff. Love those guys, all of them. Anyway, great your doing so well, keep up the great work, and I may just run into you at Wendys one day if your there at the same time. She is great too. Teri

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